Jaan-Henrik Kain

Showing 95 publications


Co-produced translation and transformation of knowledge and policy: context-adaptive mobility of compact city ideals

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Marco Adelfio, Jenny Stenberg et al
Ería - Revista Cuatrimestral de Geografía. Vol. 44 (3), p. 205-233
Journal article

Transforming brownfields into urban greenspaces: A working process for stakeholder analysis

Shaswati Chowdhury, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Marco Adelfio et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 18 (1)
Journal article

Assessing the potential to use serious gaming in planning processes for sanitation designed for resource recovery

Jennifer R Mc Conville, Monica Billger, C. B. Niwagaba et al
Environmental Science and Policy. Vol. 145, p. 262-274
Journal article

Organising grassroots infrastructure: The (in)visible work of organisational (in)completeness

Maria Jose Zapata Campos, Ester Barinaga, Jaan-Henrik Kain et al
Urban Studies. Vol. 60 (1), p. 126-145
Journal article

Towards a systemic understanding of compact city qualities

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Marco Adelfio, Jenny Stenberg et al
Journal of Urban Design. Vol. 27 (1), p. 130-147
Journal article

Urban qualities and residents’ strategies in compact global south cities: the case of Havana

María José Zapata Campos, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko et al
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. Vol. 37 (1), p. 529-551
Journal article

Residents' collective strategies of resistance in Global South cities' informal settlements: Space, scale and knowledge

María José Zapata Campos, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko et al
Cities. Vol. 125
Journal article

The Reclaim game

Jennifer McConville, Erik Ambring, Carl-Axel Ambring et al

Synergies and trade-offs of Barcelona compact city qualities

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Marco Adelfio, Jenny Stenberg et al

Linking research, education and citizen codesign: compact cities as social intensification

Jenny Stenberg, Liane Thuvander, Jaan-Henrik Kain et al
SN Social Sciences. Vol. 1 (10)
Journal article

Social Activity in Gothenburg’s Intermediate City: Mapping Third Places through Social Media Data

Marco Adelfio, Leticia Serrano-Estrada, Pablo Martí-Ciriquián et al
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. Vol. 13 (4), p. 985-1017
Journal article

Iterative Prototyping of Urban CoBuilder: Tracking Methods and User Interface of an Outdoor Mobile Augmented Reality Tool for Co‐Designing

Hyekyung Imottesjo, Liane Thuvander, Monica Billger et al
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. Vol. 4 (2), p. 1-21
Journal article

Lessons from co-designing a resource-recovery game for collaborative urban sanitation planning

Monica Billger, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Charles B. Niwagaba et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 588 (4)
Paper in proceeding

Greening the Browns: A Bio-Based Land Use Framework for Analysing the Potential of Urban Brownfields in an Urban Circular Economy

Shaswati Chowdhury, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Marco Adelfio et al
Sustainability. Vol. 12 (15)
Journal article

What Makes a Compact City? Differences Between Urban Research in the Global North and the Global South

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Jenny Stenberg, Marco Adelfio et al
Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration. Vol. 24 (4), p. 25-49
Journal article

Inclusive recycling movements: a green deep democracy from below

Maria Jose Zapata Campos, Sebastian Carenzo, Jaan-Henrik Kain et al
Environment and Urbanization. Vol. In Press
Journal article

GISualization: visualized integration of multiple types of data for knowledge co-production

Marco Adelfio, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Jenny Stenberg et al
Geografisk Tidsskrift. Vol. 119 (2), p. 163-184
Journal article

Organising grassroots initiatives for a more inclusive governance: constructing the city from below

María José Zapata Campos, Ester Barinaga, Jaan-Henrik Kain et al
Report - Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy

Collective Strategies of Resistance in Compact Global South Cities. Stories From the Residents of the Villa Rodrigo Bueno

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Jenny Stenberg et al
Other conference contribution

Disentangling the compact city drivers and pressures: Barcelona as a case study

Marco Adelfio, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Liane Thuvander et al
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift. Vol. 72 (5), p. 287-304
Journal article

Organising grassroots infrastructures for more inclusive and resilient cities

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko, Patrik Zapata et al
Paper in proceeding

