Mattias Marklund
Visar 56 publikationer
Accelerator-based infrastructures in the fields of particle and nuclear physics
Multiple colliding laser pulses as a basis for studying high-field high-energy physics
Realising single-shot measurements of quantum radiation reaction in high-intensity lasers
Reaching supercritical field strengths with intense lasers
Laser-particle collider for multi-GeV photon production
Physics of the laser-plasma interface in the relativistic regime of interaction
Nonlinear Breit-Wheeler pair creation with bremsstrahlung γ rays
Prospects and limitations of wakefield acceleration in solids
Relativistically intense XUV radiation from laser-illuminated near-critical plasmas
A spectrometer for ultrashort gamma-ray pulses with photon energies greater than 10 MeV
Radiation-dominated particle and plasma dynamics
Controlling laser-ion acceleration through pulse chirping
Scaling laws for positron production in laser-electron-beam collisions
Signatures of quantum effects on radiation reaction in laser-electron-beam collisions
Energy partitioning and electron momentum distributions in intense laser-solid interactions
Quantum Quenching of Radiation Losses in Short Laser Pulses
Ultrabright GeV Photon Source via Controlled Electromagnetic Cascades in Laser-Dipole Waves
Reaching high flux in laser-driven ion acceleration
Radiation emission from braided electrons in interacting wakefields
Multilevel model for magnetic deflagration in nanomagnet crystals
Transverse expansion of the electron sheath during laser acceleration of protons
Narrowing of the emission angle in high-intensity Compton scattering
Chirped-Standing-Wave Acceleration of Ions with Intense Lasers
Prospects for studying vacuum polarisation using dipole and synchrotron radiation
Quantum Radiation Reaction: From Interference to Incoherence
Counterpart of the Darrieus-Landau instability at a magnetic deflagration front
Focusing effects in laser-electron Thomson scattering
Extended particle-in-cell schemes for physics in ultrastrong laser fields: Review and developments
Detecting radiation reaction at moderate laser intensities
Thomson scattering in high-intensity chirped laser pulses
On the contribution of exchange interactions to the Vlasov equation
Vacuum refractive indices and helicity flip in strong-field QED
Photon polarization in light-by-light scattering: Finite size effects
Evolution of the magnetic field generated by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
Anomalous Radiative Trapping in Laser Fields of Extreme Intensity
Multidimensional Instability and Dynamics of Spin Avalanches in Crystals of Nanomagnets
Particle-in-cell simulations of electron spin effects in plasmas
Anisotropic properties of spin avalanches in crystals of nanomagnets
Probing Nonperturbative QED with Optimally Focused Laser Pulses
Exchange effects in plasmas: The case of low-frequency dynamics
Scalar Wigner theory for polarized light in nonlinear Kerr media
Bevare oss för det brittiska utvärderingseländet
Proton acceleration by circularly polarized traveling electromagnetic wave
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Visar 7 forskningsprojekt
Studier av generering och användande av extrema fält
Plasmabaserade kompakta jonkällor
Complex ideal and non-ideal quantum plasmas (QUANTUM PLASMAS)
Laser-plasmaväxelverkan som verktyg för partikelacceleration och strålningsgenerering
Teori och modellering av optiska frekvenskammar från mikroresonatorer
Mot nya intensitetsregimer - studier av generering och användande av extrema fältstyrkor