Elisabet Ahlberg
Visar 85 publikationer
Bonding between π-Conjugated Polycations and Monolayer Graphene: Decisive Role of Anions
Naphthalene diimides (NDI) in highly stable pH-neutral aqueous organic redox flow batteries
Dimerization of 9,10-anthraquinone-2,7-Disulfonic acid (AQDS)
Influence of Strain on the Band Gap of Cu2O
Hydrogen evolution at mixed α-Fe1 − xCrxOOH
Understanding Selectivity in the Chlorate Process: A Step towards Efficient Hydrogen Production
The Bifurcation Point of the Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Au-Pd Nanoalloys
Study of Hypochlorite Reduction Related to the Sodium Chlorate Process
Electrochemical Water-Splitting Based on Hypochlorite Oxidation
Electronic properties of anodized TiO2 electrodes and the effect on the in-vitro response
Integrated Biomechanical and Topographical Surface Characterization (IBTSC).
Deposition of ZnO rods by electrochemically induced Hydrolysis
Oxidation of propenol on nanostructured Ni and NiZn electrodes in alkaline solution.
Characterisation of pulse plated Ni and Ni-Zn alloys.
Oxygen reduction in alkaline solution using mixed carbon paste/NixCo1-xO electrodes
Electronic Properties of TiO2 Nanoparticles Films and the Effect on Apatite-Forming Ability.
Water Oxidation on MnOx and IrOx: Why Similar Performance?
Near Room Temperature Synthesis of Monodisperse TiO2 Nanoparticles: Growth Mechanism
Revisiting the Redox Properties of Hydrous Iridium Oxide Films in the Context of Oxygen Evolution
In situ pH measurements with hydrous iridium oxide in a rotating ring disc configuration
Enhanced implant integration with hierarchically structured implants: a pilot study in rabbits
Influence of oxidation state on the pH dependence of hydrous iridium oxide films
Reduction of Oxygen on Dispersed Nanocrystalline CoS2
Potential Dependent Structural Memory Effects in Au-Pd Nanoalloys
Involvement of nanoparticles in the electrodepositions of hydrous iridium oxide films.
Switching on the Electrocatalytic Ethene Epoxidation on Nanocrystalline RuO(2).
Intermediate temperature ionic conductivity of Sm1.92Ca0.08Ti2O7–δ pyrochlore
The kinetics of the Cu2+/Cu+ redox couple in deep eutectic solvents
Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution from Water on a Mn(III-V) Dimer Model Catalyst - A DFT Perspective
Global biomechanical model for dental implants.
Single Atom Hot-Spots at Au-Pd Nanoalloys for Electrocatalytic H2O2 Production
Synthesis, characterization and particle size distribution of TiO2 colloidal nanoparticles
Activation Energies in Computational Chemistry - A case study
Proton conductivity in Sm2Sn2O7 pyrochlores
Characterisation of Titanium Dental Implants. II: Local Biomechanical Model
Characterisation of titanium dental implants I:critical assessment of surface roughness parameters
Investigation of proton conductivity in Sm1.92Ca0.08Ti2O7 − δ and Sm2Ti1.92Y0.08O7 − δ pyrochlores
A mechanistic study of electrodeposition of bismuth telluride on stainless steel substrates
Monte Carlo Simulations of Salt Solutions: Exploring the Validity of Primitive Models
Electrochemistry of surface grafted copper(II) benzoate complexes
Semi-conducting properties of titanium dioxide surfaces on titanium implants.
Studies of Corrosion of Cladding Materials in Simulated BWR Environment using Impedance Measurements
Proton conduction in Perovskite Oxide BaZr0.5Yb0.5O3-δ Prepared by Wet Chemical Route
Influence of microstructure on electrical properties in BaZr0.5In0.5O3-delta proton conductor
Crystal structure and proton conductivity of BaZr0.9Sc0
Size-Dependent Surface Charging of Nanoparticles
Quantum Chemical Modeling of Propene and Butene Epoxidation with Hydrogen Peroxide
Quantum chemical modelling of oxygen reduction on cobalt hydroxide and oxyhydroxide
A mechanistic investigation of ethylene oxide hydrolysis to ethanediol
Structural study and proton conductivity in Yb-doped BaZrO3
Quantum chemical modelling of ethene epoxidation with hydrogen peroxide—role of catalytic sites
Quantum chemical modeling of the reduction of quinones.
Quantum chemical modelling of the rate determining step for oxygen reduction on quinones.
Proton conductivity and low temperature structure of In-doped BaZrO3
Electrochemical reactivity in nanoscale domains: O-2 reduction on a fullerene modified gold surface
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