Per-Erik Josephson
Visar 108 publikationer
Hur ska man utbilda i ledarskap? Fallet byggproduktionsledare
The use and non-use of time in new construction of residential buildings: the case of Sweden
Developing Capabilities for Public Construction Clients
Implications of cost overruns and time delays on major public construction projects
Use and non-use of time in new construction of multi-dwelling buildings in Sweden
Tools to prevent waste in material flow in housing projects
Även obekväma resultat måste redovisas
Practices in bidding process of contractors: a comparative study between China and Sweden
Uncertainties in subcontractor procurement: the case of scaffolding
Why do work sampling studies in construction? The case of plumbing work in Scandiavia
In-housing or out-sourcing on-site materials handling in housing?
Produktivitetsläget i svenskt byggande 2013, nybyggnad flerbostadshus och kontor
Reproduction of exchange relationships: Changing focus from organisations to individuals
Diversity Management through board representation in construction
Consumption of human resources in construction projects: a value adding perspective
Impediments to measuring construction site managers’ performance
Vad kostar materialet, egentligen? Exempel för armeringsprodukter
Framgång och feltänk i förbättringsarbetet. Beakta resursförbrukningen i produktivitetsutvecklingen!
31 recommendations for increased profit - reducing waste
Arbetstidens användning vid VVS-montage - en fråga om struktur och ledarskap
What do managers mean by saying "I appreciate the freedom on site"
Kvalitetsbristkostnader i byggandet - lärdomar från annan industri
Beyond the Design Fix - New Industrialisation in Contractor’s Supplier Relationships
Understanding resources waste reduction priorities in Swedish construction
31 rekommendationer för ökad lönsamhet i byggandet – att minska slöseriet
How to reduce waste of resources in construction
Organisera och leda för lärande i bygg- och anläggningsprojekt
Swedish construction clients' views on project success and measuring performance
Individual learning in construction projects: professions and their approaches
Projektledarskap i bygg- och anläggningsprojekt: Förbättrat ledarskap genom coaching?
Measuring performance in construction projects: the case of the Swedish "Best Practice tool"
Learning approaches for housing, service and infrastructure project organizations
Kv Krönet - En studie av ett samverkansprojekt med strategi att minska felkostnader
Poor quality costs in medium-sized construction companies: what can be learned from other industries
Waste in construction projects: call for a new approach
Coaching the site manager: Effects on learning and managerial practice
Organizational learning in non-writing communities: the case of construction workers
Lärande i byggprojekt pågår - men alla får inte feedback
Poor quality costs in large construction companies: what can be learned from other industries?
Waste in construction projects: a client perspective
Revisiting site manager work: stuck in the middle?
Measuring performance within Swedish construction project organizations: learnings from other tools
Minskat slöseri för ökad konkurrenskraft
Challenges when developing tools for measuring construction excellence: a Swedish case
What do construction workers do? Direct observations in housing projects
Centrum för management i byggandet - ett fungerande nätverk
Identifying management research prioirities
Management i byggsektorn teman som branschverksamma prioriterar
Sharing experiences between construction project organisations
Slöseri i byggprojekt: behov av förändrat synsätt
Poor quality costs in construction projects: a customer perspective
Kvalitetsbristkostnader - nya dimensioner
Role of error-recovery process in projects
Byggsektorns utvecklingsbehov inom managementområdet
Lära av projekt väg till framgång
Learning capabilities in organizational networks: case studies of six construction projects
Construction Process Improvement
Core Rigidities in Construction Projects
Non value-adding activities in building projects: a preliminary categorization
Knowledge Transfer within Construction Projects
Learning Capability in Construction Projects: from the Learning Organization to the Learning Project
Measuring poor quality costs as short projects: the case of a construction company
Managing Project Culture - the Case of the Hotel Gothia Towers Project
Lärande i byggprojekt - det bortglömde framgångsreceptet
The Hotel Gothia Towers: a successful partnering project
Collaboration, Learning and Working Processes in Project Groups in Partnering Projects
Project Leadership Influence on Human Error Cost
Kvalitetsfelkostnader på 90-talet : en studie av sju byggprojekt, andra upplagan
Swedish construction culture, quality management and collaborative practices
Non value-adding costs in building projects: the missing thoughts
Illustrative Benchmarking Rework and Rework Costs in the Swedish Construction Industry
Roller, relationer och kunskapsuppbyggnad i partnerlika organisationer: Hotel Gothia Towers
Why do we communicate in building projects?
How to detect humans errors earlier?
The costs of detecting human errors in building projects
Kommunikation i byggprojekt - verkligheter och möjligheter
Determining the indirect costs associated with rework in building construction projects
The role of early detection of human errors in building projects
Communication in building projects: empirical results and future needs
Det konstiga är att vi inte upptäckte felet tidigare - betydelsen av tidig felupptäckt i byggprojekt
Construction Economics and Organization
What we know and not know about poor quality costs in building projects: some experiences
The Cost of Defects in Construction
Strategies for error reduction in building: attitudes to continuity and control in seven projects
Evaluation of methods for studying environmental errors in building and civil engineering projects
Effective management of building production Two case studies
Tre nycklar till framgångsrik byggproduktion Förtroende, tydlighet och stöd
Byggarbetsledarens situation är den möjlig att förändra?
Defects and defect costs in construction - a study of seven building projects in Sweden
Causes of defects in construction - a study of seven building projects in Sweden
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