Jan Kjärstad
Showing 49 publications
Sammanställning av råvarupotential för förnybar drivmedelsproduktion från biomassa
Samverkan kring infrastruktur för transport och lagring av koldioxid
Legal and regulatory framework for Swedish/Norwegian CCS cooperation
Preem CCS - Synthesis of main project findings and insights
Conditions for CCS and Bio-CCS in Sweden
Finansieringsmöjligheter för större infrastrukturprojekt för klimatomställning i Västsverige
Avskiljning, transport och lagring av koldioxid i Sverige Behov av forskning och demonstration
The threat to climate change mitigation posed by the abundance of fossil fuels
Modelling bio-CCS deployment across iron and steel plants in Europe
A Strategy for Early Deployment of BECCS in Basic Industry - A Swedish Case Study
Linking the Effect of Reservoir Injectivity and CO 2 Transport Logistics in the Nordic Region
Ship transport – a low cost and low risk CO2 transport option in the Nordic countries
The role of biomass to replace fossil fuels in a regional energy system - the case of West Sweden
Regional Distribution of Renewable Energy and the Abundance of Fossil Fuels
Recommendations on CO2 transport solutions
Koldioxidavskiljning inom europeisk massa- och pappersindustri
Transport of CO2 in the nordic region
Infrastructure for CCS in the Skagerrak/Kattegat region, Southern Scandinavia: A feasibility study
Sustainable use of energy carriers in the Kattegat/Skagerrak-region - a regional case study
Perspectives on the potential for CCS in the European pulp and paper industry
Prospects for CCS in the EU energy roadmap to 2050
The importance of CO2 capture and storage: A geopolitical discussion
Fossil Fuels: Climate Change and Security of Supply
CCS in the Skagerrak/Kattegat area
The importance of CO2 Capture and Storage - a geopolitical discussion
Prospects for CO2 capture in European industry
Co-firing biomass with coal for electricity generation-An assessment of the potential in EU27
Assessment of the potential for CO2 capture in European heavy industries
Ramp-up of large-scale CCS infrastructure in Europe
Resources and future supply of oil
Co-firing biomass with coal for electricity generation—An assessment of the potential in EU27
The potential for biomass co-firing with coal in EU27
Ramp-up of CO2 capture and storage within Europe
Prospects of the European Gas Market
Mapping energy infrastructures - a study of the european gas infrastructure
Clean coal technologies and the future, Plenary Lecture.
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Showing 3 research projects
Koldioxifri skandinavisk industri
Sustainable European Energy Systems