Inclusive Waste Governance and Grassroots Innovations for Social, Environmental And Economic Change

Adalberto Mantovani Martiniano de Azevedo, Sebastián Carenzo, Charles Goodluck et al

Citizen-driven strategies in global South cities’ informal settlements. Critical narratives from Buenos Aires, Havana and Kisumu

María José Zapata Campos, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko et al
Other conference contribution

The Urban CoBuilder – A mobile augmented reality tool for crowd-sourced simulation of emergent urban development patterns: Requirements, prototyping and assessment

Hyekyung Imottesjo, Jaan-Henrik Kain
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. Vol. 71, p. 120-130
Journal article

Grassroots resilience tackling climate, environmental and poverty challenges

Patrik Zapata, Jutta Gutberlet, Jaan-Henrik Kain et al
Latin American European Organisation Studies Conference, Buenos Aires, 22-24th March 2018
Paper in proceeding

Recycling networks. Grassroots initiatives tackling climate, environmental and poverty challenges in informal settlements

Goodluck Charles, Jutta Gutberlet, Jaan-Henrik Kain et al
Other conference contribution

Using role-playing games to broaden engineering education

Jennifer R Mc Conville, Sebastien Rauch, Ida Helgegren et al
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. Vol. 18 (4), p. 594-607
Journal article

Waste Picker Organizations and Their Contribution to the Circular Economy: Two Case Studies from a Global South Perspective

Jutta Gutberlet, Sebastián Carenzo, Jaan-Henrik Kain et al
Resources. Vol. 6 (4), p. 52-
Journal article

Bridging Weak Links of Solid Waste Management in Informal Settlements

Jutta Gutberlet, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Belinda Nyakinya et al
Journal of Environment and Development. Vol. 26 (1), p. 106-131
Journal article

Key insights for the future of urban ecosystem services research

Peleg Kremer, Zoe Hamstead, Dagmar Haase et al
Ecology and Society. Vol. 21 (No.2), p. 29-
Journal article

Where the skip used to be. Informal settlements, the city, and waste management in Kisumu, Kenya

Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos, Jutta Gutberlet et al
Panel 33: Serendipitous infrastructures: Intended and unintended outcomes, Nordic Africa Days 2016, "Gender and change: global challenges for Africa?", Uppsala 23-24 September
Other conference contribution

Assumed Qualities of Compact Cities: Divergences Between the Global North and the Global South in the Research Discourse

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Jenny Stenberg, Marco Adelfio et al
17th N-AERUS Conference: 2016 Gothenburg (Sweden). Gothenburg, 16-19 November, 2016.
Paper in proceeding

Compact Cities Are Complex, Intense and Diverse but: Can We Design Such Emergent Urban Properties?

Hyekyung Imottesjo, Jaan-Henrik Kain
Urban Planning. Vol. 1 (1), p. 95-113
Journal article

Socio-environmental entrepreneurship and the provision of critical services in informal settlements

Jutta Gutberlet, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Belinda Nyakinya et al
Environment and Urbanization. Vol. 28 (1), p. 205-222
Journal article

Integration of the subsurface and the surface sectors for a more holistic approach for sustainable redevelopment of urban brownfields

Jenny Norrman, Yevheniya Volchko, Fransje Hooimeijer et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 563-564, p. 879-889
Journal article

Translating Policies into Informal Settlements Critical Services: Reframing, Anchoring and Muddling Through

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Belinda Nyakinya, Nicholas Odhiambo et al
Public Administration and Development. Vol. 36 (5), p. 330-346
Journal article

Ecosystem services in urban land use planning: Integration challenges in complex urban settings-Case of Stockholm

Anna Kaczorowska, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Jakub Kronenberg et al
Ecosystem Services. Vol. 22, p. 204-212
Journal article

Exploring local consequences of two land-use alternatives for the supply of urban ecosystem services in Stockholm year 2050

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Neele Larondelle, Dagmar Haase et al
Ecological Indicators. Vol. 70 (November 2016), p. 615-629
Journal article

Co-producing knowledge for sustainable urban futures

Merritt Polk, Jaan-Henrik Kain
Co-producing knowledge for sustainable cities: Joining forces for change., p. 1-22
Book chapter

