Yiming Yao
Showing 40 publications
On surface carbides in low-temperature carburized austenitic stainless steels
A Facile Approach to Deposit Graphenaceous Composite Coatings by Suspension Plasma Spraying
As-HIP Microstructure Of EBM Fabricated Shell Components
Microstructure of plasma sprayed Al2O3-3wt%TiO2 coating using freeze granulated powder
Property and Oxidation Behaviours of (Mo,Cr)Si2+ZrO2 Composite Produced by Pressure-less Sintering
Formation mechanisms of white layers induced by hard turning of AISI 52100 steel
Characterization of multiple twinned structural units in pulse-electrodeposited nickel
Characterization of Surface Defects on Pulse-Electrodeposited Nickel Tubes
A simple way of improving graphite nanoplatelets (GNP) for their incorporation into a polymer matrix
TEM study of carbide precipitation in low alloyed austempered ductile iron
Dielectric Properties of SiC nanowires With Different Chemical Compositions
Effect of heat treatment on low conductive thermal barrier coatings
Characterization of single splats produced by plasma spraying
Characterization and dielectric properties of beta-SiC nanofibres
Toughening Effect and Oxidation Behavior of MoSi2-ZrO2 Composites
Nucleation and aligned growth of multi-wall carbon nanotube films during thermal CVD
Low temperature oxidation of Cr-alloyed MoSi2
Toughening effect and oxidation behavior of MoSi2-ZrO2 composites
Cross sectional TEM investigation of Ni-catalysed carbon nanotube films grown by plasma enhanced CVD
Si-supportted Fe-Catalyst Film Transformation and Growth of CNT Films by Thermal CVD
Characterization of Contacting Boundaries between
Strain fields at contacts between small particles
Characterization of contacting boundaries between small particles with microdiffraction
Thickness measurement of small particles in TEM with EELS, CBED and EFTEM
Retrieving diffraction information from bright and dark field images of MgO
Electron diffraction contrast from contacting nano-particles
Adhesion between nanoparticles
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