Ulrika Engström Palme

Senior Lecturer at Environmental Systems Analysis

Ulrika Palme is a senior lecturer at Environmental Systems Analysis. She has a master’s degree in biology from the University of Gothenburg and arrived at Chalmers after working for some years in a small innovation company in the waste industry and as a teacher in upper secondary school. She graduated in 2007 with a thesis on indicators for sustainable development of urban water systems. Her main research interests are still various aspects and applications of sustainable development indicators, now primarily with focus on land use. Since 2011 she is on the board of Mistra Innovation, since 2013 a member of the scientific council on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Swedish EPA, and since 2016 in the steering group of the Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre.

The research field of Ulrika Palme is indicators for sustainable development, either as standalone tools, or as part of methods such as life cycle assessment and multi criteria analyses. Her research in the field started in urban water systems, continued to business corporations and their work towards sustainable development, and is now, since a few years back, mainly about sustainable land use and biodiversity indicators in this context.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Ulrika Engström Palme

Showing 33 publications


The Bioeconomy–Biodiversity Nexus: Enhancing or Undermining Nature’s Contributions to People?

Mairon G. Bastos Lima, Ulrika Engström Palme
Conservation. Vol. 2 (1), p. 7-25
Journal article

Reference situations for biodiversity in life cycle assessments: conceptual bridging between LCA and conservation biology

Emke Vrasdonk, Ulrika Palme, Tommy Lennartsson
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 24 (9), p. 1631-1642
Journal article

Environmental impact assessment in Brazilian Amazonia: Challenges and prospects to assess biodiversity

Camila Ritter, G. McCrate, R. Henrik Nilsson et al
Biological Conservation. Vol. 206, p. 161-168
Other text in scientific journal

Defining the reference situation for biodiversity in Life Cycle Assessments

Emke Vrasdonk, Ulrika Palme, Tommy Lennartsson et al
10th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2016. Book of Abstracts, p 620-628
Paper in proceeding

A comparison of two different biodiversity assessment methods in LCA-a case study of Swedish spruce forest

Maria Lindqvist, Ulrika Palme, J. P. Lindner
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 21 (2), p. 190-201
Journal article

Life Cycle Assessment of Phosphorus Sources from Phosphate ore and urban sinks: Sewage Sludge and MSW Incineration fly ash

Yuliya Kalmykova, Ulrika Palme, Siyang Yu et al
International Journal of Environmental Research. Vol. 9 (1), p. 133-140
Journal article

Total Material Requirement assessment of Phosphorus sources from phosphate ore and urban sinks: sewage sludge and MSW incineration fly ash

Yuliya Kalmykova, Ulrika Palme, Karin Karlfeldt Fedje et al
International Journal of Environmental Research. Vol. 9 (3), p. 561-566
Journal article

Rethinking ecosystem services – special focus on cultural services. Session and workshop at PESCRL 2014.

Gunilla Almered Olsson, Petra Andersson, Ulrika Palme
Unraveling the logics of landscape’ Permanent Conference of the European Rural Landscapes, 26th session, PECSRL conference, Gothenburg & Mariestad, September 2014.. Vol. 2014, p. 212-216
Other conference contribution

Embedding of ESD in engineering education: Experiences from Chalmers University of Technology

Magdalena Svanström, Ulrika Palme, Maria Knutson Wedel et al
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. Vol. 13 (3), p. 279-292
Journal article

Silver i produktkedjan: Från konsumentvaror till avloppsslam

Derek Diener, Ulrika Palme

Land management meeting several environmental objectives - Knowledge compilation and system analyses

Mats Olsson, Petra Andersson, Tommy Lennartsson et al

Sustainable Development Information Flows along Product Chains at Eka Chemicals

Ulrika Palme, Henrikke Baumann, Karin Andersson Halldén et al
International Society for Industrial Ecology 2011
Paper in proceeding

Good examples of education for sustainable development at Chalmers: achievements and limitations

Ulrika Palme
Engineering Education in Sustainable Development, Gothenburg, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Integration and implementation of sustainable development aspects in the master's programme "Geo and Water Engineering"

Ulrika Palme, Anna Nyström Claesson, Thomas Pettersson et al
Engineering Education in Sustainable Development, Gothenburg, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

On Prerequisites for the Application of Sustainable Development Indicators in Urban Water Management

Ulrika Palme
Sustainability. Vol. 2 (1), p. 92-116
Journal article

Multiple conceptions of sustainable urban water systems: problem or asset?

Ulrika Palme
Water Policy. Vol. 12 (3), p. 425-443
Journal article

Embedding of ESD in engineering education - experiences from Chalmers University of Technology

Magdalena Svanström, Michael Eden, Thomas Nyström et al
Engineering Education in Sustainable Development, Gothenburg, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Sustainability in the supply chains - analysis of current work practices and way forward

Ulrika Palme
4th International Conference on Life Cycle Management, 6-9 September 2009
Paper in proceeding

Lyft blicken från slammet!

Ulrika Palme, Sverker Molander, Anne-Marie Tillman
Dagens samhälle
Magazine article

Sustainable urban water systems in indicators: researchers' recommendations versus practice in Swedish utilities

Ulrika Palme, Anne-Marie Tillman
Water Policy. Vol. 11 (2), p. 250-268
Journal article

Sustainable development indicators: how are they used in Swedish water utilities?

Ulrika Palme, Anne-Marie Tillman
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 16 (13), p. 1346-1357
Journal article

Sustainable development indicators for urban water systems? Case studies on prerequisites and demand.

Ulrika Palme
11th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference
Paper in proceeding

Sustainable development indicators for wastewater systems - researchers and indicator users in a co-operative case study

Ulrika Palme, Margareta Lundin, Anne-Marie Tillman et al
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 43 (3), p. 293-311
Journal article

Indicators in sustainable development of urban water systems: case study and literature study

Ulrika Palme
Water and environment management series. Young Researchers 2004. / edited by Piet Lens, p. 147-155
Paper in proceeding

Towards useful sustainable development indicators for urban water systems: case study at a German water company

Ulrika Palme, Oliver Mayer-Spohn
4th IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, Marrakech, 19-24 September
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 7 research projects


Samverkan för biologisk mångfald - kunskap, känsla, krafttag (SamBio)

Ulrika Palme Environmental Systems Analysis
Region Västra Götaland


Biomass production and conversion in sustainably managed landscapes, part 2

Anne-Marie Tillman Environmental Systems Analysis
Ulrika Palme Environmental Systems Analysis
Mathias Janssen Environmental Systems Analysis
Magdalena Svanstrom Environmental Systems Analysis


Biomass production and conversion in sustainably managed landscapes

Anne-Marie Tillman Environmental Systems Analysis
Mathias Janssen Environmental Systems Analysis
Ulrika Palme Environmental Systems Analysis


Bio-LCA: Biodiversity indicators in life cycle assessments in forestry and agriculture

Anne-Marie Tillman Environmental Systems Analysis
Christel Cederberg Physical Resource Theory
Emke Vrasdonk Environmental Systems Analysis
Ulrika Palme Environmental Systems Analysis

1 publication exists

Beslutsstöd för samhällets kritiska flöden

Ulrika Palme Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency


Short rotation forestry – biofuel production in harmony with environmental goals

Ulrika Palme Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency


Markanvändning inom jord- och skogsbruk och dess konsekvenser för klimatmålen, biologisk mångfald och övriga miljökvalitetsmål

Ulrika Palme Environmental Systems Analysis
Petra Andersson Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

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