Urban self-sufficiency through optimised ecosystem service demand. A utopian perspective from European cities

David Rodriguez Rodriguez, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Dagmar Haase et al
Futures. Vol. 70, p. 13-23
Journal article

Obunga Clean Up

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael M. Oloko, Patrik Zapata et al

Translating city development projects in informal settlements: reframing, anchoring and muddling through

Patrik Zapata, María José Zapata Campos, Jaan-Henrik Kain et al
16th NAERUS Conference 20th November 2015, Dortmund, Germany
Paper in proceeding

From community-based organization to socio-environmental entrepreneur. The case of household waste collection in Kisumu’s informal settlements

Jutta Gutberlet, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Michael Oloko et al
5th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy 15–18 July 2015, Lisbon, Portugal
Paper in proceeding

Compact Cities? Exploring qualities, drivers and strategies for promoting mixed-use urban development

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Jenny Stenberg, Liane Thuvander
OIKONET Second International Conference "Global Dwelling", Bratislava, 24-25 September 2015
Conference poster

The uptake of the ecosystem services concept in planning discourses of European and American cities

Rieke Hansen, Niki Frantzeskaki, Timon McPhearson et al
Ecosystem Services. Vol. 12, p. 228-246
Journal article

Participation in sanitation planning in Burkina Faso: theory and practice

Jennifer R Mc Conville, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Erik Kvarnström et al
Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development. Vol. 4 (2), p. 304-312
Journal article

Mistra Urban Futures: a living laboratory for urban transformations

Merritt Polk, Jaan-Henrik Kain, John Holmberg
Regenerative Sustainable Development of Universities and Cities: The Role of Living Laboratories, p. 173-193
Book chapter

Follow-up Report: Competing for Urban Land

Britt Olofsdotter, Hsiao-Wei Chang, Jaan-Henrik Kain et al

Competing for Urban Land, Synthesis Report for Urban Nexus (FP7 Coordination and Support Action)

Britt Olofsdotter, Kristina Björnberg, Hsiao-Wei Chang et al

Ecosystem Services in Urban Land-Use Planning: Integration Challenges in Complex Urban Settings - Case of Stockholm

Anna Kaczorowska, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Dagmar Haase et al
1st Congress of the Society for Urban Ecology 25-27 July 2013, Berlin, Germany
Other conference contribution

Are we ready for urban ecosystem services yet? Institutional conditions for application of the urban ecosystem service framework in Berlin, New York, Rotterdam, Salzburg and Stockholm

Rieke Hansen, Niki Frantzeskaki, Timon McPhearson et al
1st Congress of the Society for Urban Ecology 25-27 July 2013, Berlin, Germany
Other conference contribution

Socio-ecological transitions of cities: Exploring spatial, ecological and governance dynamics in European cities

Niki Frantzeskaki, Dagmar Haase, Francesc Baro et al
4rth International Conference on Sustainability Transitions, 19-21 June 2013, Zurich, Switzerland
Paper in proceeding

Participation in Sanitation Planning in Burkina Faso: Theory and Practice

Jennifer R Mc Conville, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Elisabeth Kvarnström et al
IWA Young Water Professionals Conference, 10-13 July 2012 Budapest, Hungary
Paper in proceeding

StratPlan VA: Strategiska val i VA-planering

Hans Bertil Wittgren, Anna Nortström, Jaan-Henrik Kain et al
Edited book

Mistra Urban Futures: Strategic Plan 2012-2015

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Henrik Nolmark, Merritt Polk et al

Hälsa och samhällsbyggnad i undervisningen på Chalmers arkitekturutbildningen

Maria Berezecki Mårtensson, Marie Strid, Jaan-Henrik Kain

Bridging sanitation engineering and planning: theory and practice in Burkina Faso

Jennifer R Mc Conville, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Elisabeth Kvarnström et al
Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development. Vol. 1 (3), p. 205-212
Journal article

‘Perceptions of Local Sustainability in Planning Sanitation Projects in West Africa’

Jennifer R Mc Conville, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Elisabeth Kvarnström
Vliet, B., Spaargaren, G., & Oosterveer, P (eds). Social Perspectives on the Sanitation Challenge. Springer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Book chapter

