Carl-Erik Janson
Visar 39 publikationer
Nonlinear computations of heave motions for a generic Wave Energy Converter
Computations of roll motion in waves using a fully nonlinear potential flow method
Development of a Software to Identify and Analyse Marine Traffic Situations
Maritime Traffic Situations in Bornholmsgat
Auxiliary Kite Propulsion Contribution to Ship Thrust
Damaged Ro-Pax Vessel Time to Capsize
A fully nonlinear potential flow method for threedimensional body motions
Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Method for Three-Dimensional Body Motion
A method for assessment of the survival time of a ship damaged by collision
A method for assessment of the survival time of a ship damaged by collision
Holistic assessment of ship survivability and risk after damage
Grid Influence on the Propeller Open-Water Performance and Flow Field
Numerical Error and Uncertainty Analysis for a Propeller in Open Water
Numerical computations and comparison to experiments for a propeller in open water condition
A note on the distribution of pressure resistance on a ship hull
Novel design and hydrodynamic optimisation of a high-speed hull form
A comparison of four wave cut analysis methods for wave resistance prediction
The FANTASTIC RoRo: CFD optimisation of the forebody and its experimental verification
Calculation of deep-water wash waves using a combined Rankine/Kelvin source method
A study on adjoint equation methods for sensitivity calculations in CFD
Bernoulli waves in deep and shallow water at low speed
A Combined Rankine/Kelvin Source Method for Farfield Wash Wave Calculations
Linear and non-linear potential-flow calculations of free-surface waves with lift and induced drag
Potential Flow Panel Methods for the Calculation of Free-surface Flows with Lift
A method for the optimization of ship hulls from a resistance point of view
Linear and Non-Linear Calculations of Free-Surface Potential Flow around Ships in Shallow Water
Hydrodynamic inertia and damping of ship hull vibrations
Ship Flow Calculation Using the PHOENICS Computer Code
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Visar 13 forskningsprojekt
WINDSTRUC - vindassisterad framdrift för stora fartyg
Osäkerhetsanalys av numeriska vågkraftsimuleringar IEA OES Task 10
Strategiskt forskningsprojekt på Chalmers inom hydro- och aerodynamik
Fartygsrörelser och tilläggsmotstånd i vågor med olika riktning
IEA OES Task 10 - verifiering och validering av vågkraftsimuleringar
Analysis of Slamming using Fluid-Structure-Interaction
Working conditions for a propeller on a ship moving ing waves
Wave loads and motions for a Wave Energy Converter
Förstudie 1412 Metodutveckling för beräkning av laster och rörelser hos flytande konstruktioner