Liang Gong
Showing 19 publications
Simulation of Ergonomic Assembly Through a Digital Human Modeling Software
A Framework for Extended Reality System Development in Manufacturing
Application of a hybrid digital twin concept for factory layout planning
Interaction design for multi-user virtual reality systems: An automotive case study
Increasing Eco-Efficiency Awareness for Ship Loading Process Using Virtual Reality and Gamification
Development of virtual reality support to factory layout planning
Perceived Quality Evaluation with the Use of Extended Reality
Testing and validating Extended Reality (xR) technologies in manufacturing
Realistic virtual models for factory layout planning
Adaptation of High-Variant Automotive Production System Using a Collaborative Approach
A Novel VR Tool for Collaborative Planning of Manufacturing Process Change using Point Cloud Data
Measuring Operator Emotion Objectively at a Complex Final Assembly Station
Measuring Operator Emotion Objectively at a Complex Final Assembly Station
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Showing 6 research projects
Stena Industry Innovation Lab at Chalmers - SII-Lab
SUstainability, sMart Maintenance and factory design Testbed (SUMMIT)
Global Assembly Instruction Strategies (GAIS) 2
Streamlined Modeling and Decision Support for Fact-based Production Development (StreaMod)