Alexandre Mathern
Visar 25 publikationer
Fiberarmering i kombination med efterspänning
The need for research and innovation to facilitate upscaling of low-carbon concrete
Recent and future trends of onshore wind turbine foundations
Multi-objective constrained Bayesian optimization for structural design
Experimental investigations on a novel concrete truss structure with cast iron nodes
A review of online sources of open-access life cycle assessment data for the construction sector
Sustainability-driven structural design using artificial intelligence
Multi-criteria decision analysis methods to support sustainable infrastructure construction
Automatic structural design by a set-based parametric design method
Sustainability-, Buildability- and Performance-driven Structural Design
Applying a set-based parametric design method to structural design of bridges
Experimental study of time-dependent properties of a low-pH concrete for deposition tunnels
The challenges of building inner sea offshore wind farms - the cases of Lillgrund and Anholt
Enhanced strut-and-tie model for reinforced concrete pile caps
Toolbox for flexible refurbishment of existing bridges
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Visar 5 forskningsprojekt
Metoder och material för hållbara och kostnadseffektiva torn och fundament till vindkraftverk
Pilotprojekt - Hållbarhetsstyrd projektering baserad på Artificiell Intelligens
Hållbarhetsstyrd byggprojektering
ISEAWIND – Innovativa konstruktionslösningar för vindkraftsfundament till havs