Per Lundin
Per Lundin received his PhD in History of Technology (2008) from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. In 2012, he was appointed docent in Economic History at Uppsala University. During the academic year 2024/25, he visits the Department of S&TS at Cornell University.
Lundin is project leader of “Follow the Money: The Political Economy of Swedish Research, 1930-1980” (funded by the Swedish Research Council 2024-26). He also participates in the project "Cold War Home Front: The Militarization of Swedish Civil Society 1945-1989" (The Swedish Research Council 2024-26)
He teaches CTE032 History of Technology, TEK825 History of Technology and Business and TEK131 History of Science.

Showing 39 publications
Maktens maskiner: Hur stora datorer moderniserade folkhemmet
Bygg de nya stambanorna! (Debatt)
Stort misstag att avbryta planerna på nya stambanor
Predictive Modeling of Induction-Hardened Depth Based on the Barkhausen Noise Signal
Enda hållbara lösningen är att bygga nya stambanor (Debatt)
Greening the Alliance: The Diplomacy of NATO's Science and Environmental Initiatives
Samhällsekonomiska kalkyler inte avgörande
Influence of batch-to-batch material variations on grindability of a medium‑carbon steel
Fel att skrota utbyggnaden av järnvägen
Gunnar Wetterberg, Ingenjörerna (Stockholm: Bonniers, 2020)
Önskad och ifrågasatt: Lantbruksvetenskapernas akademisering i 1900-talets Sverige
Hög tid för järnvägsinvesteringar!
Kampen om schemat: Småbrukssystemet och agronomutbildningens avakademisering
Lantbruk, vetenskap och akademisering i 1900-talets Sverige: En inledning
Nya stambanor långtifrån tillräckligt
Rolf Hugoson, Umeå stads historia: 1950–2010 (Umeå: Kommunfullmäktige 2016)
Jørgen Burchardt, Gods på vej: Vejtransportens danmarkshistorie, Ringe: Forlaget Kulturbøger, 2016
Lantbrukshögskolan och reformerna: Från utbildningsinstitut till modernt forskningsuniversitet
The research policy laboratory: Expectations of science 1900-2010
Making History Matter: The Historian as Expert
Karin Ågren, Att sälja en stad
Coping with Cars, Families, and Foreigners: Swedish Postwar Tourism
The Making of European Consumption: Facing the American Challenge
Att tänka om staden med historia
The Reform Technocrats: The Strategists of the Swedish Welfare State, 1930–60
A study of the surface integrity after machining by means of non-destructive testing methods
Vittnesseminariet - ett sätt att minnas det förflutna
Precursors of the IT Nation: Computer Use and Control in Swedish Society, 1955–1985
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Showing 9 research projects
C old War Home Front: The Militarization of Swedish C ivil Society 1945-1989
Follow the Money: The Political Economy of Swedish Research, 1930-1980
Grå reformer och grön omställningsiver. Sociotekniska omregleringar i Sverige, 1988-1991
Swedish petrocultures: Pervasive fossil fuel practices that obstruct climate change mitigation
When Experts Meet: Learning from Histories of Sustainable Transport
The Hidden University: The Military Research Institutes as Knowledge Producer in Cold War Sweden
Retail shopping and the last mile transport: past, present and future transformations
Mixed Methods for the Biography of a Street: Useable Pasts for Urban Mobility Transitions
The Reform Technocrats: The Strategists of the Strong State, 1930-1980