Christine Räisänen

Professor vid Construction Management

Christine är professor emerita på avdelningen för construction management på Chalmers.

Image of Christine Räisänen

Visar 91 publikationer


Role modeling of safety-leadership behaviors in the construction industry: A two-wave longitudinal study

Pernilla Larsman, Amanda Ulfdotter Samuelsson, Christine Räisänen et al
Work (Reading, Mass.). Vol. 77 (2), p. 523-531
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Multimodal Interaction in Collaborative Design of a Healthcare Space: A Social Semiotic Approach

Christine Räisänen, Dilek Ulutas Duman, Mikael Viklund Tallgren et al
Studies in health technology and informatics. Vol. 319, p. 33-45
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Individualized behavior-based safety-leadership training: A randomized controlled trial

Martin Grill, Amanda Ulfdotter Samuelsson, Erik Matton et al
Journal of Safety Research. Vol. 87, p. 332-344
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift


Christine Räisänen, Max Rapp-Ricciardi, Martin Grill et al
Proceedings of the 39th Annual ARCOM Conference: Constructing for the Future, ARCOM 2023, p. 314-323
Paper i proceeding

What have we learnt from the COVID-19 global pandemic: improving the construction industry’s abilities to foresee, respond to and recover from future endemic catastrophes (Special issue)

Helen Lingard, Rita Peihua Zhang, Christine Räisänen et al
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 39 (2), p. 192-197
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Working in a loosely coupled system: exploring practices and implications of coupling work on construction sites

Rikard Sandberg, Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 39 (3), p. 212-226
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Sund konkurrens i bygg- och anläggningssektorn kräver sunt ledarskap

Christine Räisänen, Martin Löwstedt, Charlotte Wäreborn-Shultz
Sund konkurrens i bygg- och anläggningssektorn kräver sunt ledarskap, p. 159-168
Kapitel i bok

Behavioural ambidexterity: effects on individual well-being and high performance work in academia

A.B. Raidén, Christine Räisänen, Gail Kinman
Journal of Further and Higher Education. Vol. 44 (4), p. 568-582
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A test platform of viable methods to improve production and learning on construction sites

Kajsa Simu, Christine Räisänen, Jarkko Erikshammar
Emerald Reach Proceedings Series. Vol. 2, p. 481-487
Kapitel i bok

What's taking space? Re-framing space and place in everyday organizational life

Paul W. Chan, Christine Räisänen, Kristina Lauche
Scandinavian Journal of Management. Vol. 35 (2)
Övrig text i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Strategy wayfinding: Backstage rehearsal for frontstage enactment

Christine Räisänen, Kajsa Simu, Martin Löwstedt
Nordic Academy of Management conference. Vol. 2019
Paper i proceeding

Liberating the semantics: Embodied work(man)ship in construction

Rikard Sandberg, Christine Räisänen, Martin Löwstedt et al
Societies under Construction , p. 115-149
Kapitel i bok

The indispensable site manager: normalization of overwork in the construction industry

Rikard Sandberg, Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen
Övrigt konferensbidrag

CEOs narrating leadership: Constant gardeners, team players, actionable pragmatists and business directors

Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen
Proceeding of the 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, ARCOM 2018, p. 697-706
Paper i proceeding

Doing strategy in project-based organizations: Actors and patterns of action

Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen, Roine Leiringer
International Journal of Project Management. Vol. 36 (6), p. 889-898
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Conceptualising behavioural ambidexterity and the effects on individual well-being

A.B. Raidén, Christine Räisänen
Proceeding of the 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, ARCOM 2018, p. 736-745
Paper i proceeding

Imagining a Sustainable Future: Shaping Emergent Thinking by Reflecting Through Aesthetic Action

Paul Chan, Christine Räisänen
Engineering Project Project Organisation Journal. Vol. 7 (August), p. 83_98-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Measuring malevolent character: Data using the Swedish version of Jonason's Dark Triad Dirty Dozen

Danilo Garcia, Patricia Rosenberg, Shane MacDonald et al
Data in Brief. Vol. 14, p. 648-652
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Workaholics on site! Sustainability of site managers' work situations?

