Christoffer Fougstedt
Showing 28 publications
Unfolded SiBM BCH Decoders for High-Throughput Low-Latency Applications
Variable-Rate VLSI Architecture for 400-Gb/s Hard-Decision Product Decoder
ASIC Design Exploration for DSP and FEC of 400-Gbit/s Coherent Data-Center Interconnect Receivers
VLSI Implementations of Carrier Phase Recovery Algorithms for M-QAM Fiber-Optic Systems
Hardware considerations for selection networks
Variable-Rate FEC Decoder VLSI Architecture for 400G Rate-Adaptive Optical Communication
Energy-Efficient Soft-Assisted Product Decoders
Towards FPGA Emulation of Fiber-Optic Channels for Deep-BER Evaluation of DSP Implementations
ASIC Design Exploration of Phase Recovery Algorithms for M-QAM Fiber-Optic Systems
Energy-Efficient High-Throughput VLSI Architectures for Product-Like Codes
Energy-Efficient Digital Signal Processing for Fiber-Optic Communication Systems
Energy-Efficient High-Throughput Staircase Decoders
ASIC Implementation of Time-Domain Digital Back Propagation for Coherent Receivers
Power Consumption Savings Through Joint Carrier Recovery for Spectral and Spatial Superchannels
Implementation Challenges for Energy-Efficient Error Correction in Optical Communication Systems
Custom versus Cell-Based ASIC Design for Many-Channel Correlators
High-Throughput Power-Efficient DSP for Fiber-Optic Communication Systems
Filter Implementation for Power-Efficient Chromatic Dispersion Compensation
Time-Domain Digital Back Propagation: Algorithm and Finite-Precision Implementation Aspects
Low-Power Low-Latency BCH Decoders for Energy-Efficient Optical Interconnects
Dynamic Equalizer Power Dissipation Optimization
Power Consumption of a Minimal-DSP Coherent Link with a Polarization Multiplexed Pilot-Tone
Dispersion Compensation FIR Filter with Improved Robustness to Coefficient Quantization Errors
Power-Efficient Time-Domain Dispersion Compensation Using Optimized FIR Filter Implementation
Dispersion Compensation Filter Design Optimized for Robustness and Power Efficiency
Impact of Forward Error Correction on Energy Consumption of VCSEL-based Transmitters
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Showing 1 research projects
Energy-efficient optical fibre communication