Zhili Hu
Showing 19 publications
Improved Thermal Properties of Three-Dimensional Graphene Network Filled Polymer Composites
A Theoretical Study of Carbon Nanotubes in Electronic Packaging Applications
Enhanced critical pressure for buckling of carbon nanotubes due to an inserted linear carbon chain
A complete carbon-nanotube-based on-chip cooling solution with very high heat dissipation capacity
Numerical study of the interface heat transfer characteristics of micro-cooler with CNT structures
Molecular dynamics simulation for the bonding energy of metal-SWNT interface
Numerical study of thermal transfer between adhesive and CNTs
Influence of substrate on electrical conductivity of isotropic conductive adhesive
The effect of functionalized silver on properties of conductive adhesives
Molecular Gun Composed of Carbon Nanotube
MDS study on the adhesive heat transfer in micro-channel cooler
The effect of modulus on the performance of thermal conductive adhesives
Modeling of Nanostructured Polymer-Metal Composite for Thermal Interface Material Applications
FEM Simulation of Bimodal and Trimodal Thermally Conductive Adhesives
Effects of the Matrix Shrinkage and Filler Hardness on the Thermal Conductivity of TCA
Vibration and Bucling of a carbon nanotbue inserted with a carbon chain
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