Christopher John Kenneth Williams
Showing 32 publications
The architectural application of shells whose boundaries subtend a constant solid angle
Internal Force and Moment Surfaces for Shells
The geometry of the flow of forces and moments across a shell
The structural behaviour of masonry bridges designed as hydrostatic shells
The geometry of the equilibrium of forces and moments in shells
Should Torroja’s prestressed concrete Alloz aqueduct be thought of as a beam or a shell?
Design of tension structures and shells using the Airy stress function
Form-finding of shells containing both tension and compression using the Airy stress function
Adaptive bone re-modelling for optimization of porous structural components
The Use of Peridynamic Virtual Fibres to Simulate Yielding and Brittle Fracture
The construction of new masonry bridges inspired by Paul Séjourné
Tensioned principle curvature cable nets on minimal surfaces
Unloaded prestressed shell formed from a closed surface unattached to any supports
A building of unlimited height
Architecture and Engineering - education of Form and Force
The design , fabrication and assembly of an asymptotic timber gridshell
Architecture from textiles in motion
Design, fabrication and assembly of a geodesic gridshell in a student workshop
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2018
The use of virtual work for the formfinding of fabric, shell and gridshell structures
Conference Workshop 9: Textile architecture (in)formed by wind - Design processes and tools
Form Finding Nodal Connections in Grid Structures
Sculptural form finding with bending action
From a weightless bent wire coat hanger to shell structures via the beltrami stress tensor
Prestressed gridshell structures
Brick patterns on shells using geodesic coordinates
The Equilibrium of Corrugated Plates and Shells
Graphic statics using discontinuous Airy stress functions
Shell Structures for Architecture: Form Finding and Optimization
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Showing 1 research projects
3D printed nodes for structural steelwork connections in civil engineering and architecture