Erik Fridell
Showing 155 publications
Shipping in the EU emissions trading system: implications for mitigation, costs and modal split
Environmental discounts for Swedish ports and fairways: A ship owner perspective
Strong economic incentives of ship scrubbers promoting pollution
EMERGE deliverable 6.1. Baltic and North Sea report
Framework for the environmental impact assessment of operational shipping
Towards a Comprehensive Evaluation of the Environmental and Health Impacts of Shipping Emissions
Valuating environmental impacts from ship emissions – The marine perspective
Measurements of Emissions to Air from a Marine Engine Fueled by Methanol
Modeling of Leisure Craft Emissions
Framework to evaluate external costs of shipping
The costs and benefits of a nitrogen emission control area in the Baltic and North Seas
Impact of aromatic concentration in marine fuels on particle emissions
Environmental aspects of intermodal transport
Pre-study on sustainability indices for shipping
Measurements of abatement of particles and exhaust gases in a marine gas scrubber
Improved low-temperature activity for marine selective catalytic reduction systems
Reducing GHG emissions from ships in a port area
Characterization of particles from a marine engine operating at low loads
Particle- and Gaseous Emissions from an LNG Powered Ship
Fuels for short sea shipping: A comparative assessment with focus on environmental impact
On-board Measurements of Nanoparticles from a SCR-Equipped Marine Diesel Engine
Improved SCR for marine applications
Life Cycle Assessment of fuels for short sea shipping
Environmental Assessment of Two Pathways Towards the Use of Biofuels in Shipping
The influence of sulfur dioxide and water on the performance of a marine SCR catalyst
Urea-SCR for marine applications
Influence of Sulfur Dioxide on the Performance of a Marine SCR Catalyst
Environmental feasibility of biogas and biodiesel as fuel for passenger ferries
On-board measurements of particulate matter emissions from a passenger train
Emissions of particulate matters from railways – emission factors and condition monitoring
Emissions of NOX and particles from manoeuvring ships
Emissions of particulate matter from railways – onboard and tunnel measurements
Particle Emissions from Ships: Dependence on Fuel Type
Kinetic modelling of sulfur deactivation of Pt/BaO/Al2O3 and BaO/Al2O3 NOx storage catalysts
Sulfur deactivation and regeneration of Pt/BaO/Al2O3 and Pt/SrO/Al2O3 NOx storage catalysts
Methane oxidation over Pt/Al2O3 and Pd/Al2O3 catalysts under transient conditions
Uppbyggnad av EDB och spridningsberäkning samt mätning av luftföroreningar: För Ystad
Identification of adsorbed species on Cu-ZSM-5 under NH3 SCR conditions
The reduction phase in NOx storage catalysis: Effect of type of precious metal and reducing agent
Sulfur deactivation and regeneration of Pt/BaO/Al2O3 and Pt/SrO/Al2O3 NOx storage catalysts
A mechanistic study of the interaction between NOx storage catalysts and sulphur
Oxidation of CO over Pt/Al2O3 catalysts - A transient in-situ FTIR and XANES study
Platinum dispersion measurements for Pt/BaO/Al2O3, NOx storage catalysts
Global kinetic model for lean NOx traps
Sulfur deactivation of NOx storage catalysts
Role of Pt-precursor on the performance of Pt/BaCO3/Al2O3 NOx storage catalysts
CO oxidation over Pt/Al2O3 - A transient in-situ FTIR and XANES study
Model studies of sulphur deactivation of NOx storage catalysts
NOx storage on BaO: theory and experiment
The Influence of Surface Acidity on the Catalytic Reduction of NO2 under Lean Conditions.
