Andreas Fhager
Andreas Fhager is Associate Professor of Biomedical electromagnetics and the leader of this research group. As appointed Docent, he focuses his research on electromagnetic imaging methods for breast cancer detection, stroke detection and other biomedical applications of microwaves. This covers a broad range of topics including systems design, signal processing, electromagnetic modeling and optimization. Andreas Fhager is also a Co-Founder of the company Medfield Diagnostics AB, a medical device company commercializing microwave technology for safer diagnostics in health care. His teaching subjects include Electromagnetic Field Theory, Medical signals and systems and Diagnostic Imaging.

Showing 142 publications
Asymmetry Detection in a Noisy Microwave-Based Biomedical Diagnosis
Reducing Waves on the Body Surface in Near-Field Medical Diagnostics by a Dielectric Rod Antenna
Analysis of the 2D Guided Mode Propagation in a 3D Dielectric Rod Antenna
Muscle Rupture Microwave Imaging with a Lossy Gel to Reduce Multipath Interference
Fast Jacobian Matrix Formulation for Microwave Tomography Applications
Discrete Dipole Approximation-Based Microwave Tomography for Fast Breast Cancer Imaging
Investigation of an ultra wideband noise sensor for health monitoring
Application of the discrete dipole approximation in microwave breast imaging
Optimization of a microwave tomography algorithm using the DDA as a fast forward solver
3D Simulations of Intracerebral Hemorrhage Detection Using Broadband Microwave Technology
Simulation Study of a Haemorrhagic Stroke Detector and Its Performance
Phase calibration of a software defined radio system for medical applications
Reducing Motion Artifacts in Microwave-Based Hemorrhagic Stroke Detection
On the matching medium for microwave stroke diagnosis
Comparing a time-domain and frequency-domain based algorithm in microwave tomography
Integrating the discrete dipole approximation forward solver with a microwave tomography algorithm
On the electric field of microwave imaging systems using discrete dipole approximation
FDTD based simulation study of a classification based hemorrhagic stroke detector
The 2017 first ieee mtt-s international microwave bio conference
On the matching medium for microwave-based medical diagnosis
Investigation of a Time Domain Microwave System for Biomedical Applications
Effects of the Plastic of the Realistic GeePS-L2S-Breast Phantom
Microwave Diagnostics Ahead: Saving Time and the Lives of Trauma and Stroke Patients
Conformal mesh and two-step tomographic imaging of the Supelec breast phantom
A First Evaluation of the Realistic Supelec-Breast Phantom
A computational study using time reversal focusing for hyperthermia treatment planning
Comparison of Two Forward Models For Electric Field of Microwave Imaging Systems
Investigation of stimulus signals for a time domain microwave imaging system
Numerical study on image reconstructions of breast models in different matching liquids
Time domain microwave imaging system for biomedical applications
Microwave tomographic image improvement by fitting to a Cole-Cole relaxation model
Continuous tubular microwave heating of homogeneous foods: evaluation of heating uniformity
Matching Medium for Biomedical Microwave Imaging
Performance evaluation of dipole versus modified bow-tie in annular phased array applicators
Microwave System Development for Medical Diagnostics
Microwave technology in medical diagnostics and treatment
Pre-hospital diagnosis for stroke and trauma patients using microwave technology
Pre-hospital care for stroke and trauma
On the use of microwave based thermal monitoring in hyperthermia
A wearable microwave detector for diagnosing thoracic injuries-test on a porcine pneumothorax model
Development of a Time Domain Microwave System for Medical Diagnostics
On the use of different polarization measurements in microwave imaging of breast cancer tumors
Microwave-Based Stroke Diagnosis Making Global Prehospital Thrombolytic Treatment Possible
Antenna configurations of microwave breast imaging
Design and Performance Evaluation of a Time Domain Microwave Imaging System
Microwave based diagnostics and treatment
Microwave technology shows potential for detecting traumatic intracranial bleedings
