Gunnar Elgered
Gunnar Elgered is a professor in Electrical Measurements, and was the head of department between 2000 and May 2017. He teaches engineering measurements using alternative examination methods. His research area is space geodesy, using radio telescopes and global navigational satellite systems (GNSS). Microwave radiometers are used to study atmospheric effects due to water vapor. The knowledge of water vapor variations is also important when trying to improve weather forecasts. More recently the focus is on the use of GNSS data for climate research and evaluation of climate models.

Showing 145 publications
Assessment of GNSS stations using atmospheric horizontal gradients and microwave radiometry
Using a micro-rain radar to assess the editing of ground - based microwave radiometer data
GENESIS: co-location of geodetic techniques in space
Radiometry performance of the VGOS receivers of the Onsala twin telescopes
Atmospheric parameters derived from VGOS sessions observed with the Onsala twin telescopes
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities During 2021–2022
Radiometry performance of the VGOS receivers of the Onsala twin telescopes
A Novel Tropospheric Error Formula for Ground-based GNSS Interferometric Reflectometry
Ground-based GNSS for climate research: review and perspectives
Multi-GNSS Slant Wet Delay Retrieval Using Multipath Mitigation Maps
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Technology Development Center Activities during 2017–2018
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities during 2017—2018
Use of GNSS Tropospheric Products for Climate Monitoring (Working Group 3)
The Onsala Tide Gauge Station: Experiences from the first three years of operation
The Onsala Tide Gauge Station: Experiences from the first four years of operation
Status of the Onsala Twin Telescopes – One Year After the Inauguration
Status of the Onsala Twin Telescopes – Two Years After the Inauguration
Proceedings of the European Navigation Conference 2018 (ENC 2018): Abstracts and Technical Papers
The Onsala Twin Telescopes Project
Accuracy assessment of the two WVRs, Astrid and Konrad, at the Onsala Space Observatory
Monitoring of the Neutral Atmosphere
The Onsala Twin Telescopes: the Status at the Time for the Inauguration
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities during 2015–2016
Review of the state of the art and future prospects of the ground-based GNSS meteorology in Europe
The uncertainty of the atmospheric integrated water vapour estimated from GNSS observations
Contributions of Onsala Space Observatory to GGOS
A 17 year time series of ground-based GNSS for sensing of atmospheric water vapour
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities during 2014
Twin Telescope and Tide Gauge Plans for the Onsala Space Observatory
Twin Telescope and Tide Gauge Plans for the Onsala Space Observatory
Establishment of an Official Tide Gauge Station at the Onsala Space Observatory
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities During 2013
GNSS for global environmental Earth observation
GNSS for global Earth observation: an update from the European coordination action Gfg²
Ground-based GPS networks for remote sensing of the atmospheric water vapour content: a review
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Analysis Center
AWARDS: Advanced microwave radiometers for deep space stations
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station
Media calibration system for deep space missions: preliminary design and technical aspects
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Network Station
Instruments, data and techniques for the assessment of tropospheric noise in deep space tracking
The Swedish Fundamental Geodetic Station at the Onsala Space Observatory: Status in Early 2012
A multi-instrument comparison of integrated water vapour measurements at a high latitude site
GNSS for Global Earth Observation: The European coordination action Gfg²
GRUAN GNSS Precipitable Water Task Team
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Analysis Center
Multi-technique comparisons of 10 years of wet delay estimates on the west coast of Sweden
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Network Station
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Analysis Center
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Network Station
Onsala Space Observatory - IVS Technology Development Center
Evaluation of climate models using ground-based GNSS observations
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Technology Development Center
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station
Validation of climate models using European ground-based GNSS observations
Atmospheric VLBI: A method to validate long time series of water vapour content
The IVS Network Station Onsala Space Observatory
The IVS Technology Development Center at the Onsala Space Observatory
The impact of the electromagnetic environment of the antenna on GPS
Long-term trends in the atmospheric water vapor content estimated from ground-based GPS data
The impact of the electromagnetic environment of the antenna on GPS
Diurnal variability of precipitable water in the Baltic region
Simulations of atmospheric path delays using turbulence models
The IVS Network Station Onsala Space Observatory
The IVS Technology Development Center at the Onsala Space Observatory
Temporal correlations of atmospheric mapping function errors in GPS data analysis
Estimating Climate Trends Using GPS
Water vapour tomography using GPS phase observations: Results from the ESCOMPTE experiment
Measurements of Atmospheric Scintillations Induced by Water Vapor
The IVS Network Station Onsala Space Observatory
The IVS Technology Development Center at the Onsala Space Observatory
Correlations Between Slant Wet Delays Measured by Microwave Radiometry
Från radioastronomi och kvasarer till geodynamik och meteorologi
The IVS Technology Development Center at the Onsala Space Observatory
Estimating the 3D Structure of the Atmospheric Water Vapor using GPS Phase Observations
Remote Sensing at the Department of Radio and Space Science, Chalmers University of Technology
Chalmers Contributions to TOUGH
Estimating the 3D Structure of the Atmospheric Water Vapor using GPS Phase Observations
Correlations Between Slant Wet Delays Measured by Microwave Radiometry
Meteorological Applications of the Swedish Ground.-Based GPS Network
Characterization of Atmospheric Parameters Using a Ground Based GPS Network in North Europe
GPS Tomography Using Phase Observations
The IVS Network Station Onsala Space Observatory
Editors for a special issue of the Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan
The Geodetic VLBI Network Station at the Onsala Space Observatory – Activities During 2002 –
Ground-Based GPS for Climate and Numerical Weather Prediction Applications
Continuous GPS measurements of postglacial adjustment in Fennoscandia - 1. Geodetic results
Horizontal gradients in the wet path delay derived from four years of microwave radiometer data
Ground-based microwave radiometry and long-term observations of atmospheric water vapor
Measuring regional atmospheric water vapor using the Swedish permanent GPS network
A dual frequency feed system for the 20 m radio telescope at the Onsala Space Observatory
Ground-based measurement of gradients in the “wet” radio refractivity of air
Geodesy by Radio Interferometry: Water Vapor Radiometry for Estimation of the Wet Delay
Water Vapour Radiometer Data Compared to VLBI Data
Measurements of atmospheric water vapor with microwave radiometry
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Showing 2 research projects
Microwave radiometer for SatCom ground stations
GFG² - GNSS for Global Environmental Earth Observation (GEEO) and GEOSS