Ahmed Ali-Eldin Hassan

Visar 19 publikationer
Machine Learning Systems are Bloated and Vulnerable
TailClipper: Reducing Tail Response Time of Distributed Services Through System-Wide Scheduling
SLO-Power: SLO and Power-aware Elastic Scaling for Web Services
CVF: Cross-Video Filtration on the Edge
Machine learning systems are bloated and vulnerable
PADS: Power Budgeting with Diagonal Scaling for Performance-Aware Cloud Workloads
Machine learning systems are bloated and vulnerable
Dělen: Enabling Flexible and Adaptive Model-serving for Multi-tenant Edge AI
CASPER: Carbon-Aware Scheduling and Provisioning for Distributed Web Services
RAVAS: Interference-Aware Model Selection and Resource Allocation for Live Edge Video Analytics
CAVE: Caching 360° Videos at the Edge
MicroSplit: Efficient Splitting of Microservices on Edge Clouds
Deep Contextualized Compressive Offloading for Images
LaSS: Running Latency Sensitive Serverless Computations at the Edge
The hidden cost of the edge: A performance comparison of edge and cloud latencies
Data management, communication systems and the edge: Challenges for the future of transportation
Cloud-scale VM-deflation for Running Interactive Applications On Transient Servers
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