Per-Erik Josephson

Showing 108 publications


Aggregation of factors causing cost overruns and time delays in large public construction projects: Trends and implications

Abderisak Adam, Per-Erik Josephson, Göran Lindahl
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. Vol. 24 (3), p. 393-406
Journal article

Stakeholders' views and experiences of leadership education in construction: suggestions for improvements

Christine Räisänen, Per-Erik Josephson, Bert Luvö
8th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization. Vol. 21, p. 540-547
Paper in proceeding

The use and non-use of time in new construction of residential buildings: the case of Sweden

Per-Erik Josephson, Chao Mao
Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate (CRIOCM 2012), p. 635-642
Paper in proceeding

Hur ska man utbilda i ledarskap? Fallet byggproduktionsledare

Per-Erik Josephson, Christine Räisänen, Bert Luvö

Developing Capabilities for Public Construction Clients

Abderisak Adam, Göran Lindahl, Per-Erik Josephson
Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on the Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, 7-9 Nov 2014, Chongqing
Paper in proceeding

Use and non-use of time in new construction of multi-dwelling buildings in Sweden

Per-Erik Josephson, Mao Chao
International Journal of Construction Management. Vol. 14 (1), p. 37-46
Journal article

Implications of cost overruns and time delays on major public construction projects

Abderisak Adam, Per-Erik Josephson, Göran Lindahl
Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on the Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, 7-9 Nov 2014, Chongqing
Paper in proceeding

Tools to prevent waste in material flow in housing projects

Tobias Karlsson, Per-Erik Josephson
Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate (CRIOCM 2012), p. 757-768
Paper in proceeding

Managers and craftsmen perceptions of operational strategies based on lean philosophy: The case of a large Swedish construction company

Jonathan Dahl, David Nordgren, Per-Erik Josephson
Proceedings of The 19th International Symposium on the Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, 7-9 Nov 2014, Chongqing
Paper in proceeding

Integration barriers for purchasing organisation in a large construction company: towards requisite disintegration

Mikael Frödell, Per-Erik Josephson, Christian Koch
The IMP Journal. Vol. 7 (1), p. 46-58
Journal article

Även obekväma resultat måste redovisas

Per-Erik Josephson
Byggindustrin (27), p. 28-
Magazine article

Construction Workers’ View on Standardised Work Procedures and its Influences on Freedom and Innovation

Proceeding CITC VII, Bangkok, 19-21 Dec
Paper in proceeding

In-housing or out-sourcing on-site materials handling in housing?

Samuel Lindén, Per-Erik Josephson
Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology. Vol. 11 (1), p. 90-106
Journal article

Var skapas värde?

Per-Erik Josephson, Magnus Borglund

Uncertainties in subcontractor procurement: the case of scaffolding

Christian Legnerot, Christian Lyckell, Per-Erik Josephson
Proceeding, CITC-VII, Bangkok 19-21 Dec
Paper in proceeding

Why do work sampling studies in construction? The case of plumbing work in Scandiavia

Per-Erik Josephson, Lasse Björkman
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. Vol. 20 (6), p. 589-603
Journal article

Practices in bidding process of contractors: a comparative study between China and Sweden

Jun Ying LIU, Per-Erik Josephson
Proceedings of CITC-VII, Bangkok, 19-21 Dec
Paper in proceeding

Produktivitetsförbättra med innovationer - organisera för högre processivitet och kapacitetsutnyttjande

Per-Erik Josephson
Bygginnovationers förutsättningar och effekter (ed. Jan Bröchner), Vinnova Rapport, VR 2012:09, p. 64-71
Book chapter

Reproduction of exchange relationships: Changing focus from organisations to individuals

Mikael Frödell, Per-Erik Josephson
Proceedings of the Joint CIB International Conference: Management of Construction: Research to Practice, 26-29 June 2012, Montreal, Canada
Paper in proceeding

Diversity Management through board representation in construction

Martine Buser, Christian Koch, Per-Erik Josephson
Proceedings of the Joint CIB International Conference: Management of Construction: Research to Practice, 26-29 June 2012, Montreal, Canada
Paper in proceeding

