Alexander Hollberg

Associate Professor at Building Technology

Alexander Hollberg is Associate Professor in the research group Sustainable Building, Division of Building Technology, at Chalmers. Alexander specialized in Computational Sustainable Design to work on developing methods and tools that facilitate the design of sustainable buildings and cities. The digital tools are used to assess, optimize, and visualize the design’s performance in real-time (energy, LCA, LCC, daylight, etc.). The goal is to provide decision-makers with the necessary information in the early design stages. Furthermore, he is co-founder and Head of R&D at CAALA, a software and consulting startup based in Munich, Germany.

Image of Alexander Hollberg

Showing 54 publications


Activity-based simulations for neighbourhood planning towards social-spatial equity

Sanjay Somanath, Liane Thuvander, Jorge Gil et al
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. Vol. 117
Journal article

Scalability in Building Component Data Annotation: Enhancing Facade Material Classification with Synthetic Data

Josie Harrison, Alexander Hollberg, Yinan Yu
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computing in Construction. Vol. 2024 , p. 120-127
Paper in proceeding

Circular information flows in industrialized housing construction: the case of a multi-family housing product platform in Sweden

Firehiwot Kedir, Daniel M. Hall, Sara Brantvall et al
Construction Innovation. Vol. 24 (5), p. 1354-1379
Journal article

Critical perspectives on life cycle building performance assessment tool reviews

Toivo Säwén, Angela Sasic Kalagasidis, Alexander Hollberg
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 197 (7), p. 114407-
Review article

Machine Learning (ML) as a surrogate model for early-stage energy optimization

Xinyue Wang, Josie Harrison, Robin Teigland et al
SimBuild Conference Proceedings. Vol. 11
Paper in proceeding

An activity-based synthetic population of Gothenburg, Sweden: Dataset of residents in neighbourhoods

Sanjay Somanath, Liane Thuvander, Alexander Hollberg
Data in Brief. Vol. 57
Journal article

Strategies for robust renovation of residential buildings in Switzerland

Alina Galimshina, Maliki Moustapha, Alexander Hollberg et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 15 (1)
Journal article

Environmental impacts of circularity in the built environment: How do system boundaries affect decision support?

Sarah Cecilie Andersen, Alexander Hollberg, Xan Browne et al
Developments in the Built Environment. Vol. 18
Journal article

Circular Building Strategies: A Categorization Framework

Anna Wöhler, Alexander Hollberg, Leonardo Rosado et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1363 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Accounting for product recovery potential in building life cycle assessments: a disassembly network-based approach

Haitham Abu-Ghaida, Michiel Ritzen, Alexander Hollberg et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Towards digital twinning for multi-domain simulation workflows in urban design: a case study in Gothenburg

Alex Arnoldo Gonzalez Caceres, Franziska Hunger, Jens Forssén et al
Journal of Building Performance Simulation. Vol. In Press
Journal article


Toivo Säwén, Pierre Estève-Bourrel, Isac Mjörnell et al
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computing in Construction. Vol. 2024, p. 276-253
Paper in proceeding

High-resolution parametric embodied impact configurator for PV and BIPV systems

Alina Galimshina, Justin McCarty, Christoph Waibel et al
Renewable Energy. Vol. 236
Journal article

Identifying influential architectural design variables for early-stage building sustainability optimization

Xinyue Wang, Robin Teigland, Alexander Hollberg
Building and Environment. Vol. 252
Journal article

Does a flipped classroom approach help? – Experiences from a project-based engineering course

Alexander Hollberg
Proceedings Chalmers Conference on Teaching and Learning 2023, p. 24-31
Paper in proceeding

Where to focus? Developing a LCA impact category selection tool for manufacturers of building materials

Haibo Feng, Jianfeng Zhao, Alexander Hollberg et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 405
Journal article

Economic comparison of mass timber and concrete construction in the nordic region

Julie Swartz Andersen, Yutaka Goto, Michael Englund et al
13th World Conference on Timber Engineering, WCTE 2023. Vol. 7, p. 4360-4369
Paper in proceeding

BIM4EarlyLCA: An interactive visualization approach for early design support based on uncertain LCA results using open BIM

Kasimir Forth, Alexander Hollberg, André Borrmann
Developments in the Built Environment. Vol. 16
Journal article

Application and validation of a method to assess the energy reduction and environmental impact of renovation alternatives

Alex Arnoldo Gonzalez Caceres, Sanjay Somanath, Jacob Forsberg et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1196 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Life Cycle Cost and Life Cycle Assessment of Composite Bridge with Flat and Corrugated Webs

Fatima Hlal, Mozhdeh Amani, Peter Nilsson et al
ce/papers. Vol. 6, p. 574-579
Journal article

Interactive visualization of uncertain embodied GHG emissions for design decision support in early stages using open BIM

Kasimir Forth, André Borrmann, Alexander Hollberg
Life-Cycle of Structures and Infrastructure Systems - Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE 2023, p. 3634-3641
Paper in proceeding

