Robin Teigland
If you love knowledge, set it free! Robin Teigland is Professor of Strategy and Management of Digitalization in the Entrepreneurship and Strategy Division. Robin is a Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), member of the Productivity Commission for Sweden's Ministry of Finance, and board member of Luftfartsverket (LFV - Sweden's leading actor in air traffic control for civil and military aviation and related services). Robin's publications can be found here, and her research interests are at the intersection of strategy, technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship: Robin is Chairman of Co-creating Better Blue (C2B2), a research program funded by Mistra - Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research. C2B2 runs 2023-2027 and comprises 11 research organizations and initially 25 stakeholders from industry and public sector. During 2019-2023, Robin was Director of Ocean Data Factory, Sweden’s first national ocean data lab. Robin is also an impact entrepreneur developing a blue circular economy in Portugal under the Peniche Ocean Watch Initiative and startups: Circular Ocean LDA in Portugal and Ekbacken Studios AB in Sweden. Prior to Chalmers, Robin was Professor of Business Administration, with a specialization in Strategic Information Systems Management at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), where she earned her PhD in 2003 and became SSE’s sixth female professor in 2015 since its founding in 1909. She was also listed several years by the Swedish business magazine, Veckans Affärer, as one of Sweden’s most influential women, primarily in technology, and in 2019, she was ranked as one of Sweden’s top 100 public speakers. Robin grew up in Nashville, Tennessee. She does not sing, but she did try learning to play the banjo. :-) She holds a B.A. in Economics with Distinction from Stanford University, an MBA from the Wharton School, an MA in International Studies from the University of Pennsylvania, and a PhD in Business Administration from the Stockholm School of Economics. She also has a range of work experiences, such as venture capital in Silicon Valley, consulting for McKinsey & Co. in Sweden and Spain, an entrepreneur in Norway, production operations for Esso in Chile, stock brokerage in Spain, and international banking in USA. In her free time, she enjoys learning from her five children as well surfing longboard waves near her Go4Surf surf school in Peniche, Portugal. More information can be found at or by googling her.
• Digital innovation networks and knowledge creation and diffusion, e.g., open source software communities, digital entrepreneurial ecosystems
• Digitalization and influence of disruptive technologies, e.g., AI, blockchains, 3D printing, virtual reality, on the future of the firm, labor and value creation in society
• Circular economy and social impact through digitally-enabled circular economies
• New industrial revolution and future of the Swedish welfare state and the nation state
Robin is developing the circular economy through the twin transition of manufacturing. She is Director of the project SuRF-LSAM (Developing Sustainable Resilient circular economy microFactories with LSAM), a three-year project co-financed by Vinnova/Produktion2030/FORMAS/Energymyndigheten. SuRF-LSAM aims to establish a global network of circular economy microfactories through implementing microfactories in Portugal and Sweden, recycling polymer waste for LSAM materials, and optimizing LSAM processes.

Showing 19 publications
AI och digitaliseringens betydelse för EU:s framtida arbetsmarknad: Scenarier och implikationer
Machine Learning (ML) as a surrogate model for early-stage energy optimization
Circular Ecosystem Emergence and Orchestration by Sustainable Entrepreneurs
Large Scale Additive Manufacturing of Recycled Polymer Composites
The Emergence of a Circular Additive Manufacturing Ecosystem from a Circular Economy Initiative
The digital transformation of labor: Automation, the gig economy and welfare
Digital transformation and public services: Societal impacts in Sweden and beyond
MiniTrack: Advances in trust, identity, and trusted systems in technology-mediated environments
An introduction to digital welfare a way forward?
AI leadership and the future of corporate governance: Changing demands for board competence
The trust revolution blockchain’s potential to resolve institutional inefficiencies?
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Showing 7 research projects
SuRF-LSAM: Developing Sustainable Resilient circular economy microFactories with LSAM
Stakeholder-specific environmental and economic optimization of buildings in early design stages
The Crossroads of AI & Innovation Management The Challenges of AI for Sustainable and Innovative Corporate Governance