A transient in situ FTIR and XANES study of CO oxidation over Pt/Al2O3 catalysts
CO oxidation over Pt/Al2O3 - A transient in-situ FTIR and XANES study
Storage, regeneration and deactivation phenomena related to NOx storage catalysis
Model studies of sulfur deactivation of NOx storage catalysts
Regeneration of NOx storage catalysts
Platinum oxidation and sulphur deactivation in NOx storage catalysts
The influence of surface acidity on NO2 reduction by propane under lean conditions
Characterization of NOx species adsorbed on BaO: Experiment and theory
Strategies for enhancing low-temperature activity
Reduction of stored NOx -Influence of type of reductant and precious metal
Sulphur deactivation of NOx storage catalysts; Influence exposure conditions and noble metal
Influence of the Support Acidity on the Continuous Catalytic Reduction of NO under Lean Conditions
Platinum oxidation and sulphur deactivation in NOx storage catalysts
NOx storage on BaO(100) surface from first principles: a two channel scenario
Continuous Catalytic Reduction of NO under Lean Conditions - Influence of the Support Acidity
Suppressing sulphur poisoning in NOx storage catalysts by addition of metal oxides as promotors
Fundamental studies of NOx storage catalysis
On the Catalytic Activity of Co3O4 in Low-Temperature CO Oxidation
High throughput screening for catalyst development
Induced low temperature catalytic ignition by transient changes in the gas composition
Mean Field Modelling of NOx Storage on Pt/BaO/Al2O3
A comparison between Pt and Pd in NOx storage catalysts
Improved low-temperature catalytic activity by transient changes in the gas composition
SO2 promoted oxidation of hydrocarbons
A mechanistic study of low temperature CO oxidation over cobalt oxide
Influence of sulphur carrier on the deactivation of NOx storage catalysts
Induced low-temperature catalytic ignition by transient changes in the gas composition
Influence of noble metal composition on the performance of barium based NOx storage catalysts
Deactivation of cobalt oxide at low temperature
A transient FTIR study of species formed during NOx storage in the Pt/BaO/Al2O3 system
Mean field modelling of NOx storage on Pt/BaO/Al2O3
Model studies of NOx storage and sulphur deactivation of NOx storage catalysts
Periodic control for improved low-temperature catalytic activity
SO2 promoted oxidation of ethyl acetate, ethanol and propane
A Kinetic Study of NO Oxidation and NOx Storage on Pt/Al2O3 and Pt/BaO/Al2O3
Model studies of NOx storage catalysts
Model studies of NOx storage catalysts
Microreactor for studies of low surface area model catalysts made by electron-beam lithography
A mechanistic study of low-temperature CO oxidation over cobalt oxide
Periodic control for improved low-temperature ignition
Periodic control for low-temperature ignition
Model study of NOx storage catalysts for lean-burn exhaust
Model studies of NOx storage and sulphur deactivation of NOx storage catalysts
Sulphur dioxide deactivation of NOx storage catalysts
Low temperature CO oxidation over platinum and cobalt oxide catalysts
A kinetic study of oxygen adsorption/desorption and NO oxidation over Pt/Al2O3 catalysts
Periodic gas composition control for low temperature catalytic ignition
Model studies of NOx storage and reduction of nitrogen oxides
The interaction of NOx with the surface of automobile NOx storage catalysts
NOx storage in barium-containing catalysts
Sulphur dioxide interaction with NOx storage catalysts
A kinetic study of NO oxidation over Pt/γ-Al2O3 catalysts
Influence of pre-treatment on the low-temperature activity of Pt/Ceria
In-situ FTIR characterization of NOx storage catalysts
Sulphur dioxide deactivation of NOx storage catalysts
Light-off performance over cobalt oxide- and ceria-promoted platinum and palladium catalysts
Investigations of NOx storage catalysts
An investigation of the NOx storage mechanism
Influence of the platinum-support interaction on the direct reduction of NOx under lean conditions
Catalytic oxidation of CO in cold start emissions
Investigation of NOx storage catalysts
Light-off performance over cobalt oxide- and ceria-promoted platinum and palladium catalysts
Influence of the platinum-support interaction on the direct reduction of NOx under lean conditions
OH desorption from Pt in the catalytic formation and decomposition of water
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Showing 3 research projects
Policy instruments and valuation of impact from shipping (VäSt)
Partikelmätningar på gasmotorer för fartygsdrift
Improved SCR systems for marine applications