Bengt Ew Nilsson

Professor Emeritus at Physics

Image of Bengt Ew Nilsson

Showing 56 publications


The complete Kaluza-Klein spectra of N = 1 and N = 0 M-theory on AdS<inf>4</inf>× (squashed S<sup>7</sup>)

Joel Karlsson, Bengt Ew Nilsson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2024 (2)
Journal article

Squashed 7-spheres, octonions and the swampland

Bengt Ew Nilsson
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 2912 (1)
Paper in proceeding

De-Higgsing in eleven-dimensional supergravity on the squashed S<sup>7</sup>

Bengt Ew Nilsson, C. N. Pope
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. Vol. 57 (4)
Journal article

On the squashed seven-sphere operator spectrum

Simon Ekhammar, Bengt E W Nilsson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2021 (12)
Journal article

The role of singletons in S <sup>7</sup> compactifications

Bengt E W Nilsson, A. Padellaro, C. N. Pope
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2019 (7)
Journal article

On the conformal higher spin unfolded equation for a three-dimensional self-interacting scalar field

Bengt E W Nilsson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2016 (8), p. 142-
Journal article

The non-linear coupled spin 2 - spin 3 Cotton equation in three dimensions

Hampus Linander, Bengt E W Nilsson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2016 (7)
Journal article

Towards an exact frame formulation of conformal higher spins in three dimensions

Bengt E W Nilsson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2015 (9), p. Art. no. 78-
Journal article

Off-shell structure of twisted (2,0) theory

Ulf Gran, Hampus Linander, Bengt E W Nilsson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2014 (11)
Journal article

Critical solutions of topologically gauged N=8 CFTs in three dimensions

Bengt E W Nilsson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2014 (4)
Journal article

Critical solutions of topologically gauged N = 8 CFTs in three dimensions

Bengt E W Nilsson
ArXiv/hepth, p. 1304.2270-
Magazine article

Rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds, Picard Eisenstein series and instantons

Ling Bao, Axel Kleinschmidt, Bengt E W Nilsson et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 462 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Topologically gauged superconformal Chern-Simons matter theories.

Bengt E W Nilsson, Ulf Gran, Paul Howe
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2012 (12), p. 046-
Journal article

Higgsing M2 to D2 with gravity: N=6 chiral supergravity from topologically gauged ABJM theory

X. Chu, H. Nastase, Bengt E W Nilsson et al
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2011 (4), p. Art. no 040-
Journal article

D=3, N=8 conformal supergravity and the Dragon window

Martin Cederwall, Ulf Gran, Bengt E W Nilsson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2011 (9)
Journal article

Three-dimensional topologically gauged N=6 ABJM type theories

X. Chu, Bengt E W Nilsson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2010 (6), p. Art. no 057-
Journal article

Rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds, Picard Eisenstein series and instantons

Bengt E W Nilsson, Ling Bao, Axel Kleinschmidt et al
roceedings of 6th International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS6), Lexington, Kentucky, 20-25 Jul 2009.
Paper in proceeding

Instanton Corrections to the Universal Hypermultiplet and Automorphic Forms on SU(2,1).

Bengt E W Nilsson, Ling Bao, Daniel Persson et al
Communications in Number Theory and Physics. Vol. 4 (1), p. 187-266
Journal article

Higgsing M2 to D2 with gravity: N=6 chiral supergravity from topologically gauged ABJM theory

Bengt E W Nilsson, Horatiu Nastase, Constantinos Papagaorgakis
arXiv:1012.5969 [hep-th]
Magazine article

Superconformal M2-branes and generalized Jordan triple systems

Bengt E W Nilsson, Jakob Palmkvist
Classical and Quantum Gravity. Vol. 26 (7), p. Article Number: 075007 -
Journal article

Three-dimensional topologically gauged N=6 ABJM theories

Bengt E W Nilsson, X. Chu
arXiv: 0906.1655 [hep-th], p. 25 pages-
Magazine article

Three-dimensional N=8 superconformal gravity and its coupling to BLG M2-branes

Ulf Gran, Bengt E W Nilsson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2009 (3)
Journal article

Light-cone analysis of ungauged and topologically gauged BLG theories

Bengt E W Nilsson
Classical and Quantum Gravity. Vol. 26 (17)
Journal article

Instanton Corrections to the Universal Hypermultiplet and Automorphic Forms on SU(2,1)

Daniel Persson, Bengt E W Nilsson, Ling Bao et al
Preprint: arXiv:0909.4299 [hep-th], p. 55 pages-
Magazine article

Pure spinors and D=6 super-Yang-Mills

Martin Cederwall, Bengt E W Nilsson
Journal article

A note on topological M5-branes and string-fivebrane duality

Ling Bao, Martin Cederwall, Bengt E W Nilsson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2008 (6), p. 11-
Journal article

On relating multiple M2 and D2-branes

Ulf Gran, Bengt E W Nilsson, Christoffer Petersson
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2008 (10)
Journal article

Aspects of higher curvature terms and U-duality

Ling Bao, Martin Cederwall, Bengt E W Nilsson
Classical and Quantum Gravity. Vol. 25 (9)
Journal article

