Joshua Mayers

Visar 20 publikationer


Cultivation of microalgae- Chlorella sorokiniana and Auxenochlorella protothecoides- in shrimp boiling water residues

Bita Forghani Targhi, Joshua Mayers, Eva Albers et al
Algal Research. Vol. 65
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Influence of preservation methods on biochemical composition and downstream processing of cultivated Saccharina latissima biomass

Eva Albers, Eric Malmhäll Bah, Joakim Olsson et al
Algal Research. Vol. 55
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

An energy and resource efficient alkaline flocculation and sedimentation process for harvesting of Chromochloris zofingiensis biomass

Joshua Mayers, Andrew R. Landels, Michael J. Allen et al
Bioresource Technology Reports. Vol. 9
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effect of Geographical Location on the Variation in Products Formed from the Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Ulva intestinalis

Sofia Raikova, Joakim Olsson, Joshua Mayers et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 34 (1), p. 368-378
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effects of geographical location on potentially valuable components in Ulva intestinalis sampled along the Swedish coast

Joakim Olsson, Sofia Raikova, Joshua Mayers et al
Applied Phycology. Vol. 1 (1), p. 80-92
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Identifying a marine microalgae with high carbohydrate productivities under stress and potential for efficient flocculation

Joshua Mayers, Sigita Vaiciulyte, Eric Malmhäll Bah et al
Algal Research. Vol. 31, p. 430-442
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Cellular content of the green seaweed Ulva intestinalis along the salinity gradient of the Swedish coast

Joakim Olsson, Sofia Raikova, Joshua Mayers et al
Poster (konferens)

Composition and processing of Ulva intestinalis from 8 different sites along the Swedish coast

Joakim Olsson, Sofia Raikova, Joshua Mayers et al
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Composition and processing of Ulva intestinalis from 8 different sites along the Swedish coast

Joakim Olsson, Sofia Raikova, Joshua Mayers et al
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Genome-Scale Model Reveals Metabolic Basis of Biomass Partitioning in a Model Diatom

Jennifer Levering, Jared Broddrick, Christopher L. Dupont et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 11 (5)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Integrating Microalgal Production with Industrial Outputs - Reducing Process Inputs and Quantifying the Benefits

Joshua Mayers, A. Ekman Nilsson, Elin Svensson et al
Industrial Biotechnology. Vol. 12 (4), p. 219-234

Sufficient CO2 concentration is crucial for high biomass formation of marine microalgae

Sigita Vaiciulyte, Joshua Mayers, Anna Godhe et al
Proceedings of 4th Latin-American Society of Environmental and Algal Biotechnology Congress (SOLABIAA), November 8-13, Brazil
Paper i proceeding

Effect of solvent system and biomass pretreatment method on the yield and quality of fatty acids from Saccharina latissima

Giorgia Tibaldero, Joshua Mayers, Eva Albers et al
28th Lipidforum Symposium, June 3-6, Reykjavik, Iceland
Poster (konferens)

Seasonal and spatial variation in biochemical composition of Saccharina latissima during a potential harvesting season for Western Sweden

Jenny Veide Vilg, Göran M. Nylund, Tony Werner et al
Botanica Marina. Vol. 58 (6), p. 435-447
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Extraction of fatty acids from Saccharina latissima –effects of solvent system and biomass pretreatment method

Giorgia Tibaldero, Joshua Mayers, Eva Albers et al
4th Nordic Seaweed Conference, October 8-9, Grenaa, Denmark
Poster (konferens)

Influence of the N: P supply ratio on biomass productivity and time-resolved changes in elemental and bulk biochemical composition of Nannochloropsis sp.

Joshua Mayers, K.J. Flynn, R.J. Shields
Bioresource Technology. Vol. 169, p. 588-595
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Rapid determination of bulk microalgal biochemical composition by Fourier-Transform Infrared spectroscopy

Joshua Mayers, K.J. Flynn, R.J. Shields
Bioresource Technology. Vol. 148, p. 215-220
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt


Alger till biobaserade kemikalier - Förutsättningar för industriell odling av mikroalger i Nordeuropa

Eva Albers Industriell bioteknik
Joshua Mayers Industriell bioteknik

1 publikation finns

Näringsåterföring och produktion av gröna kemikalier med hjälp av marina mikroalger med högt kolhydratinnehåll

Eva Albers Industriell bioteknik
Joshua Mayers Industriell bioteknik

1 publikation finns

Förädling av inhemska förnybara råvaror till värdefulla bulk- och finkemikalier för en biobaserad samhällsekonomi: teknikutveckling, systemintegration och miljöeffekter (BioBuF)

Simon Harvey Energiteknik
Christel Cederberg Fysisk resursteori
Elin Svensson Energiteknik
Stavros Papadokonstantakis Energiteknik
Thore Berntsson Energiteknik
Karin Pettersson Energiteknik
Anne-Marie Tillman Environmental Systems Analysis
Eva Albers Industriell bioteknik
Christel Kampman Industriell bioteknik
Lisbeth Olsson Industriell bioteknik
Emma Karlsson Industriell bioteknik
Nikolaos Xafenias Industriell bioteknik
Joshua Mayers Industriell bioteknik
Maurizio Bettiga Industriell bioteknik
Hans Theliander Skogsindustriell kemiteknik
Carl Johan Franzén Industriell bioteknik
Mathias Janssen Environmental Systems Analysis
Valeria Mapelli Industriell bioteknik
Västra Götalandsregionen

30 publikationer finns
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