Ulrika Lundqvist

Professor at Physical Resource Theory

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Ulrika Lundqvist

Showing 36 publications


Education for sustainable development and the need for education in ethics

Ulrika Lundqvist, Karl de Fine Licht
The Routledge Handbook of Global Sustainability Education and Thinking for the 21st Century, p. Chapter 8.1-
Book chapter

Student-centered Learning Activities for Key Sustainability Competencies in Online Courses with Many Students

Johan Berg Pettersen, Ulrika Lundqvist
Proceedings of the International CDIO Conference, p. 831-844
Paper in proceeding

The CDIO Syllabus 3.0 - An Updated Statement of Goals

Johan Malmqvist, Ulrika Lundqvist, Anders Rosén et al
Proceedings of the International CDIO Conference
Paper in proceeding

From CDIO to challenge-based learning experiences – expanding student learning as well as societal impact?

Kamilla Kohn Rådberg, Ulrika Lundqvist, Johan Malmqvist et al
European Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 45 (1), p. 22-37
Journal article

Toward CDIO Standards 3.0

Johan Malmqvist, Maria Knutson Wedel, Ulrika Lundqvist et al
Paper in proceeding

Knowing how and knowing when: unpacking public understanding of atmospheric CO2 accumulation

Erik Sterner, Tom Adawi, Martin Persson et al
Climatic Change. Vol. 154 (1-2), p. 49-67
Journal article

Mapping the CDIO Syllabus to the UNESO Key Competences for Sustainability

Anders Rosén, Kristina Edström, Audun Gröm et al
Proceedings of the International CDIO Conference, p. 67-84
Paper in proceeding


Johan Malmqvist, Maria Knutson Wedel, Ulrika Lundqvist et al
Proceedings of the International CDIO Conference, p. 44-66
Paper in proceeding

Integrering av hållbar utveckling i utbildningen: Jämförelse Chalmers och KTH

Ulrika Lundqvist, Emma Strömberg
Proceedings of the 6:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar
Paper in proceeding

An approach to sustainable product development relevant to small and medium-sized enterprises

John Holmberg, Ulrika Lundqvist, Karl Henrik Robèrt
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and the Environment: Business Imperatives, p. 158-170
Book chapter

Training Engineers for Handling Ethical Dilemmas in Sustainability Contexts

Ulrika Lundqvist, Magdalena Svanström
Mazijn, B. (Ed.). 2016. EESD2016 – Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (Bruges, 4-7 September 2016) – Building a circular economy together. Instituut vóór Duurzame Ontwikkeling vzw, Brugge, p. 195-203
Paper in proceeding

Reasons behind why some courses in environment and sustainable development are not appreciated by students and why some are

Ulrika Lundqvist
Mazijn, B. (Ed.). 2016. EESD2016 – Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (Bruges, 4-7 September 2016) – Building a circular economy together. Instituut vóór Duurzame Ontwikkeling vzw, Brugge, p. 326-334
Paper in proceeding

Learning Outcomes in Challenge Based Master’s Theses for Sustainable Development

Kamilla Kohn Rådberg, Ulrika Lundqvist, Johan Malmqvist et al
Other conference contribution

Experiences in integrating ethics for engineers in MSc programmes

Ulrika Lundqvist
The 12th International CDIO Conference - Proceedings, Full Papers. Turku, Finland, June 12-16, 2016, p. 397-408
Paper in proceeding

Comparative Analysis of Challenge-Based Learning Experiences

Johan Malmqvist, Kamilla Kohn Rådberg, Ulrika Lundqvist
Proceedings of the 11th International CDIO Conference, Chengdu, China
Paper in proceeding

Learning Outcomes in Challenge Based Master’s Theses for Sustainable Development at Chalmers University of Technology

Kamilla Kohn Rådberg, Ulrika Lundqvist, Johan Malmqvist et al
Proceedings from Ingenjörsutbildningarnas Utvecklingskonferens 2015, Uppsala, Sweden
Other conference contribution

Integration of education for sustainable development in the mechanical engineering curriculum

Mikael Enelund, Maria Knutson Wedel, Ulrika Lundqvist et al
Australasian Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 19 (1), p. 51-62
Journal article

Experiences from an International Training Programme on ESD in Higher Education at Chalmers University of Technology

Ulrika Lundqvist, John Holmberg
Konferensproceedings Engineering Education for Sustainable Development 2013 (EESD13), Cambridge 22-25 September 2013, p. 254-261
Paper in proceeding

Integrating Education for Sustainable Development into the Environmental Management System – Experiences from Chalmers University of Technology

Magdalena Svanström, Jennica Kjällstrand, Ulrika Lundqvist et al
Proceeedings to Engineering Education for Sustainable Development 2013 (EESD13), Cambridge, England, UK, Sep 22-25 2013
Paper in proceeding

A Procedure for Analysing ESD Curricula Applied on Engineering Programmes at Swedish Universities

Ulrika Lundqvist, Reidar Lyng, Claes Ohlsson et al
Konferensproceedings Engineering Education for Sustainable Development 2013 (EESD13), Cambridge 22-25 September 2013, p. 389-396
Paper in proceeding

