Quan Jin
Quan Jin is Senior Researcher in the research group Sustainable Building at the Division of Building Technology, and in the Area of advance Energy. She conducts research on indoor environmental quality from multiple disciplinary perspectives, and their impact on building energy efficiency and occupant health and comfort. The goal is to create tools and knowledge to improve human well-being and productivity in sustainable buildings while minimizing the energy consumption.
She is core member of REHVA TRC, commission member of CIB W098, editorial board member of Journal Intelligent Buildings International, and was awarded the SCANVAC prize for Young Researcher 2019.

Showing 20 publications
Methods to Obtain the Occupant Perspective
Theory of Attractive Quality: Occupant satisfaction with indoor environmental quality at workplaces
Necessary conditions for multi-domain indoor environmental quality standards
Personal comfort systems: A review on comfort, energy, and economics
An international review of occupant-related aspects of building energy codes and standards
The Scales Project, a cross-national dataset on the interpretation of thermal perception scales
SSO User Insight Toolbox for employees’ health, well-being and productivity
Development of the ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database II
Research Roadmap for Intelligent and Responsive Buildings
Equivalent temperature based comfort zone study under task/ambient conditioning system
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Showing 5 research projects
Energy performance and occupant satisfaction in green-certified office buildings
Users’ impact on domestic energy consumption
Furbish Sustainable Hospitals (FSH)
Climate-KIC Building Technologies Accelerator – Smart Sustainable Offices (SSO)