Ulrika Engström Palme
Ulrika Palme is a senior lecturer at Environmental Systems Analysis. She has a master’s degree in biology from the University of Gothenburg and arrived at Chalmers after working for some years in a small innovation company in the waste industry and as a teacher in upper secondary school. She graduated in 2007 with a thesis on indicators for sustainable development of urban water systems. Her main research interests are still various aspects and applications of sustainable development indicators, now primarily with focus on land use. Since 2011 she is on the board of Mistra Innovation, since 2013 a member of the scientific council on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Swedish EPA, and since 2016 in the steering group of the Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre.
The research field of Ulrika Palme is indicators for sustainable development, either as standalone tools, or as part of methods such as life cycle assessment and multi criteria analyses. Her research in the field started in urban water systems, continued to business corporations and their work towards sustainable development, and is now, since a few years back, mainly about sustainable land use and biodiversity indicators in this context.
Showing 33 publications
The Bioeconomy–Biodiversity Nexus: Enhancing or Undermining Nature’s Contributions to People?
Defining the reference situation for biodiversity in Life Cycle Assessments
Embedding of ESD in engineering education: Experiences from Chalmers University of Technology
Markanvändningens effekter på växthusgaser, biologisk mångfald och vatten
Land management meeting several environmental objectives - Knowledge compilation and system analyses
Sustainable Development Information Flows along Product Chains at Eka Chemicals
Good examples of education for sustainable development at Chalmers: achievements and limitations
On Prerequisites for the Application of Sustainable Development Indicators in Urban Water Management
Multiple conceptions of sustainable urban water systems: problem or asset?
Embedding of ESD in engineering education - experiences from Chalmers University of Technology
Sustainability in the supply chains - analysis of current work practices and way forward
Sustainable development indicators: how are they used in Swedish water utilities?
The role of indicators in developing sustainable urban water systems
Indikatorer för hållbar utveckling av urbana VA-system? Fältstudie Stockholm Vatten AB
Indikatorer för hållbar utveckling av urbana VA-system? Fallstudie Uppsala (In Swedish)
Indicators in sustainable development of urban water systems: case study and literature study
Uthållighetsindikatorer för avloppshantering - ett samarbetsprojekt mellan forskare och praktiker
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Showing 7 research projects
Samverkan för biologisk mångfald - kunskap, känsla, krafttag (SamBio)
Biomass production and conversion in sustainably managed landscapes, part 2
Biomass production and conversion in sustainably managed landscapes
Bio-LCA: Biodiversity indicators in life cycle assessments in forestry and agriculture
Beslutsstöd för samhällets kritiska flöden
Short rotation forestry – biofuel production in harmony with environmental goals