Roozbeh Kianfar
Visar 16 publikationer
Formal Synthesis of Safe Stop Tactical Planners for an Automated Vehicle
Modeling and Synthesis of the Lane Change Function of an Autonomous Vehicle
Safe autonomous lane changes in dense traffic
A control matching model predictive control approach to string stable vehicle platooning
On Cooperative Control of Automated Driving Systems from a Stability and Safety Perspective
A Control Matching-based Predictive Approach to String Stable Vehicle Platooning
On Control Strategy and Safety Verification of Automated Vehicles
Safety Verification of Automated Driving Systems
Reachability Analysis of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Controller
Towards Integrated Design of Plant/Controller With Application in Mechatronics Systems
A Receding Horizon Approach for Designing String Stable Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
Automated Controller Design using Linear Quantitative Feedback Theory for Nonlinear systems
Automated Controller Design using Linear Quantitative Feedback Theory for Nonlinear systems
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