Steven Sarasini
Visar 33 publikationer
From vision to reality: How service design processes shape Mobility as a Service offerings
KOmbinerad Mobilitet uppskalning i Sverige - KOMPIS. Slutrapport från projektet KOMPIS
A National Approach to Assessing the Impacts of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS)
Governing Mobility as a Service: Insights from Sweden and Finland
Mobility as a service: Comparing developments in Sweden and Finland
Kombinerad mobilitet - kundperspektiv på framtidens resande
More Than the Sum of Its Parts? The Finnish Public’s Perspectives on Mobility-as-a-Service and ITS
What characterises a sustainable MaaS business model?
Mobility-as-a-Service: A Tentative Framework for Analysing Institutional Conditions
Mobility as a Service: Comparing Developments in Sweden and Finland
Users’ motives to adopt and willingness to pay for Mobility as a Service
Institutional conditions for integrated mobility services (IMS): Towards a framework for analysis
Conceptualizing Industry Efforts to Eco-innovate Among Large Swedish Companies
Electrifying the automotive industry via R&D collaborations
A Framework for Developing and Assessing Eco-innovations
Electrifying the automotive industry: The geography and governance of R&D collaboration
The response of incumbent utilities to the challenge of renewable energy
A framework for developing and assessing eco-innovations
Eco-innovation measures in large Swedish companies - an inventory based on company reports
Why electromobility and what is it?
Eco-innovative measures in large Swedish Companies - An inventory based on company reports
Eco-innovative measures in large Swedish companies: An inventory based on company reports
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