Multistakeholder Participation

Jaan-Henrik Kain
Encyclopedia of Geography
Book chapter

Mistra urban futures : the Göteborg center of excellence for sustainable urban futures

Merritt Polk, Björn Malbert, Jaan-Henrik Kain

The complexity of water and sanitation provision in peri-urban areas in developing countries: the example of Adenta, Ghana

Anna Norström, Jennifer R Mc Conville, Jaan-Henrik Kain
Vatten. Vol. 65, p. 237-245
Journal article

Management of Complex Knowledge in Planning for Sustainable Development: The Use of Multi-Criteria Decision Aids

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Henriette Söderberg
Environmental Impact Assessment Review. Vol. 28, p. 7-21
Journal article

Perceptions of Local Sustainability in Planning Sanitation Projects in West Africa

Jennifer R Mc Conville, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Amah Klutsé et al
The Sanititation Challenge Conference. May 19-21, 2008, Wageningen
Paper in proceeding

Multi-Criteria Decision Aids for Sustainable Water Management

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Erik Kärrman, Henriette Söderberg
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability. Vol. 160 (2), p. 87-93
Journal article

The Strategic Choice Approach: A Potential Framework for Sustainable Water and Sanitation Planning

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Anna Norström
Planning for Drinking Water and Sanitation Peri-Urban Areas, Swedish Water House Report 21, Stockholm International Water Institute, Stockholm
Book chapter

The Strategic Choice Approach: A Potential Framework for Sustainable Water and Sanitation Planning

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Anna Norström
Planning for Drinking Water and Sanitation in Peri-Urban Areas, Swedish Water House Report 21, p. 12-14
Book chapter

Problem-Solving in Unfamiliar Settings: Reflections on Setting Up a Design Studio for Integrating Practitioner, Master Student, PhD Student and Researcher Learning in Architecture

Jaan-Henrik Kain
Thesis paper for Diploma of Higher Education, Chalmers University of Technology
Magazine article

Assessments of Sustainable Waste Management Alternatives: How to Support Complex Knowledge Management

Henriette Söderberg, Jaan-Henrik Kain
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. Vol. 49 (1), p. 21-29
Journal article

Integration of complex knowledge

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Erik Kärrman, Henriette Söderberg
Malmqvist, Per-Arne et al (Eds.), Strategic Planning of Sustainable Urban Water Management; IWA Publishing: London
Book chapter

Communicative Learning, Democracy and Effectiveness: Facilitating Private-Public Decision-Making in Sweden

Knut Strömberg, Jaan-Henrik Kain
Planning Under Pressure: The Strategic Choice Approach (third edition) / edited by John Friend, Allen Hickling
Book chapter

Design of a Global Network to Develop Pro-Poor Land Tools: Final Report (draft)

Richard Stren, Edesio Fernandes, Jaan-Henrik Kain et al

Erfarenheter av boendemedverkan kring VA-lösningar i planeringsprocessen

Tommy Lundberg, Henriette Söderberg, Jaan-Henrik Kain

Management of Complex Knowledge in Planning for Sustainable Urban Development

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Henriette Söderberg
International Conference for Integrating Urban Knowledge & Practice
Paper in proceeding

Snöhantering i Sundsvall: Multikriteria-analys för hållbar utveckling

Henriette Söderberg, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Denis van Moeffaert et al

Participative Planning for Sustainable Urban Water Systems: What became the aim?

Henriette Söderberg, Erik Kärrman, Jaan-Henrik Kain et al
IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition
Other conference contribution

Evaluating NAIADE with respect to stakeholder participation: Case Studies of Sustainable Urban Water Management

Henriette Söderberg, Jaan-Henrik Kain, Helena Åberg et al
4th International Conference on Decision-Making Urban & Civil Engineering
Magazine article

Stadens hållbara utveckling och urbana strukturer: En syntes av ett forskningsprogram

Björn Malbert, Lisbeth Birgersson, Lena Falkheden et al

Verktyg för hållbar utveckling: Fallstudie Bergsjön

Jaan-Henrik Kain, Henriette Söderberg
Miljöforskning (2-4 April), p. 34-35
Magazine article

