Anna Johnning

Showing 28 publications


Genetic compatibility and ecological connectivity drive the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes

David Lund, Marcos Parras Moltó, Juan Salvador Inda Diaz et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 16 (1)
Journal article

Strain-level bacterial typing directly from patient samples using optical DNA mapping

My Nyblom, Anna Johnning, Karolin Frykholm et al
Communications Medicine. Vol. 3 (31)
Journal article

Latent antibiotic resistance genes are abundant, diverse, and mobile in human, animal, and environmental microbiomes

Juan Salvador Inda Diaz, David Lund, Marcos Parras Moltó et al
Microbiome. Vol. 11 (1), p. 44-
Journal article

Extensive screening reveals previously undiscovered aminoglycoside resistance genes in human pathogens

David Lund, Roelof Dirk Coertze, Marcos Parras Moltó et al
Communications Biology. Vol. 6 (1)
Journal article

Outbreak of OXA-48-producing Enterobacteriaceae in a neonatal intensive care unit in Western Sweden

Erika Tång Hallbäck, Anna Johnning, Sofia Myhrman et al
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Vol. 42 (5), p. 597-605
Journal article

Large-scale characterization of the macrolide resistome reveals high diversity and several new pathogen-associated genes

David Lund, Nicolas Kieffer, Marcos Parras Moltó et al
Microbial Genomics. Vol. 8 (1)
Journal article

An updated phylogeny of the metallo-β-lactamases

Fanny Berglund, Anna Johnning, D. G.Joakim Larsson et al
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Vol. 76 (1), p. 117-123
Journal article

Combining dense and sparse labeling in optical DNA mapping

Erik Torstensson, Gaurav Goyal, Anna Johnning et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 16 (11 November)
Journal article

Nonlinear Mixed Effects Modeling of Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamical Systems in Wolfram Mathematica

Jacob Leander, Joachim Almquist, Anna Johnning et al
IFAC-PapersOnLine. Vol. 54 (7), p. 409-414
Paper in proceeding

Discovery of Species-unique Peptide Biomarkers of Bacterial Pathogens by Tandem Mass Spectrometry-based Proteotyping

Roger Karlsson, Annika Thorsell, Margarita Gomila et al
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. Vol. 19 (3), p. 518-528
Journal article

Comprehensive screening of genomic and metagenomic data reveals a large diversity of tetracycline resistance genes

Fanny Berglund, Maria Elisabeth Böhm, Anton Martinsson et al
Microbial Genomics. Vol. 6 (11)
Journal article

Cultivation-Free Typing of Bacteria Using Optical DNA Mapping

Vilhelm Müller, My Nyblom, Anna Johnning et al
ACS Infectious Diseases. Vol. 6 (5), p. 1076-1084
Journal article

NLMEModeling: A Wolfram Mathematica Package for Nonlinear Mixed Effects Modeling of Dynamical Systems

Jacob Leander, Joachim Almquist, Anna Johnning et al

Parameter Estimation for Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models Implemented in Mathematica

Jacob Leander, Joachim Almquist, Helga Kristín Ólafsdóttir et al
Conference poster

Bacterial identification by optical mapping of genomic DNA in nanofluidic channels

My Nyblom, Vilhelm Müller, Anna Johnning et al
23rd International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2019, p. 821-822
Paper in proceeding

The resistomes of six carbapenem-resistant pathogens - a critical genotype-phenotype analysis

Anna Johnning, N. Karami, Erika Tång Hallbäck et al
Microbial Genomics. Vol. 4 (11)
Journal article

Typing and Characterization of Bacteria Using Bottom-up Tandem Mass Spectrometry Proteomics

Fredrik Boulund, R. Karlsson, L. Gonzales-Siles et al
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. Vol. 16 (6), p. 1052-1063
Journal article

Draft genome sequence of extended-spectrum-β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli strain CCUG 62462, isolated from a urine sample

Anna Johnning, Hedvig E Jakobsson, Fredrik Boulund et al
Genome Announcements. Vol. 4 (6), p. e01382-16
Journal article

Strategies to improve usability and preserve accuracy in biological sequence databases

Johan Bengtsson Palme, Fredrik Boulund, Robert Edström et al
Proteomics. Vol. 16 (18), p. 2454-2460
Journal article

Quinolone resistance mutations in the faecal microbiota of Swedish travellers to India

Anna Johnning, Erik Kristiansson, Martin Angelin et al
BMC Microbiology. Vol. 15 (1)
Journal article

Isolation of novel IncA/C and IncN fluoroquinolone resistance plasmids from an antibiotic-polluted lake

Carl-Fredrik Flach, Anna Johnning, Ida Nilsson et al
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Vol. 70 (10), p. 2709-2717
Journal article

Resistance Mutations in gyrA and parC are Common in Escherichia Communities of both Fluoroquinolone-Polluted and Uncontaminated Aquatic Environments

Anna Johnning, Erik Kristiansson, Jerker Fick et al
Frontiers in Microbiology. Vol. 6 (DEC), p. 1355-
Journal article

Acquired genetic mechanisms of a multiresistant bacterium isolated from a treatment plant receiving wastewater from antibiotic production.

Anna Johnning, Edward R.B. Moore, Liselott Svensson-Stadler et al
Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 79 (23), p. 7256-63
Journal article

A novel method to discover fluoroquinolone antibiotic resistance (qnr) genes in fragmented nucleotide sequences

Fredrik Boulund, Anna Johnning, Mariana Buongermino Pereira et al
BMC Genomics. Vol. 13 (1), p. 695-
Journal article

The genome of an extensively drug-resistant bacterium isolated from a wastewater treatment plant receiving effluent from antibiotic manufacturing

Anna Johnning, Erik Kristiansson, Y. Shouche et al
SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting; Ecosystem Protection in a Sustainable World: A challenge for Science and Regulation 15-19 May 2011, p. 212-
Conference poster

Exploring the metagenomes of environmental antibiotic hotspots to identify resistance factors that we may face in the clinic tomorrow

D. G. Joakim Larsson, Anders Janzon, Anna Johnning et al
SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting; Ecosystem Protection in a Sustainable World: A challenge for Science and Regulation 15-19 May 2011, p. 38-
Conference poster

Whole genome sequencing of a multiresistant bacterium isolated from a wastewater treatment plant receiving effluent from antibiotic drug manufactureing

Anna Johnning, Erik Kristiansson, Y.S Shouche et al
35th Congress of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS), Gothenburg, June 26 - July 1, 2010. Vol. 277 (Suppl 1), p. 105-
Conference poster

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Showing 1 research projects


Next generationdiagnostics of bacterial infections

Fredrik Westerlund Chemical Biology
Erik Kristiansson Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Anna Johnning Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Familjen Erling-Perssons stiftelse

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