Michael Alexander Bergmann
Showing 35 publications
Ultraviolet-B Resonant-Cavity Light-Emitting Diodes with Tunnel Junctions and Dielectric Mirrors
Increased Light Extraction of Thin-Film Flip-Chip UVB LEDs by Surface Texturing
The quest for ultraviolet vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
Thin-film flip-chip UVB LEDs realized by electrochemical etching
Influence of detuning and surface roughness on the lasing threshold of optically pumped UVB VCSELs
Low-Threshold AlGaN-based UVB VCSELs enabled by post-growth cavity detuning
Electrochemical etching – a key enabler for thin-film VCSELs and LEDs?
Single-mode lasing in optically pumped UVB VCSELs with circular relief structures
Thin-film UV VCSELs and LEDs by electrochemical etching
Blue and UV VCSELs: today and tomorrow
Advances in ultraviolet-emitting vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
A 310 nm Optically Pumped AlGaN Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser
Out of the blue: ultraviolet vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
Smooth GaN membranes by polarization-assisted electrochemical etching
Impact of polarization fields on electrochemical lift-off of GaN membranes
Recent progress for blue VCSELs and challenges to move to UV
Thin-film ultraviolet light-emitting diodes realized by electrochemical etching of AlGaN
Thin-film flip-chip UVB LEDs realized by electrochemical etching
A 310 nm optically pumped AlGaN VCSEL with two dielectric distributed Bragg reflectors
Prospects and challenges for UV LEDs and UV lasers with tunnel junctions
Are blue and ultraviolet VCSELs a reality or just a dream?
UVB-emitting vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser
Pushing performance in blue and UV VCSELs by nanometer structuring
UVB-emitting vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
Electrochemical etching of AlGaN for the realization of thin-film devices
Blue and ultraviolet thin-film light emitters
Blue and ultraviolet vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
Prospects and challenges for UV LEDs and UV lasers with tunnel junctions
Vertical AlGaN-microcavity with two dielectric distributed Bragg reflectors emitting at 330 nm
Towards ultraviolet and blue microcavity lasers
Thin-film UVB LEDs enabled by electrochemical etching of AlGaN
Nanoscale structuring to improve laser performance
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