Impediments to measuring construction site managers’ performance

Vo Thanh Cong, Per-Erik Josephson
Proceedings of the Joint CIB International Conference: Management of Construction: Research to Practice, 26-29 June 2012, Montreal, Canada
Paper in proceeding

Consumption of human resources in construction projects: a value adding perspective

Proceedings of the Joint CIB International Conference: Management of Construction: Research to Practice, 26-29 June 2012, Montreal, Canada
Paper in proceeding

Framgång och feltänk i förbättringsarbetet. Beakta resursförbrukningen i produktivitetsutvecklingen!

Per-Erik Josephson
Landin, A., och Lind, H. Hur står det egentligen till med den svenska byggsektorn? Perspektiv från forskarvärlden, p. 23-34
Book chapter

Vad kostar materialet, egentligen? Exempel för armeringsprodukter

Per-Erik Josephson, Thomas Eriksson, Mikael Frödell

Arbetstidens användning vid VVS-montage - en fråga om struktur och ledarskap

Per-Erik Josephson, Lasse Björkman, Rolf Kling

31 recommendations for increased profit - reducing waste

Per-Erik Josephson, Lasse Björkman

Kvalitetsbristkostnader i byggandet - lärdomar från annan industri

Per-Erik Josephson, Johnny Lindström

What do managers mean by saying "I appreciate the freedom on site"

Pim Polesie, Mikael Frödell, Per-Erik Josephson
Proceedings of CIB 2010 World Congress
Paper in proceeding

Beyond the Design Fix - New Industrialisation in Contractor’s Supplier Relationships

Christian Koch, Mikael Frödell, Per-Erik Josephson et al
Proceedings of CIB 2010 World Congress, 10-13 May 2010, Salford Quays, UK
Paper in proceeding

Understanding resources waste reduction priorities in Swedish construction

Per-Erik Josephson, Pim Polesie, Mikael Frödell
Proceedings of CIB Joint International Symposium 2009: Construction Facing Worldwide Challenges, 27-30 Sep 2009, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Paper in proceeding

Implementing standardisation in medium-sized construction Firms: facilitating site managers’ feeling of freedom through bottom-up approach

Pim Polesie, Mikael Frödell, Per-Erik Josephson
17th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, IGLC17; Taipei; Taiwan; 13 July 2009 through 19 July 2009, p. 317-326
Paper in proceeding

Swedish construction clients' views on project success and measuring performance

Mikael Frödell, Per-Erik Josephson, Göran Lindahl
Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology. Vol. 6 (1), p. 21-32
Journal article

How to reduce waste of resources in construction

Per-Erik Josephson, Lasse Saukkoriipi
Transformation through construction. Joint 2008 CIB W065/W055 Symposium Proceedings, Dubai 15-17 Nov 2008
Paper in proceeding

Organisera och leda för lärande i bygg- och anläggningsprojekt

Per-Erik Josephson, Alexander Styhre, Ingeborg Wasif
Report - The Swedish Construction Federation

Initiating supplier development through value stream analysis: The case of Skanska Sweden and its largest supplier

Mikael Frödell, Per-Erik Josephson
CIB W65/55 Commissions: Transformation through Construction
Paper in proceeding

Individual learning in construction projects: professions and their approaches

Ingeborg Wasif, Per-Erik Josephson, Alexander Styhre
The Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building. Vol. 8 (2), p. 50-60
Journal article

Learning approaches for housing, service and infrastructure project organizations

Ingeborg Knauseder, Per-Erik Josephson, Alexander Styhre
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 25 (8), p. 857-867
Journal article

Measuring performance in construction projects: the case of the Swedish "Best Practice tool"

Per-Erik Josephson, Johnny Lindström
Proceedings, Construction for Development, CIB-conference in Cape Town 14-18 May 2007, p. 383-394
Paper in proceeding

Waste in construction projects: call for a new approach

Per-Erik Josephson, Lasse Saukkoriipi

Poor quality costs in medium-sized construction companies: what can be learned from other industries