Resource efficiency factors in industrialised construction-a study in developing economies

Firehiwot Kedir, Daniel Hall, Dimitra Ioannidou et al
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability. Vol. 176 (2), p. 94-105
Journal article

Do we need a saw? Carbon-based analysis of facade BIPV performance under partial shading from nearby trees

Justin McCarty, Christoph Waibel, Alina Galimshina et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 2600 (4)
Paper in proceeding

High-resolution and localized parametric embodied impact calculator of PV systems

Alina Galimshina, Alexander Hollberg, Justin McCarty et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1196 (1)
Paper in proceeding

BIM-based LCSA application in early design stages using IFC

C. Llatas, B. Soust-Verdaguer, Alexander Hollberg et al
Automation in Construction. Vol. 138
Journal article

Analysis of current practice and future potentials of LCA in a BIM-based design process in Germany

Rebecca Schumacher, S. Theißen, J. Höper et al
E3S Web of Conferences. Vol. 349
Paper in proceeding

A Pathway to Climate Neutral Buildings:Definitions, Policy and Stakeholder Understanding in Sweden and China

Xinyue Wang, Robin Teigland, Alexander Hollberg
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1078 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Tool characterisation framework for parametric building LCA

Toivo Säwén, E. Magnusson, Angela Sasic Kalagasidis et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1078 (1)
Paper in proceeding

A Characterisation Framework for Parametric Building Performance Simulation Tools

Toivo Säwén, E. Magnusson, Alexander Hollberg et al
E3S Web of Conferences. Vol. 362
Paper in proceeding

Procedural digital twin generation for co-creating in VR focusing on vegetation

Liane Thuvander, Sanjay Somanath, Alexander Hollberg
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives. Vol. 48 (4/W5-2022), p. 189-196
Paper in proceeding

A Framework for User Centric LCA Tool Development for Early Planning Stages of Buildings

Alexander Hollberg, Maria Tjader, Gerda Ingelhag et al
Frontiers in Built Environment. Vol. 8
Journal article

Buildings LCA and digitalization: Designers' toolbox based on a survey

R. di Bari, R. Horn, S. Bruhn et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1078 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Effects of Sustainability Policy – Evaluating Social Consequences of Carbon Targets using Trip Completion Rates

Sanjay Somanath, Alexander Hollberg, Liane Thuvander
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1078 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Concept for combining LCA and hazardous building material assessment for decision support using BIM

S. Theißen, J. Höper, M. Lambertz et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1078 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Bio-based materials as a robust solution for building renovation: A case study

Alina Galimshina, Maliki Moustapha, Alexander Hollberg et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 316
Journal article

Towards digitalisation of socially sustainable neighbourhood design

Sanjay Somanath, Alexander Hollberg, Liane Thuvander
Local Environment. Vol. 26 (6), p. 770-789
Journal article

AI-baserad segementering av fasader för att optimera renovering i en större skala

Sanjay Somanath, Yinan Yu, Nils Nordmark et al
Bygg och teknik. Vol. 2021 (2), p. 26-29
Magazine article

Review of visualising LCA results in the design process of buildings

Alexander Hollberg, Benedek Kiss, M. Röck et al
Building and Environment. Vol. 190
Review article

What is the optimal robust environmental and cost-effective solution for building renovation? Not the usual one

Alina Galimshina, Maliki Moustapha, Alexander Hollberg et al
Energy and Buildings. Vol. 251
Journal article

A user interaction model for digital tools to support socially sustainable neighbourhood planning

Sanjay Somanath, Alexander Hollberg, Liane Thuvander
Other conference contribution

Evaluation of BIM-based LCA results for building design

Alexander Hollberg, Gianluca Genova, Guillaume Habert
Automation in Construction. Vol. 109
Journal article

Integrated BIM-based LCA for the entire building process using an existing structure for cost estimation in the Swiss context

Anita Naneva, Marcella Bonanomi, Alexander Hollberg et al
Sustainability. Vol. 12 (9)
Journal article

Database of Embodied Quantity Outputs: Lowering Material Impacts Through Engineering

Catherine de Wolf, Endrit Hoxha, Alexander Hollberg et al
Journal of Architectural Engineering. Vol. 26 (3)
Journal article

Towards digitisation of socially sustainable neighbourhood design

Sanjay Somanath, Alexander Hollberg, Liane Thuvander
Other conference contribution

Robust and resilient renovation solutions in different climate change scenarios

Alina Galimshina, Maliki Moustapha, Alexander Hollberg et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 588 (3)
Paper in proceeding

Implications of using systematic decomposition structures to organize building LCA information: A comparative analysis of national standards and guidelines- IEA EBC ANNEX 72

B. Soust-Verdaguer, A. García Martínez, C. Llatas et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 588 (2)
Paper in proceeding

A data-driven parametric tool for under-specified LCA in the design phase

Alexander Hollberg, Deepshi Kaushal, Saso Basic et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 588 (5)
Paper in proceeding