Pedagogical Support for Education for Sustainable Development - Description and Evaluation of a New Support Function for Teachers and Programme Directors at Chalmers University of Technology

Ulrika Lundqvist
Konferensproceedings Engineering Education for Sustainable Development 2013 (EESD13), Cambridge 22-25 September 2013, p. 381-388
Paper in proceeding

Integration of education for sustainable development in a mechanical engineering programme

Mikael Enelund, Maria Knutson Wedel, Ulrika Lundqvist et al
Proceedings of the 8th International CDIO Conference, Brisbane, Austraila
Paper in proceeding

Describing education for sustainable development in engineering education in terms of learning outcomes and learning sequences - examples from Chalmers University of Technology

Magdalena Svanström, Ulrika Lundqvist
9th ICED Conference 2012; Across the Globe Higher Education Learning and Teaching
Other conference contribution

Are we educating engineers for sustainability? Comparison between obtained competences and Swedish industry's needs

Andreas Hanning, Anna Priem Abelsson, Ulrika Lundqvist et al
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. Vol. 13 (3), p. 305-320
Journal article

The university and transformation towards sustainability: The strategy used at Chalmers University of Technology

John Holmberg, Ulrika Lundqvist, Magdalena Svanström et al
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. Vol. 13 (3), p. 219-231
Journal article

Program leadership from a Nordic perspective - Managing education development

Anna-Karin Högfeldt, Ann Cornell, Mikael Cronhjort et al
Proceedings of 8th International CDIO Conference, Brisbane, Australia
Paper in proceeding

Investigating consistency of judgement across sustainability analysts

Ted Martin Hedesström, Ulrika Lundqvist, Anders Biel
Sustainable Development. Vol. 19 (2), p. 119-134
Journal article

Framtidsanalyser av miljöprestanda

Ted Martin Hedesström, Ulrika Lundqvist, Anders Biel
Hållbar utveckling - från risk till värde / L. G. Hassel, L.-O. Larsson & E. Nore (red.), p. 65-72
Book chapter

To improve the ability to reflect on your own research in relation to sustainable development - experiences from a course for PhD students at Chalmers University of Technology

Magdalena Svanström, Anna Nyström Claesson, Jonas Nässén et al
Proceedings of Engineering Education in Sustainable Development, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2010
Paper in proceeding

What has to be learnt for sustainability? A comparison of bachelor engineering education competences at three European universities

J. Segalas, D. Ferrer-Balas, Magdalena Svanström et al
Sustainability Science. Vol. 4 (1), p. 17-27
Journal article

To address the quality of engineering education for sustainable development – experiences from Chalmers university of technology

Magdalena Svanström, Ulrika Lundqvist, Marie Arehag et al
Proceedings to Engineering Education in Sustainable Development 2008
Other conference contribution

Inventory of content in basic courses in environment and sustainable development at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden

Ulrika Lundqvist, Magdalena Svanström
European Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 33 (3), p. 355-364
Journal article

Strategies and Practices for Sustainability: Experiences from Firm Level

Sverker Alänge, John Holmberg, Ulrika Lundqvist
10th International QMOD Conference at Campus Helsingborg, Lund University, June 18-20, 2007, Lund
Paper in proceeding

Strategic planning towards sustainability - An approach applied on a company level

Ulrika Lundqvist, Sverker Alänge, John Holmberg

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Showing 6 research projects


Advanced Digital Skills Policy Lab for Academic Transformation (ADAPT)

Ulrika Lundqvist Physical Resource Theory
Tanya Osborne Science, Technology and Society
Dan Paulin Supply and Operations Management
Ola Hultkrantz Supply and Operations Management
Francis Lee Science, Technology and Society


Integrated learning - Expert Learning Lab

Ulrika Lundqvist Physical Resource Theory
Gunnel Olsson
Hugo Landgren Learning and Learning Environments
Malin Kjellberg Engineering Education Research
Christian Stöhr Engineering Education Research
Dan Paulin Supply and Operations Management
Ola Hultkrantz Supply and Operations Management
Jörgen Blennow Education and Lifelong Learning


Public Understanding of Climate Physics: CO2 Accumulation & Earth's Energy Balance

Erik Sterner Physical Resource Theory 2
Ulrika Lundqvist Physical Resource Theory
Tom Adawi Engineering Education Research - EER (Chalmers)
Martin Persson Physical Resource Theory 2


Utveckling av utbildningsformat för kompetensomställning i fordonsindustri

Ulrika Lundqvist Physical Resource Theory
Christian Stöhr Engineering Education Research - EER (Chalmers)
Region Västra Götaland


A pilot for development of delivery formats and financing models for master level AI-courses for professionals

Karin Färnevik
Ulrika Lundqvist Physical Resource Theory
Bo Norrman Innovationskontor Väst
Mikael Weimarck
Christian Stöhr Engineering Education Research - EER (Chalmers)


Land Plan - Robust methods for sustainable planning and building

Ulrika Lundqvist Physical Resource Theory

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