Eusebio Gardella

Senior Lecturer at Analysis and Probability Theory

I am a Functional Analyst, working primarily on C*-dynamical systems, with interests also in Ergodic Theory, Abstract Harmonic Analysis, as well as the interactions of model theory and descriptive set theory with these areas. In C*-dynamics, I am particularly interested in the structure and classification of amenable group actions on simple, nuclear C*-algebras, and also the rigidity phenomena that actions of nonamenable groups, such as those with property (T), exhibit in this context. Another line of research comes from topological dynamics, where the goal is to relate properties of the dynamical system (such as mean dimension zero) to structural properties of the crossed product (such as Jiang-Su stability).

Image of Eusebio Gardella

Showing 12 publications


Rings and C*-algebras generated by commutators

Eusebio Gardella, Hannes Thiel
Journal of Algebra. Vol. 662, p. 214-241
Journal article

Products of commutators in matrix rings

Matej Brešar, Eusebio Gardella, Hannes Thiel
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin. Vol. In Press
Journal article


Eusebio Gardella, Hannes Thiel
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Vol. 152 (9), p. 3647-3656
Journal article

Rigidity results for L<sup>p</sup>-operator algebras and applications

Yemon Choi, Eusebio Gardella, Hannes Thiel
Advances in Mathematics. Vol. 452
Journal article

Tracially amenable actions and purely infinite crossed products

Eusebio Gardella, Shirly Geffen, Julian Kranz et al
Mathematische Annalen. Vol. 390 (3), p. 3665-3690
Journal article

Actions on classifiable C*-algebras without equivariant property (SI)

Eusebio Gardella, Julian Kranz, Andrea Vaccaro
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. Vol. 56 (12), p. 3623-3633
Journal article

Asymptotic lifting for completely positive maps

Marzieh Forough, Eusebio Gardella, Klaus Thomsen
Journal of Functional Analysis. Vol. 287 (12)
Journal article

Dynamical comparison and Z-stability for crossed products of simple C<sup>⁎</sup>-algebras

Eusebio Gardella, Shirly Geffen, Petr Naryshkin et al
Advances in Mathematics. Vol. 438
Journal article

Classifiability of crossed products by nonamenable groups

Eusebio Gardella, Shirly Geffen, Julian Kranz et al
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. Vol. 2023 (797), p. 285-312
Journal article

Zero-product balanced algebras

Eusebio Gardella, Hannes Thiel
Linear Algebra and Its Applications. Vol. 670, p. 121-153
Journal article

Isomorphisms of Algebras of Convolution Operators

Eusebio Gardella, Hannes Thiel
Annales Scientifiques de lEcole Normale Superieure. Vol. 55 (5), p. 1432-1471
Journal article

Strongly outer actions of amenable groups on Z-stable nuclear C*-algebras

Eusebio Gardella, Ilan Hirshberg, Andrea Vaccaro
Journal des Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees. Vol. 162, p. 76-123
Journal article

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