Mikael Ljung Aust
Visar 38 publikationer
In-vehicle fragrance administration as a countermeasure for driver fatigue
The influence of alcohol and automation on drivers’ visual behavior during test track driving
Do Car Drivers Respond Earlier to Close Lateral Motion Than to Looming?
Final measures (Deliverable 5.5)
Results of field trials (Deliverable 5.4)
Out-of-the-loop crash prediction: The Automation Expectation Mismatch (AEM) algorithm
D1.1. Integrated Framework. Deliverable to the MeBeSafe project
Automation Expectation Mismatch: Incorrect Prediction Despite Eyes on Threat and Hands on Wheel
Effects of forward collision warning and repeated event exposure on emergency braking
Improving the Evaluation Process for Active Safety Functions
Adaptive behavior in the simulator: Implications for active safety system evaluation
A conceptual framework for requirement specification and evaluation of active safety functions
Causation patterns and data collection blind spots for fatal intersection accidents in Norway
Effects of working memory load and repeated scenario exposure on emergency braking performance
Factors contributing to road fatalities
SafetyNet Deliverable 5.8; In-depth accident causation database and analysis report
Dream 3.0. Documentation of references supporting the links in the classification scheme
Accident investigations for active safety at CHALMERS - new demands require new methodologies
The Development of a Multidisciplinary System to Understand Causal Factors in Road Crashes
Crash investigations for active safety: Meeting new demands on investigation methodology
MTO Factors Contributing to Road Accidents at Intersections
Close Calls on the Road: A Study of Drivers' Near-Misses
Accident models for modern road traffic: changing times creates new demands*
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