Challenges for Sustainable Urban Development

Daniel K. Irurah, Björn Malbert, Pål Castell et al
Keiner, Marco, (Ed.). Designing, Implementing and Measuring Sustainable Urban Development in Developing Countries. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Book chapter

Towards Sustainable Development in Johannesburg: Reflections on localisation and the institutional challenges involved

Björn Malbert, Jaan-Henrik Kain
The DIMSUD Conference on Sustainability and Urban Growth in Developing Countries
Other conference contribution

A Process-oriented Approach to Infrastructural Change

Jaan-Henrik Kain
Methodologies for Integration of Knowledge Areas: The Case of Sustainable Urban Water Management / Söderberg, Henriette, Kärrman, Erik
Book chapter

Sustainable Development and Infrastructural Change

Jaan-Henrik Kain
Methodologies for Integration of Knowledge Areas: The Case of Sustainable Urban Water Management / Söderberg, Henriette, Kärrman, Erik
Book chapter

Söderberg, Henriette and Jaan-Henrik Kain Integrating Knowledge or Aggregating Data – Multi-Criteria Approaches for Sustainable Water and Waste Systems’

Henriette Söderberg, Jaan-Henrik Kain
Proceedings 3rd International Conference on Decision-Making in Urban and Civil Engineering. London
Paper in proceeding

Den hållbara staden: Ett nätverk av urbana gränssnitt mellan ekologiska, ekonomiska och sociala aspekter

Jaan-Henrik Kain
Det nya stadslandskapet: Texter om kultur, arkitektur, planering/Wetterberg, Ola, p. 135-156
Book chapter

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Showing 10 research projects


Den tredje generationens smarta svenska städer: att lära från Barcelona och Madrid

Jaan-Henrik Kain Urban Design and Planning
J. Gust. Richert stiftelse


Simultaneous remote urban co-design network

Jaan-Henrik Kain Urban Design and Planning
Hyekyung Imottesjo Urban Design and Planning

2 publications exist

Opportunities for preparing urban contaminated land for bio-based production

Jenny Norrman Geology and Geotechnics
Jaan-Henrik Kain Urban Design and Planning
Yevheniya Volchko Geology and Geotechnics
Shaswati Chowdhury Geology and Geotechnics
Marco Adelfio Urban Design and Planning

11 publications exist

Grassroots initiatives, institutional entrepreneurship and inclusive urban governance: transforming the city from below

María José Zapata Campos Unknown organization
Jaan-Henrik Kain Urban Design and Planning
Michael Oloko Unknown organization
Patrik Zapata Unknown organization
Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy

1 publication exists

Gamification av sanitetsplanering: "En undersökning av teknisk och samhällelig beredskap för alternativa kretsloppssystem"

Jennifer R Mc Conville Urban Design and Planning
Jaan-Henrik Kain Urban Design and Planning

2 publications exist

Recycling networks. Grassroots resilience tackling climate, environmental and poverty challenges

Jaan-Henrik Kain Urban Design and Planning
Swedish Research Council (VR)

3 publications exist

Compact cities and informal settlements. Exploring qualities, drivers and strategies for promoting sustainable urban development

Jenny Stenberg Architectural theory and methods
Jaan-Henrik Kain Urban Design and Planning

1 publication exists

Compact Cities? Exploring qualities, drivers and strategies for promoting mixed-use urban development

Jaan-Henrik Kain Urban Design and Planning
Jenny Stenberg Architectural theory and methods
Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Marco Adelfio Urban Design and Planning

7 publications exist

Combating poverty and building democracy through the co-production of participatory waste management services. The case of Kisumu, Kenya

Jaan-Henrik Kain Urban Design and Planning
Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy


BALANCE 4P: Balancing decisions for urban brownfield regeneration – people, planet, profit and processes

Jenny Norrman Geology and Geotechnics
Rita Coelho Steiger Garção Geology and Geotechnics
Yevheniya Volchko Geology and Geotechnics
Jaan-Henrik Kain Architecture
Lars Rosen Geology and Geotechnics

3 publications exist
There might be more projects where Jaan-Henrik Kain participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.