Johan Lidén Eddeland

Showing 11 publications


Multi-Requirement Testing Using Focused Falsification

Johan Lidén Eddeland, Alexandre Donzé, Knut Åkesson
HSCC 2022 - Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Part of CPS-IoT Week 2022
Paper in proceeding

Evaluating Optimization Solvers and Robust Semantics for Simulation-Based Falsification

Johan Lidén Eddeland, Sajed Miremadi, Knut Åkesson
EPiC Series in Computing. Vol. 74, p. 259-266
Paper in proceeding

Industrial Temporal Logic Specifications for Falsification of Cyber-Physical Systems

Johan Lidén Eddeland, Alexandre Donzé, Sajed Miremadi et al
EPiC Series in Computing. Vol. 74, p. 267-274
Paper in proceeding

Multiple Objective Functions for Falsification of Cyber-Physical Systems

Zahra Ramezani, Johan Lidén Eddeland, Koen Claessen et al
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 53 (4), p. 417-422
Paper in proceeding

Enhancing Temporal Logic Falsification with Specification Transformation and Valued Booleans

Johan Lidén Eddeland, Koen Claessen, Nicholas Smallbone et al
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. Vol. 39 (12), p. 5247-5260
Journal article

Applying valued booleans in testing of cyber-physical systems

Koen Claessen, Nicholas Smallbone, Johan Lidén Eddeland et al
Proceedings - 2018 3rd Workshop on Monitoring and Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems, MT-CPS 2018, p. 8-9
Paper in proceeding

Using Valued Booleans to Find Simpler Counterexamples in Random Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems

Koen Lindström Claessen, Nicholas Smallbone, Johan Lidén Eddeland et al
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 51 (7), p. 408-415
Paper in proceeding

Automated Mode Coverage Analysis for Cyber-Physical Systems using Hybrid Automata

Johan Eddeland, Javier Gil Cepeda, Rick Fransen et al
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 50 (1), p. 9260-9265
Paper in proceeding

Objective functions for falsification of signal temporal logic properties in cyber-physical systems

Johan Eddeland, Sajed Miremadi, Martin Fabian et al
IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. Vol. 2017-August, p. 1326-1331
Paper in proceeding

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