Rikard Sandberg, Ani Raiden, Christine Räisänen
21st WBC16 Congress
Paper i proceeding

The site manager as an omnious being: Exploring the ‘body’ in embodiment of organizational spaces

Rickard Sandberg, Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen et al
EGOS conference, Naples 2016, 6-9 July, Sub-Theme 4: Diversity, Embodiment and Affect
Paper i proceeding

The site manager as an omnious being: Exploring the 'body' in embodiment of organizational spaces

Rikard Sandberg, Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen et al
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Exploring the Work Practices of Site Managers as Processes of Embodiment

Rikard Sandberg, Christine Räisänen, Martin Löwstedt
In: P W Chan and C J Neilson (Eds.) Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ARCOM Conference. Vol. 2, p. 679-688
Paper i proceeding

The problematic of place-taking and space-making in liminal practices: Contending experts appropriating space

Christine Räisänen, Martin Löwstedt, Max Rapp-Ricciardi
EGOS conference, Naples 2016, 6-9 July, Sub-Theme 17: Expert Power and Management: The Role of Management and Occupations in Shaping Organizations, Institutions and Societies
Paper i proceeding

There Is More to Multimodality Than Discourse Features and Nonverbal Behaviors!

Christine Räisänen
Multimodal Analysis in Academic Settings From Research to Teaching, (Eds.) Belinda Crawford Camiciottoli, Inmaculada Fortanet-Gómez Routledge, p. 133-143
Kapitel i bok

What’s taking space on site? Embodied place making in construction

Rikard Sanberg, Christine Räisänen, Ani Raiden
Paper i proceeding

Stakeholders' views and experiences of leadership education in construction: suggestions for improvements

Christine Räisänen, Per-Erik Josephson, Bert Luvö
8th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization. Vol. 21, p. 540-547
Paper i proceeding

Passion or delusion: Middle managers constructing new meanings of work

Christine Räisänen, Rikard Sandberg, Ani Raiden
WORK 2015
Paper i proceeding

Hur ska man utbilda i ledarskap? Fallet byggproduktionsledare

Per-Erik Josephson, Christine Räisänen, Bert Luvö

Stakes and struggles in liminal spaces: construction practitioners interacting with management-consultants

Christine Räisänen, Martin Löwstedt
Engineering Project Organization Journal. Vol. 4 (2-3), p. 123-133
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Social identity in construction: enactments and outcomes

Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 32 (11), p. 1093-1105
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Game of experts: Management consultants vying for power in unfamiliar fields

Christine Räisänen, Martin Löwstedt
EGOS conference, Rotterdam, 3-5 July, Sub-theme 41: The Power of Management Experts in Organizations and Society
Paper i proceeding

Striving to achieve it all: men and work-family-life balance in Sweden and the UK

A.B. Raidén, Christine Räisänen
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 31 (8), p. 899-913
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Decoupling and standardization in the projectification of a company

Inger Bergman, Sven Gunnarson, Christine Räisänen
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. Vol. 6 (1), p. 106-128
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Knowledge sharing and learning across community boundaries in an arena for energy efficient building

Pernilla Gluch, Karin Johansson, Christine Räisänen
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 48, p. 232-240
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Strategy workshops: The fusing of the past and the future in the present

Christine Räisänen, Ann-Charlotte Stenberg, Martin Löwstedt
CIB World Building Congress, Construction and Society, Brisbane, 5-9 May 2013
Paper i proceeding

The meaning of time in a cross-disciplinary arena project

Christine Räisänen, Pernilla Gluch, Karin Johansson
CIB World Building Congress, Construction and Society, Brisbane, 5-9 May 2013
Paper i proceeding

"Being a construction worker": Identity effects as a self-reinforcing mechanism in construction

Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen
CIB 2012 Conference Proceedings, Montréal
Paper i proceeding

What tensions obstruct an alignment between project and environmental management practices?