U-Duality and the Compactified Gauss-Bonnet Term

Ling Bao, Johan Bielecki, Martin Cederwall et al
Journal of High Energy Physics
Journal article

A Note on Topological M5-branes and String-Fivebrane Duality

Ling Bao, Martin Cederwall, Bengt E W Nilsson

Membranes for Topological M-Theory

Ling Bao, Viktor Bengtsson, Martin Cederwall et al
Journal of High Energy Physics
Journal article

String theory and cosmology

Bengt E W Nilsson, Ulf Danielsson, Ariel Goobar
Edited book

String theory and cosmology, Nobel symposium no. 127 Sigtuna, Sweden, August 14-19, 2003

Bengt E W Nilsson, Ulf Danielsson, Ariel Goobar
Edited book

U-duality Covariant Membranes

Viktor Bengtsson, Martin Cederwall, Henric Larsson et al
J. High Energy Phys. 0502 (2005) 020
Journal article

Supersymmetric Corrections to Eleven-Dimensional Supergravity

Martin Cederwall, Ulf Gran, Bengt E W Nilsson et al
J. High Energy Phys. 0505 (2005) 052
Journal article

Spinorial cohomology of abelian d=10 super-Yang-Mills at alpha'^3

Martin Cederwall, Bengt E W Nilsson, Dimitrios Tsimpis
J. High Energy Phys.. Vol. 12, p. 005-
Journal article

D=10 Super-Yang-Mills at O(alpha'^2)

Martin Cederwall, Bengt E W Nilsson, Dimitrios Tsimpis
J. High Energy Phys.. Vol. 07, p. 042-
Journal article

Deformation Independent Open Brane Metrics and Generalized Theta Parameters

David S. Berman, Martin Cederwall, Ulf Gran et al
J. High Energy Phys.. Vol. 02, p. 012-
Journal article

The Structure of Maximally Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory: Constraining Higher-Order Corrections

Martin Cederwall, Bengt E W Nilsson, Dimitrios Tsimpis
J. High Energy Phys.. Vol. 06, p. 034-
Journal article

Spinorial Cohomology and Maximally Supersymmetric Theories

Martin Cederwall, Bengt E W Nilsson, Dimitrios Tsimpis
J. High Energy Phys.. Vol. 02, p. 009-
Journal article

Holographic Noncommutativity

David S. Berman, Vanicson Lima Campos, Martin Cederwall et al
J. High Energy Phys. Vol. 05, p. 002-
Journal article

Generalised 11-Dimensional Supergravity

Martin Cederwall, Ulf Gran, Mikkel Nielsen et al
proceedings of the Triangle Meeting ``Non-perturbative Methods in Field and String Theory'', NORDITA, Copenhagen, June 19-22, 2000, and the International Conference ``Quantization, Gauge Theory and Strings'' in memory of Efim Fradkin, Moscow, June 5-10, 2000.
Paper in proceeding

Manifestly Supersymmetric M-Theory

Martin Cederwall, Ulf Gran, Mikkel Nielsen et al
J. High Energy Phys.. Vol. 10, p. 041-
Journal article

Holomorphic factorization of correlation functions in (4k+2)-dimensional (2k)-form gauge theory

Måns Henningson, Bengt E W Nilsson, Per Salomonson
Journal of high energy physics. Vol. 9909, p. 008-
Journal article

(p,q) five-branes in nonzero B-field

Martin Cederwall, Ulf Gran, Mikkel Nielsen et al
J. High Energy Phys. 0001:037,2000
Journal article

Goldstone tensor modes

Tom Adawi, Martin Cederwall, Ulf Gran et al
J. High Energy Phys. 9902:001,1999
Journal article

Finite tensor deformations of supergravity solitons

Martin Cederwall, Ulf Gran, Magnus Holm et al
J. High Energy Phys. 9902:003,1999
Journal article

An action for the superfive-brane in D=11 supergravity

Martin Cederwall, Bengt E W Nilsson, Per Sundell
J. High Energy Phys. 9804:007,1998
Journal article

Superembeddings, nonlinear supersymmetry and five-branes

Tom Adawi, Martin Cederwall, Ulf Gran et al
Journal article

The Dirichlet super three-brane in ten-dimensional type IIB supergravity

Martin Cederwall, Alexander von Gussich, Bengt E W Nilsson et al
Journal article

On the Dirac-Born-Infeld action for D-branes

Martin Cederwall, Alexander von Gussich, Aleksandar Mikovic et al
Journal article

The Dirichlet super p-branes in ten-dimensional type IIA and IIB supergravity

Martin Cederwall, Alexander von Gussich, Bengt E W Nilsson et al
Journal article

Low energy dynamics of monopoles in N=2 SYM with matter

Martin Cederwall, Gabriele Ferretti, Bengt E W Nilsson et al
Mod.Phys.Lett. A11 (1996) 367
Journal article

Schwinger terms and cohomology of pseudodifferential operators

Martin Cederwall, Gabriele Ferretti, Bengt E W Nilsson et al
Commun.Math.Phys. 175 (1996) 203
Journal article

Higher-dimensional loop algebras, non-abelian extensions and p-branes

Martin Cederwall, Gabriele Ferretti, Bengt E W Nilsson et al
Nucl.Phys.B424 (1994) 97
Journal article

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