Laurentiu Dobresco, Kristian Holm, Magdalena Låstbom et al
Proceedings, Construction for Development, CIB World Building Congress, Cape Town 14-18 May 2007, p. 63-74
Paper in proceeding

Coaching the site manager: Effects on learning and managerial practice

Per-Erik Josephson, Alexander Styhre
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 25 (10-12), p. 1295-1304
Journal article

Lärande i byggprojekt pågår - men alla får inte feedback

Per-Erik Josephson, Ingeborg Knauseder, Alexander Styhre
Husbyggaren (2), p. 42-44
Magazine article

Organizational learning in non-writing communities: the case of construction workers

Alexander Styhre, Per-Erik Josephson, Ingeborg Knauseder
Management Learning. Vol. 37 (1), p. 83-100
Journal article

Poor quality costs in large construction companies: what can be learned from other industries?

Peter Abramsson, Sara Edmark, Sofie Ewers et al
Proceedings of CRIOCM 2006 International Research Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, Beijing, China, Volume 2, pp 558-565
Paper in proceeding

Waste in construction projects: a client perspective

Lasse Saukkoriipi, Per-Erik Josephson
CIB W065/W055/W086
Paper in proceeding

Challenges when developing tools for measuring construction excellence: a Swedish case

Per-Erik Josephson, Johnny Lindström, Mikael Frödell
Construction in the XXI Century: Local and global challenges, Symposium Proceedings, October 18-20 2006, Rome, Italy
Paper in proceeding

Revisiting site manager work: stuck in the middle?

Alexander Styhre, Per-Erik Josephson
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 24 (5), p. 521-528
Journal article

Minskat slöseri för ökad konkurrenskraft

Per-Erik Josephson, Lasse Saukkoriipi
V-byggaren (1), p. 42-45
Magazine article

Measuring performance within Swedish construction project organizations: learnings from other tools

Per-Erik Josephson, Mikael Frödell, Alf Karlsson et al
Proceedings of CRIOCM 2006 International Research Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, Beijing, China, 3-5 Nov 2006, Volume 2, pp. 51-58
Paper in proceeding

Identifying management research prioirities

Jan Bröchner, Per-Erik Josephson, Johan Alte
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 23 (8), p. 793-796
Journal article

Management i byggsektorn – teman som branschverksamma prioriterar

Jan Bröchner, Per-Erik Josephson
Väg- och vattenbyggaren (1), p. 46-47
Magazine article

Sharing experiences between construction project organisations

Ingeborg Knauseder, Per-Erik Josephson, Alexander Styhre
CIB W102 Information and Knowledge Management in Building, Meeting and International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management in a Global Economy, 19-20 May, 2005,Lisboa, Portugal, p. 609-617
Paper in proceeding

Slöseri i byggprojekt: behov av förändrat synsätt

Per-Erik Josephson, Lasse Saukkoriipi

What do construction workers do? Direct observations in housing projects

Jesper Strandberg, Per-Erik Josephson
Proceedings of 11th Joint CIB Interational Symposium Combining Forces, Advacing Facilities management and Construction through Innovation, Helsinki 13-16 June 2005. Vol. 3, p. 184-193
Paper in proceeding

Factors influencing organizational learning capabilities in construction projects: results from a questionnaire study

Per-Erik Josephson, Ingeborg Knauseder, Alexander Styhre
Proceedings of the 4th Triennial International Conference for CIB W99: Rethinking and revitalizing construction safety, health, environment and quality, Port Elizabeth 17-20 May 2005, p. 76 - 89
Paper in proceeding

Poor quality costs in the central governments budget: the influence on costs for construction projects

Per-Erik Josephson, Lasse Saukkoriipi
Proceedings of 11th Joint CIB Interational Symposium Combining Forces, Advacing Facilities management and Construction through Innovation, Helsinki 13-16 June 2005. Vol. 3, p. 352-357
Paper in proceeding

Centrum för management i byggandet - ett fungerande nätverk

Per-Erik Josephson
Miljöforskning för ett uthålligt samhälle, Formas
Magazine article