Pernilla Gluch, Christine Räisänen
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. Vol. 19 (2), p. 127-140
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Juggling work, family... and life in academia: The case of the "new" man

A.B. Raidén, Christine Räisänen, Valeri Craven
28th Annual Conference of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2012; Edinburgh; United Kingdom; 3 September 2012 through 5 September 2012. Vol. 1, p. 273-283
Paper i proceeding

Using positioning theory to understand construction of selfhood in strategy audits

Christine Räisänen, Ann-Charlotte Stenberg, Martin Löwstedt
28th Egos Colloquium, Helsinki, Sub-theme 05 Strategy-as-Practice
Paper i proceeding

"Playing back-spin balls": Narrating organizational change in construction

Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 30 (9), p. 795-806
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Bringing on-site identities into the boardroom: A self-reinforcing mechanism in construction

Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen
28th Egos Colloquium, Helsinki, Sub-theme 21 Self-reinforcing processes in organizations
Paper i proceeding

Using Positioning Theory to Understand Strategic Management

Christine Räisänen, Ann-Charlotte Stenberg
MISBE2011 - Proceedings of the international Conference on Management and Innovation for a Sustainable Built Environment
Paper i proceeding

“Two strides forward, one stride back:” Strategy practice as chains of conversations

Christine Räisänen, Ann-Charlotte Stenberg, Martin Löwstedt
27th EGOS Colloquium, Göteborg, 2011
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Imagining a sustainable future: the role of aesthetic knowledge in shaping emergent thinking of sustainable development

Paul Chan, Christine Räisänen
Proceedings of EESB. Gothenburg, 2010
Paper i proceeding

Re-organizing for Innovation: Top Management Attention as a Driver of Strategic Renewal

Lena Ekelund, Christine Räisänen
ISPIM 2011
Paper i proceeding

Strategy work in a large construction company: personified strategies as drivers för change

Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen, Ann-Charlotte Stenberg et al
6th Nordic conference on Construction Economics and Organisation, 13-15 April, 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Paper i proceeding

How does change happen in a large construction company: Comparing objectified and lived versions of change

Martin Löwstedt, Christine Räisänen, Ann-Charlotte Stenberg
27th Annual Conference of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2011. Bristol, 5 - 7 September 2011. Vol. 1, p. 85-94
Paper i proceeding

Collaborating for Content and Language Integrated Learning: The Situated Character of Faculty Collaboration and Student Learning

Magnus Gustafsson, Andreas Eriksson, Christine Räisänen et al
Across the Disciplines. Vol. 8 (3)
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

“This paper is not in the conference template”: The discourse of conference gatekeeping

Christine Räisänen, Ann-Charlotte Stenberg
ARCOM Proceedings, Bristol, UK
Paper i proceeding

Coacha arbetslaget att bryta rigida strukturer och frigöra medarbetarnas potential

Sven Gunnarson, Christine Räisänen
Rapp Ricciardi, Max (red), Handboken Coaching, Bonniers Ledarskapshandböcker, kapitel 5.2.
Kapitel i bok

Role of action research in dealing with a traditional process

Johan Björnström, Ann-Charlotte Stenberg, Christine Räisänen
Performance Improvement in Construction Management, p. 102-114
Kapitel i bok

Aligning the practices of the permanent with those of the temporary

Pernilla Gluch, Christine Räisänen
25th Annual Conference of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2009; Nottingham; United Kingdom; 7 September 2009 through 9 September 2009, p. 867-875
Paper i proceeding

Metaphorical meta-stories to facilitate critical reflection: Coping with dysfunctional organisations

Christine Räisänen, Sven Gunnarson
Proceedings of the 25th EGOS Colloquium ‘The Social Dynamics of Standardization’, July 2-4, 2009. Barcelona, Spain.
Paper i proceeding

Interactional perspective on environmental communication in construction projects

Pernilla Gluch, Christine Räisänen
Building Research and Information. Vol. 37 (2), p. 164-175
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Informality and emergence: Editorial

Paul Chan, Christine Räisänen
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 27 (10), p. 907-912
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Passion as a substitute for formal education in knowing and learning processes

Ann-Charlotte Stenberg, Christine Räisänen, Sven Gunnarson et al
Proceedings of the 25th EGOS Colloquium ‘The Social Dynamics of Standardization’, July 2-4, 2009. Barcelona, Spain.
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Corporate strategies: for whom and for what?

