Jelena Andric

Associate Professor at Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems image

Showing 29 publications


A multi-objective reinforcement learning-based velocity optimization approach for electric trucks considering battery degradation mitigation

Ruo Jia, Kun Gao, Shaohua Cui et al
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. Vol. 194
Journal article

Data-driven rolling eco-speed optimization for autonomous vehicles

Ying Yang, Kun Gao, Shaohua Cui et al
Frontiers of Engineering Management. Vol. 11 (4), p. 620-632
Journal article

Enhancing Urban Logistics Through Integrated Public Transit Vehicles and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Shaohua Cui, Jelena Andric, Yongjie Xue et al
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Vol. 407 SIST, p. 1-11
Paper in proceeding

Multiphysics simulation optimization framework for lithium-ion battery pack design for electric vehicle applications

Majid Astaneh, Jelena Andric, Lennart Löfdahl et al
Energy. Vol. 239
Journal article

Shape evolution of long flexible fibers in viscous flows

MohammadJavad Norouzi, Jelena Andric, Anton Vernet et al
Acta Mechanica. Vol. 233, p. 2077-2091
Journal article

System-level modeling and thermal simulations of large battery packs for electric trucks

Anandh Ramesh Babu, Jelena Andric, Blago Minovski et al
Energies. Vol. 14 (16)
Journal article

Lithium-ion Battery Pack Design for Electric Vehicles Using GT-AutoLion: Multi-Physics Simulation and Multi-Criteria Optimization Approach

Majid Astaneh, Jelena Andric, Lennart Löfdahl et al
Global Gamma Technologies Virtual Conference
Other conference contribution

Calibration Optimization Methodology for Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Model for Electric Vehicles in Mining Applications

Majid Astaneh, Jelena Andric, Lennart Löfdahl et al
Energies. Vol. 13 (14)
Journal article

Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Modelling for Electric Vehicles in Mining Applications Using GT-AutoLion

Majid Astaneh, Jelena Andric, Lennart Löfdahl et al
Other conference contribution

Calibration Procedure for Measurement-Based Fast Running Model for Hardware-in-the-Loop Powertrain Systems

Jelena Andric, Daniel Schimmel, Jakob Heide
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2020-April (April)
Journal article

A numerical investigation of thermal engine encapsulation concept for a passenger vehicle and its effect on fuel consumption

Blago Minovski, Jelena Andric, Lennart Löfdahl et al
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. Vol. 233 (3), p. 557-571
Journal article

A Coupled 1D–3D Numerical Method for Buoyancy-Driven Heat Transfer in a Generic Engine Bay

Blago Minovski, Lennart Löfdahl, Jelena Andric et al
Energies. Vol. 12 (21), p. 4156-
Journal article

Development and Calibration of One Dimensional Engine Model for Hardware-in-the-Loop Applications

Jelena Andric, Daniel Schimmel, Anton D. Sediako et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2018-April
Journal article

Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Modeling with Layered Artificial Neural Network Structures

Anton D. Sediako, Jelena Andric, Jonas Sjöblom et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2018-April
Journal article

Toward an Effective Virtual Powertrain Calibration System

Ethan Faghani, Jelena Andric, Jonas Sjöblom
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2018-April
Journal article

Intrinsic Design of Experiments for Modeling of Internal Combustion Engines

Jonas Sjöblom, Jelena Andric, Ethan Faghani
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2018-April
Journal article

A computational study of the impacts of driving aggressiveness on fuel consumption sensitivity in a parallel HEV

Jelena Andric, Sudip Sarkar
The 7th International Conference & Workshop REMOO–2017, 10-12 May 2017, Venice, Italy
Paper in proceeding

A computational parametric analysis of cavitating flows in injector nozzles

Jelena Andric
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation. Vol. 37 (4), p. 220-226
Journal article

Impact of Conventional and Electrified Powertrains on Fuel Economy in Various Driving Cycles

Mehmet Sarp Mamikoglu, Petter Dahlander, Jelena Andric
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2017-March (March)
Journal article

Particle-level simulations of flocculation in a fiber suspension flowing through a diffuser

