Jiajia Chen
Showing 45 publications
Neural network-assisted decision-making for adaptive routing strategy in optical datacenter networks
Hybrid Trusted/Untrusted Relay Based Quantum Key Distribution over Optical Backbone Networks
Free-Space Transmissions in the Upper-and Lower-THz Bands Assisted with Photonics
Photonics in intra-datacenter networks: Architecture and future developments
Modeling and Minimizing Spontaneous Raman Scattering for QKD Secured DWDM Networks
SOA pattern effect mitigation by neural network based pre-equalizer for 50G PON
Minimizing Spontaneous Raman Scattering Noise for Quantum Key Distribution in WDM Networks
Scalable Federated Learning over Passive Optical Networks
Enabling technologies for low-latency service migration in 5G transport networks [Invited]
Free-Space Communications Enabled by Quantum Cascade Lasers
Mark ratio modulation over pulse position modulation
Optics-simplified DSP for 50 Gb/s PON downstream transmission using 10 Gb/s optical devices
Neural network-assisted routing strategy selection for optical datacenter networks
Enabling Technologies for Optical Data Center Networks: Spatial Division Multiplexing
Disaggregated Data Centers: Challenges and Trade-offs
Kernel Affine Projection for Nonlinearity Tolerant Optical Short Reach Systems
Bandwidth Slicing to Boost Federated Learning over Passive Optical Networks
Supporting Low-Latency Service Migration in 5G Transport Networks
300 Gbps Short-Reach C-Band Optical Links
200 Gbps/lane IM/DD Technologies for Short Reach Optical Interconnects
300+ Gbps Short-Reach Optical Communications
5G Transport networks: Capacity, latency and cost (invited)
Multi-tenant secret-key assignment over quantum key distribution networks
Theory of Robot Mind: False belief attribution to social robots in children with and without autism
Toward Terabit Digital Radio over Fiber Systems: Architecture and Key Technologies
Embedding quantum key distribution into optical telecom communication systems
Optical Networks in Data Centers
Kernel mapping for mitigating nonlinear impairments in optical short-reach communications
Kernel affine projection for compensating nonlinear impairments in optical direct detection systems
Techno-economic and business feasibility analysis of 5G transport networks
100 Gbaud PAM4 link without EDFA and post-equalization for optical interconnects
Iterative point-wise reinforcement learning for highly accurate indoor visible light positioning
Lattice pilot aided DMT transmission for optical interconnects achieving 5.82-bits/Hz per lane
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Showing 6 research projects
Robust Federated Learning against Low-quality and Corrupted Data
Platform for Gender Initiatives in Distributed Quantum Machine Learning
Platform for Gender Initiatives in Distributed Quantum Machine Learning
Enabling Scalable and Sustainable Data Center Networks
Gröna optiska kopplingsarkitekturer för datacentra.
5G System Technological Enhancements Provided by Fiber Wireless Deployments