Lilei Ye
Showing 20 publications
Synthesis and Applications of Two-Dimensional Hexagonal Boron Nitride in Electronics Manufacturing
A new solder matrix nano polymer composite for thermal management and die attach applications
Energy efficient nano metal polymer composites for cooling applications
Carbon fiber solder matrix composite for thermal management of high power electronics
1. Thermal Characterization of Power Devices Using Graphene-based Film
Dissipating Heat from Hot Spot Using a New Nano Thermal Interface Material
Carbon Nanotubes in Electronics Interconnect Applications with a Focus on 3D-TSV Technology
TiO2 Nanoparticles Functionalized Sn/3.0Ag/0.5Cu Lead-free Solder
Environmental reliability of nano-structured polymer-metal composite thermal interface material
Through-Silicon Vias Filled With Densified and Transferred Carbon Nanotube Forests
A New Thermally Conductive Thermoplastic Die Attach Film
Electrical Interconnects Made of Carbon Nanotubes: Applications in 3D Chip Stacking
Characterization of surface oxide of lead-free solder particle by TEM and STEM
Electron microscope investigation of conductive adhesives and lead-free solders
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