Muhammad Azam Sheikh
Showing 29 publications
What are the root causes of material delivery schedule inaccuracy in supply chains?
Controlling gene expression with deep generative design of regulatory DNA
A Novel Machine Learning Based Approach for Post-OCR Error Detection
Common Spatial Pattern EEG decomposition for Phantom Limb Pain detection
Machine learning-based investigation of the cancer protein secretory pathway
Artificial intelligence for throughput bottleneck analysis – State-of-the-art and future directions
Context-Aware Optimal Charging Distribution using Deep Reinforcement Learning
A data-driven approach to diagnosing throughput bottlenecks from a maintenance perspective
A generic hierarchical clustering approach for detecting bottlenecks in manufacturing
Bayesian optimization in ab initio nuclear physics
A prognostic algorithm to prescribe improvement measures on throughput bottlenecks
Data-driven algorithm for throughput bottleneck analysis of production systems
Visualizing and mitigating delivery schedule deficiencies and inaccuracies using big data analytics
Summarizing online user reviews using bicliques
Strict group testing and the set basis problem
Two new perspectives on multi-stage group testing
New Constructions for Competitive and Minimal-Adaptive Group Testing
A toolbox for provably optimal multistage strict group testing strategies
Hypothesis-Driven Approaches to Multivariate Analysis of qPCR Data
Randomized group testing both query-optimal and minimal adaptive
Engineering Competitive and Query-Optimal Minimal-Adaptive Randomized Group Testing Strategies
Bounds for nonadaptive group tests to estimate the amount of defectives
Competitive group testing and learning hidden vertex covers with minimum adaptivity
Bounds for nonadaptive group tests to estimate the amount of defectives
Competitive group testing and learning hidden vertex covers with minimum adaptivity
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Showing 2 research projects
The potential of BigData in material supply and information sharing in supply chains