Lars Bengtsson
Visar 35 publikationer
A High Throughput Anticollision Protocol to Decrease the Energy Consumption in a Passive RFID System
Simplified computation in memoryless anticollision RFID identification protocols
A Snoozing Frequency Binary Tree Protocol
An Energy and Application Scenario Aware Active RFID Protocol
Collaborative structures in early-stage biotech research commercialization
Selecting Back-Off Algorithm in Active RFID CSMA/CA Based Medium-Access Protocols
A New Master's Program in Integrated Electronic System Design
Forward and Reverse Converters and Moduli Set Selection in Signed-Digit Residue Number Systems
Leakage-Conscious Architecture-Level Power Estimation for Partitioned and Power-Gated SRAM Arrays
Protocols for Active RFID - The Energy Consumption Aspect
"Towards an Energy Efficient Protocol for Active RFID"
Reverse Converter Architectures for Signed-Digit Residue Systems
The REMAP Reconfigurable Architecture: a Retrospective
A Low-Power FIR Filter Using Combined Residue and Radix-2 Signed-Digit Representation
Jalapeno - Decentralized Grid Computing Using Peer-to-Peer Technology
Table-Based Total Power Consumption Estimation of Memory Arrays for Architects
Table Based Total Power Consumption Estimation Approach for Architects
Theory of a room-temperature silicon quantum dot device as a sensitive electrometer
Models for Power Consumption Estimation in the DSP-PP Simulator
DSP-PP: A Simulator/Estimator of Power consumption and Performance for Parallel DSP Architectures
A VLSI Array Architecture for Artificial Neural Networks
Arithmetic circuits combining residue and signed-digit representations
Grid Computing Distribution Using Network Processors
"Synchronizing a High-Speed SIMD Processor Array"
"Basic Matrix Operations on a DSP Array Architecture"
REMAP-γ: A Scalable SIMD VLSI Architecture with Hierarchical Control
Nonlinear transistor models for microwave and millimeterwave circuits
Extensions of the Chalmers nonlinear HEMT and MESFET model
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