Jelena Andric, Stefan B. Lindström, Srdjan Sasic et al
Thermal Science. Vol. 21, p. S573-S583
Journal article

Numerical study of the effects of driving patterns on energy flow and fuel consumption in parallel hybrid electric vehicles

Jelena Andric
The 6th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Tara, June 19-21, Serbia
Paper in proceeding

Ballistic deflection of fibres in decelerating flow

Jelena Andric, Stefan B. Lindström, Srdjan Sasic et al
International Journal of Multiphase Flow. Vol. 85, p. 57-66
Journal article

Rheological properties of dilute suspensions of rigid and flexible fibers

Jelena Andric, Stefan B. Lindström, Srdjan Sasic et al
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 212, p. 36-46
Journal article

Numerical modeling of air-fiber flows

Jelena Andric
Doctoral thesis

Numerical investigation of fiber flocculation in the air flow of an asymmetric diffuser

Jelena Andric, Stefan B. Lindström, Srdjan Sasic et al
Proceedings of the ASME 2014 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting and 12th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, FEDSM 201, August 3-7, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Paper in proceeding

A particle-level rigid fiber model for high-Reynolds number flow, implemented in a general-purpose CFD code

Jelena Andric, Stefan B. Lindström, Srdjan Sasic et al
8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow ICMF 2013, Korea
Paper in proceeding

A study of a flexible fiber model and its behavior in DNS of turbulent channel flow

Jelena Andric, Sam Fredriksson, Stefan B. Lindström et al
Acta Mechanica. Vol. 224 (10), p. 2359-2374
Journal article

Description and validation of a flexible fiber model, implemented in a general-purpose CFD code

Jelena Andric, Stefan B. Lindström, Srdjan Sasic et al
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow ICMF 2013, Korea
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 11 research projects


Simulation-based and field tests for evaluating multi-dimensional performances of intelligent connected vehicles

Kun Gao Geology and Geotechnics
Jelena Andric Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Xiaobo Qu Geology and Geotechnics

2 publications exist

Battery Ageing Prediction and Optimization in a Fleet of Electric Autonomous Vehicles

Kun Gao Transportgruppen
Yang Liu Transportgruppen
Xiaobo Qu Transportgruppen
Jelena Andric Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems


AI-cloud-based Vehicle Management Strategies for Electrified Vehicles

Kun Gao Transportgruppen
Jelena Andric Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Yang Liu Geology and Geotechnics
Chalmers AI Research Centre (CHAIR)


Transition to electric Public Transit systems (e-PT): Infrastructure planning, transit design and operations, and individualized battery management

Xiaobo Qu Geology and Geotechnics
Lingshu Zhong Geology and Geotechnics
Balázs Adam Kulcsár Automatic Control
Jelena Andric Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Jiaming Wu Geology and Geotechnics
Swedish Energy Agency


RHEA: Demand-supply asymmetRy mitigation witH modular Electric bus plAtforms

Xiaobo Qu Geology and Geotechnics
Pinar Boyraz Baykas Crash Analysis and Prevention
Jelena Andric Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Balázs Adam Kulcsár Automatic Control
Jiaming Wu Geology and Geotechnics

1 publication exists

AI based state of charge estimator for battery management system for electric vehicles

Jelena Andric Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems


Interaction between micro and macro processes in battery-powered vehicles

Henrik Ström Fluid Dynamics
Dario Maggiolo Fluid Dynamics
Jelena Andric Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Swedish Energy Agency

5 publications exist

Electrical and thermal modelling of battery pack

Torbjörn Thiringer Electrical Machines and Power Electronics
Jelena Andric Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Alexey Vdovin Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems


System-level optimization of Lithium-ion batteries for improved range of operation

Jelena Andric Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Henrik Ström Fluid Dynamics


Virtuell Motor Kalibrering (VirCal)

Jonas Sjöblom Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Ali Ghanaati Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Jelena Andric Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems


Virtual Engine Calibration (VirCal)

Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Jelena Andric Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Ali Ghanaati Engines and Propulsion Systems

There might be more projects where Jelena Andric participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.