Johan Björnström, Ann-Charlotte Stenberg, Christine Räisänen
Performance Improvement in Construction Management (eds. Atkin and Borgbrant), p. 102-114
Kapitel i bok


Christine Räisänen
Paper i proceeding

ESP in European Higher Education

Inmaculada Fortanet, Christine Räisänen
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap)

Att verka i en multiprojekt miljö: Metoder för att begripliggöra

Sven Gunnarson, Christine Räisänen
I Stjernberg, T.; Söderlund, J.; Wikström, E. (red.) "Projektliv – villkor för uthållig projektverksamhet". Studentlitteratur, Lund, p. 141-158
Kapitel i bok

The discursive construction of a green organizational identity

Ann-Charlotte Stenberg, Christine Räisänen
Transformation through construction, Joint 2008 CIB W065/W055 Symposium proceedings, p. 216-217
Paper i proceeding

The state of ESP teaching and learning in Western European education after Bologna

Christine Räisänen
ESP in European Higher Education, p. 11-54
Kapitel i bok

Broadening the scope of language teaching and learning: An integrated approach

Christine Räisänen
Pedagogical Reflections on Learning Languages Instructed Settings, Cambridge University Press
Kapitel i bok

Kommunikation och kunskap - för vem och för vad?

Christine Räisänen, Sven Gunnarson

’Design-implement experience from the 2nd year capstone course “Integrated Design and Manufacturing"'

Magnus Evertsson, Johan Bankel, Mikael Enelund et al
Proceedings of the 3rd International CDIO conference, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 11-14, 2007.
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Corporate strategies: For whom and for what?

Johan Björnström, Ann-Charlotte Stenberg, Christine Räisänen
4th Nordic Conference in Construction Economics and Organization
Paper i proceeding

Learning to know and knowing to learn: Discursive practice as knowledge enabler

Christine Räisänen, Sven Gunnarson
Proceedings of CME 25 "Construction Management and Economics: Past, Present and Future", July 16-18 2007, Reading, UK. Taylor and Francis
Paper i proceeding

Performance measurement to communicate strategy

Christine Räisänen, Johan Björnström
Proceedings of CIB World Building Congress 2007
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

New actors in new product development: investigating communication and collaboration in interdisciplinary product development teams

Sara Persson, MariAnne Karlsson, Klara Rohlin et al
Proceedings from the 14th International Product Development Management Conference, Porto, Portugal. Vol. 2(3), p. 609-621
Paper i proceeding

Pooling individual experiential narratives to enhance organisational learning

Christine Räisänen, Sven Gunnarson
Proceedings of the joint international symposium of CIB W55/W65/W86 "Construction in the XXI century: Local and global challenges", October 17-20 2006, Rome, Italy
Paper i proceeding

The Interpretative Flexibility of "Green" in the Building Sector: Diachronic and Synchronic Perspectives

Ann-Charlotte Stenberg, Christine Räisänen
International Studies of Management & Organization. Vol. 36 (2), p. 32-54
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

The Social Construction of 'Green Building' in the Swedish Context

Ann-Charlotte Stenberg, Christine Räisänen
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning. Vol. 8 (1), p. 67-85
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

From formulation to appropriation: The importance of communication in strategy design and implementation

Johan Björnström, Christine Räisänen
Construction in the XXI Century: Local and global challanges edited by Roberto Pietroforte, Enrico De Angelis and Francesco Polverino
Paper i proceeding

Assessing assessment from an activity theory perspective

Christine Räisänen
Bridging the assessment gap English-medium higher education
Kapitel i bok

Social practices, structure and agency: Effects on environmental management in construction projects

Pernilla Gluch, Henrikke Baumann, Christine Räisänen
13th International Greening of Industry Network Conference, City Hall, Cardiff, 2-5 July 2006
Övrigt konferensbidrag

