Bengt Ew Nilsson

Showing 56 publications
Squashed 7-spheres, octonions and the swampland
De-Higgsing in eleven-dimensional supergravity on the squashed S<sup>7</sup>
On the squashed seven-sphere operator spectrum
The role of singletons in S <sup>7</sup> compactifications
On the conformal higher spin unfolded equation for a three-dimensional self-interacting scalar field
The non-linear coupled spin 2 - spin 3 Cotton equation in three dimensions
Towards an exact frame formulation of conformal higher spins in three dimensions
Off-shell structure of twisted (2,0) theory
Critical solutions of topologically gauged N=8 CFTs in three dimensions
Critical solutions of topologically gauged N = 8 CFTs in three dimensions
Rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds, Picard Eisenstein series and instantons
Topologically gauged superconformal Chern-Simons matter theories.
Aspects of topologically gauged M2-branes with six supersymmetries: towards a 'sequential AdS/CFT'?
Higgsing M2 to D2 with gravity: N=6 chiral supergravity from topologically gauged ABJM theory
D=3, N=8 conformal supergravity and the Dragon window
Three-dimensional topologically gauged N=6 ABJM type theories
Rigid Calabi-Yau threefolds, Picard Eisenstein series and instantons
Instanton Corrections to the Universal Hypermultiplet and Automorphic Forms on SU(2,1).
Higgsing M2 to D2 with gravity: N=6 chiral supergravity from topologically gauged ABJM theory
Superconformal M2-branes and generalized Jordan triple systems
Three-dimensional topologically gauged N=6 ABJM theories
Three-dimensional N=8 superconformal gravity and its coupling to BLG M2-branes
Light-cone analysis of ungauged and topologically gauged BLG theories
Instanton Corrections to the Universal Hypermultiplet and Automorphic Forms on SU(2,1)
Pure spinors and D=6 super-Yang-Mills
A note on topological M5-branes and string-fivebrane duality
On relating multiple M2 and D2-branes
Aspects of higher curvature terms and U-duality
U-Duality and the Compactified Gauss-Bonnet Term
A Note on Topological M5-branes and String-Fivebrane Duality
Membranes for Topological M-Theory
String theory and cosmology, Nobel symposium no. 127 Sigtuna, Sweden, August 14-19, 2003
Supersymmetric Corrections to Eleven-Dimensional Supergravity
Spinorial cohomology of abelian d=10 super-Yang-Mills at alpha'^3
D=10 Super-Yang-Mills at O(alpha'^2)
Deformation Independent Open Brane Metrics and Generalized Theta Parameters
The Structure of Maximally Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory: Constraining Higher-Order Corrections
Spinorial Cohomology and Maximally Supersymmetric Theories
Generalised 11-Dimensional Supergravity
Manifestly Supersymmetric M-Theory
Holomorphic factorization of correlation functions in (4k+2)-dimensional (2k)-form gauge theory
(p,q) five-branes in nonzero B-field
Finite tensor deformations of supergravity solitons
An action for the superfive-brane in D=11 supergravity
Superembeddings, nonlinear supersymmetry and five-branes
The Dirichlet super three-brane in ten-dimensional type IIB supergravity
On the Dirac-Born-Infeld action for D-branes
The Dirichlet super p-branes in ten-dimensional type IIA and IIB supergravity
Low energy dynamics of monopoles in N=2 SYM with matter
Schwinger terms and cohomology of pseudodifferential operators
Higher-dimensional loop algebras, non-abelian extensions and p-branes
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