Carbon budgets for buildings: harmonising temporal, spatial and sectoral dimensions

Guillaume Habert, M. Röck, Karl Steininger et al
Buildings and Cities. Vol. 1 (1), p. 429-452
Journal article

The relation between social life cycle assessment and green building certification systems

Sanjay Somanath, Alexander Hollberg, Sjouke Beemsterboer et al
Conference poster

Statistical method to identify robust building renovation choices for environmental and economic performance

Alina Galimshina, Maliki Moustapha, Alexander Hollberg et al
Building and Environment. Vol. 183
Journal article

Detailed Assessment of Embodied Carbon of HVAC Systems for a New Office Building Based on BIM

Christina Kiamili, Alexander Hollberg, Guillaume Habert
Sustainability. Vol. 12 (8)
Journal article

Improving the collaboration between architects and energy consultants through design-integrated early BIM-tools

Alexander Hollberg, Norman Klüber, Matthias Götz et al
Building Simulation Conference Proceedings. Vol. 4, p. 2627-2633
Paper in proceeding

LCA in architectural design—a parametric approach

Alexander Hollberg, Jürgen Ruth
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 21 (7), p. 943-960
Journal article

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Showing 14 research projects


DT6GV: Towards Intelligent and Safe Urban Transport System: Where Digital Twining and 6G Vehicular Communications Meet

Tommy Svensson Communication Systems
Anders Logg Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Alexander Hollberg Building Technology
Vasilis Naserentin Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Hao Guo Communication Systems
Sanjay Somanath Building Technology
Morteza Ghaderi Aram Communication Systems
AoA Transport

1 publication exists

Digital material inventories for sustainable urban mining

Alexander Hollberg Building Technology
Josie Harrison Building Technology
Aida Eghbali Building Technology
Yinan Yu Functional Programming
Leonardo Rosado Building Technology
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)

1 publication exists

Extracting amenity demand and visitation profiles from mobile phone location data

Jorge Gil Urban Design and Planning
Alexander Hollberg Building Technology
Sanjay Somanath Building Technology
Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods


Climate awareness tools for building and structure at early design stages - from prototype to implementation

Alexander Hollberg Building Technology
Toivo Säwén Building Technology
Swedish Energy Agency


Urban modelling and planning tool for energy and invisible environmental factors using AI methods

Alexander Hollberg Building Technology
Vasilis Naserentin Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Jens Forssén Applied Acoustics
Anders Logg Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Beata Stahre Wästberg Interaction design
Yinan Yu Functional Programming
Sanjay Somanath Building Technology
Andreas Mark Fluid Dynamics
Dag Wästberg Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Franziska Hunger C3SE
AoA Energy

1 publication exists


Alexander Hollberg Building Technology
Alex Arnoldo Gonzalez Caceres Building Technology

1 publication exists

Powering the City - Urban Building Integrated Photovoltaics

Alexander Hollberg Building Technology
Singapore-ETH Centre

1 publication exists

Stakeholder-specific environmental and economic optimization of buildings in early design stages

Alexander Hollberg Building Technology
Robin Teigland Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology

2 publications exist

Mainstreaming holistic life cycle performance optimisation in early design stages of buildings

Alexander Hollberg Building Technology
Toivo Säwén Building Technology
Angela Sasic Kalagasidis Building Technology
Swedish Energy Agency

6 publications exist

Novel wood panel for efficient and healthy built environment

Yutaka Goto Building Technology
Robert Jockwer Structural Engineering
Alexander Hollberg Building Technology


Well-Neighbourhood – Quantifying urban mental health to foster neighbourhood design. An interdisciplinary project

Alexander Hollberg Building Technology
Center for Sustainable Urban Futures


Future-proof Urban Renewal from a children perspective: Digitalinteractive design support for sustainable and healthy neighbourhoods

Alexander Hollberg Building Technology
Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Jorge Gil Urban Design and Planning
Ellen Dahllöf Boyd Building Design


Digital Twin Cities Centre

Jonas Runberger Architectural theory and methods
Meta Berghauser Pont Urban Design and Planning
Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Anders Logg Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Fredrik Edelvik Digital Twin Cities Centre
Johan Felix Digital Twin Cities Centre
Jorge Gil Urban Design and Planning
Graham Kemp Data Science
Bernd Ketzler Digital Twin Cities Centre
Mattias Roupé Construction Management
Alexander Hollberg Building Technology
Fredrik Nilsson Architecture and Civil Engineering
Leonardo Rosado Water Environment Technology
Vasilis Naserentin Digital Twin Cities Centre
Minna Karstunen Geology and Geotechnics
Sanjay Somanath Building Technology
Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Mikael Johansson Construction Management
Malgorzata Zboinska Architectural theory and methods

83 publications exist

IEA EBC Annex 72 - Assessing Life Cycle Related Environmental Impacts Caused by Buildings

Alexander Hollberg Building Technology
Chalmers University of Technology

1 publication exists
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