Lena Nyberg
Showing 31 publications
The resistomes of six carbapenem-resistant pathogens - a critical genotype-phenotype analysis
Identification and DNA annotation of a plasmid isolated from Chromobacterium violaceum
Exploring DNA-protein interactions on the single DNA molecule level using nanofluidic tools
Applications of optical DNA mapping in microbiology
Rapid Tracing of Resistance Plasmids in a Nosocomial Outbreak Using Optical DNA Mapping
Detailed characterization of plasmids carrying resistance genes using optical DNA mapping
Extension of nanoconfined DNA: quantitative comparison between experiment and theory
Plaque-associated lipids in Alzheimer's diseased brain tissue visualized by nonlinear microscopy
Nanoconfined Circular and Linear DNA: Equilibrium Conformations and Unfolding Kinetics
Unfolding of nanoconfined circular DNA
Bacteriophage strain typing by rapid single molecule analysis
Fast size-determination of intact bacterial plasmids using nanofluidic channels
CARS microscopy of Alzheimer's diseased brain tissue
Assessing How Cationic Intercalators Affect DNA using Nanofluidic Channels
Development of Methods for Single-Molecule Studies of DNA in Nanofluidic Channels
What do photons do to fluorescently stained DNA in confinement?
Identifying bacteria using DNA binding maps
Assessing how cationic intercalators affect DNA using nanofluidic channels
A single-step competitive binding assay for mapping of single DNA molecules
CARS and Raman microscopy of Alzheimer's Brain Tissue
Zebrafish: gaining popularity in lipid research
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