Waste i husbyggnadsproduktion

Jesper Strandberg, Per-Erik Josephson

Poor quality costs in construction projects: a customer perspective

Per-Erik Josephson, Lasse Saukkoriipi
Triennial International Conference for CIB W99: Rethinking and revitalizing construction safety, health, environment and quality, p. 518-527
Journal article

Kvalitetsbristkostnader - nya dimensioner

Per-Erik Josephson, Lasse Saukkoriipi
SFK-Byggs Årskrönika 2005, p. 23-26
Magazine article

Role of error-recovery process in projects

Per-Erik Josephson, P.E.D. Love
Journal of Management in Engineering. Vol. 20 (2), p. 70-79
Journal article

Learning capabilities in organizational networks: case studies of six construction projects

Alexander Styhre, Per-Erik Josephson, Ingeborg Knauseder
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 22 (9), p. 957-966
Journal article

Byggsektorns utvecklingsbehov inom managementområdet

Johan Alte, Jan Bröchner, Per-Erik Josephson

Lära av projekt väg till framgång

Per-Erik Josephson, Ingeborg Knauseder, Alexander Styhre
Husbyggaren (6), p. 26-30
Magazine article

Construction Process Improvement

Brian Atkin, Jan Borgbrant, Per-Erik Josephson
Edited book

Non value-adding activities in building projects: a preliminary categorization

Per-Erik Josephson, Lasse Saukkoriipi
International Group of Lean Construction. Vol. 11
Paper in proceeding

Core Rigidities in Construction Projects

Alexander Styhre, Per-Erik Josephson, Ingeborg Knauseder
Core Rigidities in Construction Projects, Presented at the 17th Nordic Conference on Business Studies, 14 – 16 August 2003, Reykjavik, Island
Other conference contribution

Lärande i byggprojekt - det bortglömde framgångsreceptet

Per-Erik Josephson, Ingeborg Knauseder, Alexander Styhre
Magazine article

Collaboration, Learning and Working Processes in Project Groups in Partnering Projects

Göran Lindahl, Per-Erik Josephson
Proceedings of the Joint International Symposium of CIB W55, W65 and W107 Knowledge Construction, Singapore, 22-24 Oct, 2003
Paper in proceeding

Knowledge Transfer within Construction Projects

Ingeborg Knauseder, Alexander Styhre, Per-Erik Josephson
Proceedings of the 3rd Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation, 23 – 24 April 2003, Lund, Sweden, p. 229 - 237
Paper in proceeding

Managing Project Culture - the Case of the Hotel Gothia Towers Project

Göran Lindahl, Per-Erik Josephson
Proceedings of CIB TG 23 International Conference Professionalism in Construction: Culture of High Performance, Hong Kong, 26-27 Oct 2003
Paper in proceeding

The Hotel Gothia Towers: a successful partnering project

Göran Lindahl, Per-Erik Josephson
3rd Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization, p. 275-285
Journal article

Employees’ acceptance of the implementation of quality management systems: a case study of a Swedish technical consultancy company

S Ideberg, F Lindholm, S Rosander et al
3rd Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation, p. 199-208
Journal article

Broadband services for residential and commercial tenants: a categorization of current and future services and a survey on tenants needs in Sweden

M Aronsson, D Tholén, Per-Erik Josephson et al
Building and Environment. Vol. 38 (2), p. 347-358
Journal article

Learning Capability in Construction Projects: from the Learning Organization to the Learning Project

Ingeborg Knauseder, Per-Erik Josephson, Alexander Styhre
Paper in proceeding

Self-esteem and appreciation: a forgotten human need in housing for Scandinavian retirees in warmer climates?