More than medium of instruction: The Bologna process and teaching in English

Magnus Gustafsson, Christine Räisänen

Invisible social infrastructures to facilitate time-pressed distributed organising

Paul van Fenema, Christine Räisänen
Time & Society. Vol. 14 (2/3), p. 341-360
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Challenging governing organisational texts by pooling individual experiential narratives: Toward a re-writing of the organisation

Christine Räisänen, Sven Gunnarson
Proceedings of the 21st EGOS Colloquium "Unlocking organizations", June 30 - July 2 2005, Berlin, Germany
Övrigt konferensbidrag

A framework for coping with generic flexibility in ESP teaching and learning

Christine Räisänen
Current trends of languages for specific purposes an international and multicultural context
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Project-based learning: a contradiction in terms?

Göran Lindahl, Christine Räisänen
Proceedings of the 1st WCPM conference, Toronto, May 2004, p. 256-266
Paper i proceeding

What can multi-project organisations learn from each other? Comparing the construction and telecom industries

Sven Gunnarson, Christine Räisänen
Proceedings of the 1st International WCPM Conference, May 27-28 2004, Toronto, Canada, p. 540-551
Paper i proceeding

Communicating Environmental Information: Multiple Representations of Sustainability in Swedish Municipal Housing Companies

Ann-Charlotte Stenberg, Christine Räisänen
Proceedings of The 2004 Business Strategy and the Environment Conference, September 13th and 14th, University of Leeds, pp 243-252. Leeds, UK.
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Multiple literacies for the "new" engineer: learning to learn

Christine Räisänen
Integrating content and language: Meeting the challenges of a multilingual higher education, p. 264-274
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Technologizing discourse to standardize projects in multi-project organizations: Hegemony by consensus

Christine Räisänen, Anneli Linde
Organization. Vol. 11 (1), p. 101-121
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Multi-project organisations from a methodological perspective: Challenges and Rewards

Christine Räisänen, Sven Gunnarson
Proceedings of the IRNOP VI Project Research Conference, August 25-27 2004, Turku, Finland, p. 252-265
Paper i proceeding

Academic writing: a university course course

Lennart Björk, Christine Räisänen

Narrating project management: Weaving together words and actions to capture the essence of multi-project organisations

Christine Räisänen, Sven Gunnarson
Preceedings of the 5th International Conference on Organizational Discourse "From Micro-Utterances to Micro-Inferences", July 24-26 2002, London, UK
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Standardization and knowledge creation: Are they compatible for multi-project organizations?

Christine Räisänen, Sven Gunnarson, Anneli Linde
16th Nordic Conference of Business Studies, August 16-18 2001, Uppsala, Sweden
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Standardization and creativity in projects: Are they compatible?

Sven Gunnarson, Anneli Linde, Christine Räisänen
Proceedings of IPMA International Symposium and NORDNET "Project Management Creativity", May 31 - June 1 2001, Stockholm, Sweden
Paper i proceeding

The social construction of a project management model: Standardizing work processes in multi-project organizations

Sven Gunnarson, Christine Räisänen, Anneli Linde et al
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Organizational Discourse "Word Views, Work Views and World Views", July 26-28 2000, London, UK
Övrigt konferensbidrag

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Visar 9 forskningsprojekt


Värdeskapande kommunikation

Christine Räisänen Construction Management
Centrum för management i byggsektorn (CMB)


Digitalisering i projektorganisationer SBUF

Christine Räisänen Construction Management
Svenska Byggbranschens Utvecklingsfond (SBUF)


Ung i arbetslivet

Christine Räisänen Construction Management
AFA Försäkring


VALLA Coach Steg 3

Christine Räisänen Construction Management


VALLA Coach - stöd till byggplatser för ökad produktivitet. Steg 2 - realisering

Christine Räisänen Construction Management


Vallabussen, Steg 1

Christine Räisänen Construction Management


Kartläggning av mellanchefers arbetssituation och ledarskapspotential i syfte att förbättra social hållbarhet i byggsektorn: En fråga om att tänka framåt

Christine Räisänen Construction Management
Martin Löwstedt Construction Management
Rikard Sandberg Construction Management

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