Laura Kovacs
Visar 40 publikationer
Subsumption Demodulation in First-Order Theorem Proving
Superposition Reasoning about Quantified Bitvector Formulas
Induction with generalization in superposition reasoning
Interactive Visualization of Saturation Attempts in Vampire
Foreword - Mathematics in Computer Science
Portfolio SAT and SMT Solving of Cardinality Constraints in Sensor Network Optimization
Automatic Generation of Moment-Based Invariants for Prob-Solvable Loops
Verifying relational properties using trace logic
Loop Analysis by Quantification over Iterations
Aligator.jl - A Julia Package for Loop Invariant Generation
Invariant Generation for Multi-Path Loops with Polynomial Assignments
A FOOLish Encoding of the Next State Relations of Imperative Programs
Coming to terms with quantified reasoning
Splitting proofs for interpolation
A supervisory control algorithm based on property-directed reachability
A Clausal Normal Form Translation for FOOL
Theory-Specific Reasoning about Loops with Arrays using Vampire
Symbolic Computation and Automated Reasoning for Program Analysis
Special issue on symbolic computation in software science
Lingva: Generating and proving program properties using symbol elimination
A First Class Boolean Sort in First-Order Theorem Proving and TPTP
Reasoning About Loops Using Vampire in KeY
Segment Abstraction for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
Supervisory Control of Discrete-Event Systems via IC3
Symbol elimination for automated generation of program properties
Experimenting with SAT solvers in vampire
Extensional crisis and proving identity
A Parametric Interpolation Framework for First-Order Theories
The Auspicious Couple: Symbolic Execution and WCET Analysis
Special issue on Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems
WCET Squeezing: On-Demand Feasibility Refinement for Proven Precise WCET-Bounds
First-Order Theorem Proving and Vampire
The Inverse Method for Many-Valued Logics
Bound Propagation for Arithmetic Reasoning in Vampire
SmacC: A Retargetable Symbolic Execution Engine
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
GenPro: Generera och bevisa programegenskaper via symboleliminering