Johanna Andersson, Per-Erik Josephson
3rd Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation, p. 61-70
Paper in proceeding

Measuring poor quality costs as short projects: the case of a construction company

Per-Erik Josephson, Henrik Brodén, Fredrik Karlsson et al
International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century. Vol. 2
Journal article

Project Leadership Influence on Human Error Cost

Per-Erik Josephson
Procurement Systems & Technology Transfer, Proceedings of the International Symposium of the Working Commission CIB W92, January 14-17 2002, Trinidad & Tobago, p. 485-495
Paper in proceeding

Non value-adding costs in building projects: the missing thoughts

Per-Erik Josephson, Peter Samuelsson
Proceedings of First International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities in Management and Technology, Miami, Florida, USA, 25-26 April 2002, p. 17-24
Paper in proceeding

Illustrative Benchmarking Rework and Rework Costs in the Swedish Construction Industry

Per-Erik Josephson, Bengt Larsson, H Li
ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering. Vol. 18 (2), p. 76-83
Journal article

Swedish construction culture, quality management and collaborative practices

Jan Bröchner, Per-Erik Josephson, Anna Kadefors
Building Research and Information. Vol. 30 (6), p. 392-400
Journal article

How to detect humans errors earlier?

Per-Erik Josephson, Bengt Larsson
Construction Economics and Organization, Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization 24-25 April 2001, Göteborg, Sweden, p. 211-218
Paper in proceeding

The costs of detecting human errors in building projects

Per-Erik Josephson, Peter Love, Bengt Larsson
Proceedings International Conference on Costs and Benefits Related to Quality and Safety and Health in Construction, 22-23 October, Barcelona, Spain, p. 191-200
Paper in proceeding

Why do we communicate in building projects?

Bo Carlsson, Per-Erik Josephson
Construction Economics and Organization, Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization 24-25 April 2001, Göteborg, Sweden, p. 165-172
Paper in proceeding

Kommunikation i byggprojekt - verkligheter och möjligheter

Bo Carlsson, Per-Erik Josephson

Communication in building projects: empirical results and future needs

Bo Carlsson, Per-Erik Josephson, Bengt Larsson
Performance in Product and Practice, Proceedings of CIB World Building Congress 2nd to 6th April 2001, Wellington, New Zealand
Paper in proceeding

Determining the indirect costs associated with rework in building construction projects

Peter Love, Per-Erik Josephson, Theo Haupt
Proceedings International Conference on Costs and Benefits Related to Quality and Safety and Health in Construction, 22-23 October, Barcelona, Spain
Paper in proceeding

The role of early detection of human errors in building projects

Per-Erik Josephson, Bengt Larsson
Performance in Product and Practice, Proceedings of CIB World Building Congress 2nd to 6th April 2001, Wellington, New Zealand
Paper in proceeding

Construction Economics and Organization

Jan Bröchner, Per-Erik Josephson, Bengt Larsson
Edited book

What we know and not know about poor quality costs in building projects: some experiences

Per-Erik Josephson
Implementation of Construction Quality and related Systems, Proceedings of International Conference CIB TG36 in Lisbon 18-21 June 2000, p. 281-290
Paper in proceeding

Strategies for error reduction in building: attitudes to continuity and control in seven projects

Per-Erik Josephson, Jan Bröchner
Construction Economics and Organization, Proceedings of the Nordic Seminar on Construction Economics and Organization 12-13 April 1999, Göteborg, Sweden., p. 265-272
Paper in proceeding

The Cost of Defects in Construction

Per-Erik Josephson, Yngve Hammarlund
Automation in Construction. Vol. 8, p. 681-687
Journal article

Effective management of building production – Two case studies

Per-Erik Josephson
Customer satisfaction: A focus for research & practice in construction, Proceedings of a Joint Triennial Symposium CIB W65 and W55 in Cape Town 5-10 September 1999, p. 706-715
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of methods for studying environmental errors in building and civil engineering projects

Pernilla Gluch, Per-Erik Josephson
Proceedings of the Nordic Seminar on Construction Economics and Organization 12-13 April 1999, p. 137-144
Paper in proceeding

Byggarbetsledarens situation – är den möjlig att förändra?

Kjell Fröjdendahl, Göran Nilsson, Karin Sjöbris et al
Construction Economics and Organiization, Proceedings of the Nordic Seminar on Construction Economics and Organization 12-13 April 1999, Göteborg, Sweden, p. 147-154
Paper in proceeding

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