Maria Ekström

Showing 11 publications


Electromagnetically Induced Acoustic Transparency with a Superconducting Circuit

Gustav Andersson, Maria Ekström, Per Delsing
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 124 (24)
Journal article

Quantum acoustics with propagating phonons

Maria Ekström
Doctoral thesis

Cavity-free vacuum-Rabi splitting in circuit quantum acoustodynamics

Andreas Josefsson Ask, Maria Ekström, Per Delsing et al
Physical Review A. Vol. 99 (1)
Journal article

Towards phonon routing: controlling propagating acoustic waves in the quantum regime

Maria Ekström, Thomas Aref, Andreas Josefsson Ask et al
New Journal of Physics. Vol. 21 (12)
Journal article

Surface acoustic wave unidirectional transducers for quantum applications

Maria Ekström, Thomas Aref, Johan Runeson et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 110 (7)
Journal article

Towards measuring quantum sound

Maria Ekström
Licentiate thesis

Quantum Acoustics with Surface Acoustic Waves

Thomas Aref, Per Delsing, Maria Ekström et al
Superconducting Devices in Quantum Optics, p. 217-244
Book chapter

Propagating phonons coupled to an artificial atom

Martin Gustafsson, Thomas Aref, Anton Frisk Kockum et al
Science. Vol. 346 (6206), p. 207-211
Journal article

Phase transition of bismuth telluride thin films grown by MBE

Attila Fülöp, Yuxin Song, Sophie Charpentier et al
Applied Physics Express. Vol. 7 (4), p. Art. no. 045503-
Journal article

Phase transition of MBE grown Bithmuth Telluride from Bi2T3 to Bi4Te3

A Fülöp, Yuxin Song, Peixiong Shi et al
30the North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy Conference, Banff, Canada, 2013
Paper in proceeding

MBE growth of Bi2Te3 for Thermoelectrics

Yuxin Song, Sophie Charpentier, Attila Fülöp et al
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACP
Paper in proceeding

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