Joosef Leppänen
Joosef Leppänen is Senior Lecturer at the Division of Structural Engineering, researchgroup Concrete Structures, since 2012. He teaches in courses for Master of Science and for BSc in Structural Engineering in concrete structures, steel- and timber structures. In his research Joosef focus on concrete structures subjected to explosive loading. The aim is to increase the common knowledge and spread it out to the society.

Showing 30 publications
CFD Modelling of LPG Dispersion in a Road Environment
Residual capacity of RC beams subjected to impact loading: Influence of reinforcement ductility
Numerical modelling of vibrational effects on buildings from blasting
Experimental validation of two CFD solvers for prediction of blast loading in an urban environment
Effects on buildings from blast induced vibrations – a numerical pre-study
Skadeverkan mot byggnad av markvibrationer från sprängning
Plastisk deformationsförmåga och tvärkraftsrespons hos impulsbelastade betongkonstruktioner
Skadeverkan mot byggnad av markvibrationer från sprängning
Wave propagation effects from blast induced vibrations
Inventering av kunskapsbehov i byggbranschen med hänsyn till explosioner i en förtätad stadsmiljö
On the dynamic response of reinforced concrete beams subjected to drop weight impact
Residual Capacity of RC Beams Subjected to Impact Loading
On the Numerical Modelling of Bond for the Failure Analysis of Reinforced Concrete
Review of research on strengthened concrete structures subjected to impulse and blast loading
MSB:s dokumentserie för beräkning av impulsbelastade konstruktioner
Beräkningsanvisningar för strukturell dynamisk respons vid explosionsbelastning
Stötvågs- och splitterbelastade betongkonstruktioner
Numerical Studies of Projectile Impacts on Reinforced Concrete
Experiments and numerical analyses of blast and fragment impacts on concrete.
Fragment impacts into concrete
Dynamic behaviour of concrete structures subjected to blast and fragment impacts
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Showing 10 research projects
Damage to building of ground vibrations from blasting – Numerical modelling.
Explosioner i en förtätad stadsmiljö. fortsättning och slutfas - etapp 2
Dynamisk belastning av betongkonstruktioner
Vibrational damages in buildings from blasting effects - Field test modelling
Explosions in a denser urban environment
Vibrational damages in buildings from blasting effects (pre study)
Impulsbelastade betongkonstruktioner
Blast and Fragment Impacts: Strengthening of reinforced concrete structures
Blast and Fragment Impacts: Pre-study of strengthening of structures subjected to impulse loading