Stroke diagnostics with a microwave helmet
Microwave based diagnostics and treatment in practice
On the Forward Scattering of Microwave Breast Imaging
Stroke detection and diagnosis with a microwave helmet
Using microwave technology for detecting traumatic intracranial bleedings – tests on a brain phantom
An ultrawideband microwave medical diagnostic system: Design considerations and system performance
Microwave Breast Imaging using Different Data Sets
Preliminary Investigations of Three-Dimensional Microwave Tomography using Different Data Sets
Image Reconstruction in Microwave Tomography Using a Dielectric Debye Model
A PC-controlled microwave tomographic scanner for breast imaging
Accuracy Evaluation of Ultrawideband Time Domain Systems for Microwave Imaging
Accuracy investigation of an ultra-wideband time domain microwave imaging system
Modeling and reconstruction in a 3D microwave imaging system
Electromagnetic Source Modeling using Phase Retrieval Methods
A microwave measurement system for stroke detection
A THz imaging system for biomedical applications
Effects of noise on tomographic breast imaging
A single-channel THz imaging system for biomedical applications
Analysis of Forward Scattering Data for Microwave Breast Imaging
Progress in clinical diagnostics and treatment with electromagnetic fields
Microwave imaging for medical applications
Image reconstruction in a microwave tomography prototype
Influence of noise on breast tumor detection using microwave tomography
Comparison between Two Phase Retrieval Methods for Electromagnetic Source Modeling
Microwave Tomography based Thermometry: a Feasibility Study
Stroke Detection Using a Broad Band Microwave Antenna System
Prescaling of Data for Improved Parameter Sensitivity in Biomedical Nonlinear Microwave Imaging
A 3D microwave tomographic system for breast cancer detection
Towards a clinical prototype for microwave tomography applied for breast cancer detection
Fisher information analysis and preconditioning in electrical impedance tomography
A Compact 340 GHz Heterodyne Imaging System
3D FDTD modeling of a clinical system for microwave imaging
Comparison between a time domain and a frequency domain system for microwave tomography
Antenna System for Clinical Microwave Tomography
Clinical Diagnostics and Treatment with Electromagnetic Fields
Applications of the Fisher Information Integral Operator for Inverse Problems
Investigations on the system measurement uncertainty for microwave tomography
3D Image Reconstruction in Microwave Tomography Using an Efficient FDTD Model
Accuracy evaluation of time domain measurement systems for microwave tomography
Broadband microwave based diagnostics and treatment
Fisher Information Analysis in Microwave Tomography
Time domain system for microwave tomography
A Systematic Approach to Robust Preconditioning for Gradient Based Inverse Scattering Algorithms
On the use of a priori data in microwave tomography
Computational methods for modeling of complex sources
A Fisher Information Based Gradient Scaling for Microwave Tomography
A Statistically Based Preconditioner for Two-Dimensional Microwave Tomography
Using a priori data to improve the reconstruction of small objects in microwave tomography
Near Field Modeling with Huygens Principle
Near Field Modeling with Optimization Algorithms
Optimization Algorithms for Modeling of Electromagnetic Sources
Methods for Dielectric Reconstruction in Microwave Tomography
A statistical approach to gradient scaling microwave tomography
Potential benefits of using a priori data in reconstruction algorithms for microwave tomography
Modeling of complex sources for dosimetry applications
Reconstruction Quality and Spectral Content of an Electromagnetic Time-Domain Inversion Algorithm
Time-domain Image Reconstruction in an Experimental Prototype for Breast Cancer Detection
Near Field Modeling of Complex Sources
Experimental Investigation of an Optimization Approach to Microwave Tomography
Imaging of metal prosteses in the human body experiments and simulations
Comparison of two image reconstruction algorithms for microwave tomography
Towards a mammographic microwave imaging experiment
Image reconstruction algorithms for mammographic microwave tomography
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