Saeid Haghbin
Visar 50 publikationer
Design Of a 50 kW Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge Converter Used For Fast Charging Applications
Frozen Leg Operation of a Three-Phase Dual Active Bridge DC/DC Converter at Light Loads
Accurate analysis of a single-phase dual active bridge converter for ZVS and deadband conditions
Analysis of a three-phase dual active bridge converter during the deadband
An LCL filter with an active compensation for a fast charger station
Reliability analysis and enhancement of the AC/DC stage of a 3.3 kW onboard vehicle battery charger
Electrical reliability enhancement of the DC/DC stage of an onboard vehicle battery charger
Electrical failure mode and effect analysis of a 3.3 kW onboard vehicle battery charger
A switched reluctance motor based drive system for power electronics education
Wireless charging using a resonant auxiliary winding
Harmonic Modeling of a Vehicle Traction Circuit Towards the DC Bus
DC Bus Current Harmonics of a Three-phase PWM Inverter with the Zero Sequence Injection
High-FrequencyModeling of a Three-Phase Inverter with Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Control
Impact of Line Current Harmonics on the DC Bus Quality of a Three-Phase PWM Inverter
Integrated Motor Drives and Battery Chargers for Electric or Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
An Integrated Motor Drive and Battery Fast Charger Station for Plug-in Vehicles
Modal Field-Oriented Control of a Split-Phase PM Motor with Dual Inverters
Switched Reluctance Motor in Electric or Hybrid Vehicle Applications: A Status Review
Integrated Motor Drive and Non-Isolated Battery Charger Based on the Torque Cancelation in the Motor
An Integrated 20-kW Motor Drive and Isolated Battery Charger for Plug-In Vehicles
Grid-Connected Integrated Battery Chargers in Vehicle Applications: Review and New Solution
Elektrisk apparat innefattande drivsystem och elektrisk maskin med omkopplingsbar statorlindning
An FPGA Implementation of a Voltage-Oriented Controlled Three-Phase PWM Boost Rectifier
Field-Oriented Control of a PMSM Drive System Using the dSPACE Controller
A trigonometric velocity estimator using a resolver sensor in drive system applications
Transient modeling of an integrated charger for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
An Isolated Integrated Charger for Electric or Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles
A Combined Motor/Drive/Battery Charger Based on a Split-Windings PMSM
An Isolated High-Power Integrated Charger in Electrified Vehicle Applications
Demand-side behavior in the smart grid environment
Integrated chargers for EV's and PHEV's: examples and new solutions
Performance of a direct torque controlled IPM drive system in the low speed region
State of the art of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)
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