Mafalda Samuelsson-Gamboa
Mafalda is a doctoral candidate and design researcher at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg. She has a Master in Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture at Lisbon University. She is an avid advocate of first-person perspectives as an essential component of design research and has written a number of autoethnographies including on her experience of pregnancy. Her focus is on design sensibilities understood through practice and ethnography. With a background in architecture, she has a strong interest in making-oriented methods such as photography, sketching, stickers, embroidery, and collages. Currently, her research is funded by the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program – Humanities and Society (WASP-HS) funded by the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation. Her project is centred on "The rise of social drones: A constructive design research agenda."

Showing 30 publications
Prototyping Playful Touch with a Sound-Mediating Table
A Zine for Feminist Design of Reproductive Technologies
More Samples of One: Weaving First-Person Perspectives into Mainstream HCI Research
In Praise of Shadows: Sensibility and Somaesthetic Appreciation for Shadows in Interaction Design
Critical Perspectives in Human-Robot Interaction Design
Ethnography for HRI: Embodied, Embedded, Messy and Everyday
The Undertable: A Design Remake of the Mediated Body
Wisp: Drones as Companions for Breathing
Screenshots as Photography in Gamescapes: An Annotated Psychogeography of Imaginary Places
SketCHI 5.0: Diversity & Accessibility at the core of Sketching in HCI
Is There a Need for Critical Robotics Research?
Conversational Composites: A Method for Illustration Layering
From the Ground Up: Designerly Knowledge in Human-Drone Interaction
TTRPG UX: Requirements & Beyond
Is it Art, is it HCI? Exploring Tensions Between Practice and Research
Championing Design Knowledge in Human-Drone Interaction Research
Conversations with Myself: Sketching Workshop Experiences in Design Epistemology
Nebula: Artistic Somaesthetic Appreciation with Biosignals in Virtual Reality
Collection of Metaphors for Human-Robot Interaction
Ritual drones: Designing and studying critical flying companions
DroRun: Drone visual interactions to mediate a running group
Azalea: Co-experiencing Embodied Information in Remote Communication
ArQuest: Augmented reality in education
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Showing 2 research projects
UAVs in the medical courier system in Västra Götaland
The Rise of Social Drones: A Constructive Research Agenda