Visar 26 publikationer
Combiner synthesis for active load-modulationbased power amplifiers
Characterization of linear power amplifiers for LTE applications
28 GHz Doherty Power Amplifier in CMOS SOI With 28% Back-Off PAE
Design of linear and efficient power amplifiers by generalization of the Doherty theory
Efficient Millimeter Wave Doherty PA Design Based on a Low-Loss Combiner Synthesis Technique
A Generalized Combiner Synthesis Technique for Class-E Outphasing Transmitters
Digital Predistortion Parameter Identification for RF Power Amplifiers Using Real-Valued Output Data
Symmetrical Doherty Power Amplifier With Extended Efficiency Range
A Doherty Power Amplifier Design Method for Improved Efficiency and Linearity
Current scaled Doherty amplifier for high efficiency and high linearity
A class-J power amplifier with varactor-based dynamic load modulation across a large bandwidth
Outphasing combiner synthesis from transistor load pull data
Optimized Design of a Dual-Band Power Amplifier With SiC Varactor-Based Dynamic Load Modulation
Low Phase Noise GaN HEMT Oscillators With Excellent Figures of Merit
Advanced Transmitter Architectures Based on Switch Mode Power Amplifiers
Symmetrical doherty amplifier with high efficiency over large output power dynamic range
A packaged 86 W GaN transmitter with SiC varactor-based dynamic load modulation
Linearization Study of a Highly Efficient CMOS-GaN RF Pulse Width Modulation Based Transmitter
Continuous Class-E Power Amplifier Modes
High-Efficiency RF Pulsewidth Modulation of Class-E Power Amplifiers
Varactor-Based Dynamic Load Modulation of RF PAs
High efficiency RF pulse width modulation with tunable load network class-E PA
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