Jakob Palmkvist
Showing 25 publications
Extended geometry of magical supergravities
Tensor Hierarchy Algebra Extensions of Over-Extended Kac–Moody Algebras
Tensor hierarchy algebras and extended geometry. Part II. Gauge structure and dynamics
Tensor hierarchy algebras and extended geometry. Part I. Construction of the algebra
Newton-Hooke/Carrollian expansions of (A)dS and Chern-Simons gravity
Symmetries of Post-Galilean Expansions
Infinity-enhancing of Leibniz algebras
Generators and relations for (generalised) Cartan type superalgebras
L∞ Algebras for Extended Geometry from Borcherds Superalgebras
L∞ algebras for extended geometry
Symmetries of M-theory and free Lie superalgebras
Generators and relations for Lie superalgebras of Cartan type
Generalised diffeomorphisms for E9
Forms and algebras in (half-)maximal supergravity theories
Superalgebras, constraints and partition functions
The tensor hierarchy simplified
Borcherds and Kac-Moody extensions of simple finite-dimensional Lie algebras
Superconformal M2-branes and generalized Jordan triple systems
E10 and gauged maximal supergravity
A realization of the Lie algebra associated to a Kantor triple system
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Showing 1 research projects