Jaan-Henrik Kain
Showing 95 publications
Transforming brownfields into urban greenspaces: A working process for stakeholder analysis
Organising grassroots infrastructure: The (in)visible work of organisational (in)completeness
Towards a systemic understanding of compact city qualities
Urban qualities and residents’ strategies in compact global south cities: the case of Havana
Synergies and trade-offs of Barcelona compact city qualities
Linking research, education and citizen codesign: compact cities as social intensification
Social Activity in Gothenburg’s Intermediate City: Mapping Third Places through Social Media Data
Lessons from co-designing a resource-recovery game for collaborative urban sanitation planning
Inclusive recycling movements: a green deep democracy from below
GISualization: visualized integration of multiple types of data for knowledge co-production
Organising grassroots initiatives for a more inclusive governance: constructing the city from below
Disentangling the compact city drivers and pressures: Barcelona as a case study
Organising grassroots infrastructures for more inclusive and resilient cities
Inclusive Waste Governance and Grassroots Innovations for Social, Environmental And Economic Change
Grassroots resilience tackling climate, environmental and poverty challenges
Using role-playing games to broaden engineering education
Bridging Weak Links of Solid Waste Management in Informal Settlements
Key insights for the future of urban ecosystem services research
Where the skip used to be. Informal settlements, the city, and waste management in Kisumu, Kenya
Compact Cities Are Complex, Intense and Diverse but: Can We Design Such Emergent Urban Properties?
Socio-environmental entrepreneurship and the provision of critical services in informal settlements
Co-producing knowledge for sustainable urban futures
The uptake of the ecosystem services concept in planning discourses of European and American cities
Participation in sanitation planning in Burkina Faso: theory and practice
Mistra Urban Futures: a living laboratory for urban transformations
Follow-up Report: Competing for Urban Land
Competing for Urban Land, Synthesis Report for Urban Nexus (FP7 Coordination and Support Action)
Participation in Sanitation Planning in Burkina Faso: Theory and Practice
StratPlan VA: Strategiska val i VA-planering
Mistra Urban Futures: Strategic Plan 2012-2015
Hälsa och samhällsbyggnad i undervisningen på Chalmers arkitekturutbildningen
Bridging sanitation engineering and planning: theory and practice in Burkina Faso
‘Perceptions of Local Sustainability in Planning Sanitation Projects in West Africa’
Mistra urban futures : the Göteborg center of excellence for sustainable urban futures
Perceptions of Local Sustainability in Planning Sanitation Projects in West Africa
Multi-Criteria Decision Aids for Sustainable Water Management
The Strategic Choice Approach: A Potential Framework for Sustainable Water and Sanitation Planning
The Strategic Choice Approach: A Potential Framework for Sustainable Water and Sanitation Planning
Integration of complex knowledge
Design of a Global Network to Develop Pro-Poor Land Tools: Final Report (draft)
Erfarenheter av boendemedverkan kring VA-lösningar i planeringsprocessen
Management of Complex Knowledge in Planning for Sustainable Urban Development
Snöhantering i Sundsvall: Multikriteria-analys för hållbar utveckling
Participative Planning for Sustainable Urban Water Systems: What became the aim?
Stadens hållbara utveckling och urbana strukturer: En syntes av ett forskningsprogram
Verktyg för hållbar utveckling: Fallstudie Bergsjön
Challenges for Sustainable Urban Development
A Process-oriented Approach to Infrastructural Change
Sustainable Development and Infrastructural Change
LOKOMOTIV Motiv för lokalt organiserade kretslopp i Bergsjön: En studie om avfallshantering
Urban Support Systems: Social and Technical, Socio-Technical or Sociotechnical?
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Showing 10 research projects
Den tredje generationens smarta svenska städer: att lära från Barcelona och Madrid
Simultaneous remote urban co-design network
Opportunities for preparing urban contaminated land for bio-based production
Recycling networks. Grassroots resilience tackling climate, environmental and poverty challenges