Christine Räisänen
Christine is a full professor emerita at the Division of Construction Management at Chalmers.

Showing 91 publications
Multimodal Interaction in Collaborative Design of a Healthcare Space: A Social Semiotic Approach
Individualized behavior-based safety-leadership training: A randomized controlled trial
Sund konkurrens i bygg- och anläggningssektorn kräver sunt ledarskap
Behavioural ambidexterity: effects on individual well-being and high performance work in academia
A test platform of viable methods to improve production and learning on construction sites
What's taking space? Re-framing space and place in everyday organizational life
Strategy wayfinding: Backstage rehearsal for frontstage enactment
Liberating the semantics: Embodied work(man)ship in construction
The indispensable site manager: normalization of overwork in the construction industry
Doing strategy in project-based organizations: Actors and patterns of action
Conceptualising behavioural ambidexterity and the effects on individual well-being
Imagining a Sustainable Future: Shaping Emergent Thinking by Reflecting Through Aesthetic Action
Measuring malevolent character: Data using the Swedish version of Jonason's Dark Triad Dirty Dozen
Workaholics on site! Sustainability of site managers' work situations?
The site manager as an omnious being: Exploring the ‘body’ in embodiment of organizational spaces
The site manager as an omnious being: Exploring the 'body' in embodiment of organizational spaces
Exploring the Work Practices of Site Managers as Processes of Embodiment
There Is More to Multimodality Than Discourse Features and Nonverbal Behaviors!
What’s taking space on site? Embodied place making in construction
Passion or delusion: Middle managers constructing new meanings of work
Hur ska man utbilda i ledarskap? Fallet byggproduktionsledare
Social identity in construction: enactments and outcomes
Game of experts: Management consultants vying for power in unfamiliar fields
Striving to achieve it all: men and work-family-life balance in Sweden and the UK
Decoupling and standardization in the projectification of a company
Knowledge sharing and learning across community boundaries in an arena for energy efficient building
Strategy workshops: The fusing of the past and the future in the present
The meaning of time in a cross-disciplinary arena project
"Being a construction worker": Identity effects as a self-reinforcing mechanism in construction
What tensions obstruct an alignment between project and environmental management practices?
Juggling work, family... and life in academia: The case of the "new" man
Using positioning theory to understand construction of selfhood in strategy audits
"Playing back-spin balls": Narrating organizational change in construction
Bringing on-site identities into the boardroom: A self-reinforcing mechanism in construction
Using Positioning Theory to Understand Strategic Management
“Two strides forward, one stride back:” Strategy practice as chains of conversations
Re-organizing for Innovation: Top Management Attention as a Driver of Strategic Renewal
Strategy work in a large construction company: personified strategies as drivers för change
“This paper is not in the conference template”: The discourse of conference gatekeeping
Coacha arbetslaget att bryta rigida strukturer och frigöra medarbetarnas potential
Role of action research in dealing with a traditional process
Aligning the practices of the permanent with those of the temporary
Metaphorical meta-stories to facilitate critical reflection: Coping with dysfunctional organisations
Interactional perspective on environmental communication in construction projects
Informality and emergence: Editorial
Passion as a substitute for formal education in knowing and learning processes
Corporate strategies: for whom and for what?
Att verka i en multiprojekt miljö: Metoder för att begripliggöra
The discursive construction of a green organizational identity
The state of ESP teaching and learning in Western European education after Bologna
Broadening the scope of language teaching and learning: An integrated approach
Corporate strategies: For whom and for what?
Learning to know and knowing to learn: Discursive practice as knowledge enabler
Performance measurement to communicate strategy
Pooling individual experiential narratives to enhance organisational learning
The Social Construction of 'Green Building' in the Swedish Context
Assessing assessment from an activity theory perspective
Social practices, structure and agency: Effects on environmental management in construction projects
More than medium of instruction: The Bologna process and teaching in English
Invisible social infrastructures to facilitate time-pressed distributed organising
A framework for coping with generic flexibility in ESP teaching and learning
Project-based learning: a contradiction in terms?
Multiple literacies for the "new" engineer: learning to learn
Multi-project organisations from a methodological perspective: Challenges and Rewards
Standardization and knowledge creation: Are they compatible for multi-project organizations?
Standardization and creativity in projects: Are they compatible?
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Showing 9 research projects
Digitalisering i projektorganisationer SBUF
VALLA CoachVirtuAL LAboratory for industrialized construction, Steg 1