Lena Nyberg

Showing 31 publications


Facilitated sequence assembly using densely labeled optical DNA barcodes: A combinatorial auction approach

Albertas Dvirnas, C. Pichler, Callum L. Stewart et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 13 (3)
Journal article

The resistomes of six carbapenem-resistant pathogens - a critical genotype-phenotype analysis

Anna Johnning, N. Karami, Erika Tång Hallbäck et al
Microbial Genomics. Vol. 4 (11)
Journal article

Identification and DNA annotation of a plasmid isolated from Chromobacterium violaceum

Daniel C. Lima, Lena Nyberg, Fredrik Westerlund et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 8 (1)
Journal article

Exploring DNA-protein interactions on the single DNA molecule level using nanofluidic tools

Karolin Frykholm, Lena Nyberg, Fredrik Westerlund
Integrative Biology (United Kingdom). Vol. 9 (8), p. 650-661
Journal article

Applications of optical DNA mapping in microbiology

D. Bogas, Lena Nyberg, R. Pacheco et al
BioTechniques. Vol. 62 (6), p. 255-267
Review article

Rapid Tracing of Resistance Plasmids in a Nosocomial Outbreak Using Optical DNA Mapping

Vilhelm Müller, N. Karami, Lena Nyberg et al
ACS Infectious Diseases. Vol. 2 (5), p. 322-328
Journal article

Direct identification of antibiotic resistance genes on single plasmid molecules using CRISPR/Cas9 in combination with optical DNA mapping.

Vilhelm Müller, Fredrika Rajer, Karolin Frykholm et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 6, p. 37938-
Journal article

Detailed characterization of plasmids carrying resistance genes using optical DNA mapping

Vilhelm Müller, Lena Nyberg, Mahmood Saair Quaderi et al
20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016, p. 1561-1562
Paper in proceeding

Rapid identification of intact bacterial resistance plasmids via optical mapping of single DNA molecules

Lena Nyberg, Mahmood Saair Quaderi, Gustav Emilsson et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 6
Journal article

Extension of nanoconfined DNA: quantitative comparison between experiment and theory

Vitalii Iarko, Erik Werner, Lena Nyberg et al
Physical Review E. Vol. 92 (6), p. Art. Nr. 062701-
Journal article

Plaque-associated lipids in Alzheimer's diseased brain tissue visualized by nonlinear microscopy

Juris Kiskis, Helen Fink, Lena Nyberg et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 5, p. Art. no. 13489-
Journal article

Nanoconfined Circular and Linear DNA: Equilibrium Conformations and Unfolding Kinetics

Mohammadreza Alizadehheidari, Erik Werner, C. Noble et al
Macromolecules. Vol. 48 (3), p. 871-878
Journal article

Unfolding of nanoconfined circular DNA

Mohammadreza Alizadehheidari, Erik Werner, C Noble et al
Biophysical Journal. Vol. 108 (2 Supplement 1), p. 231A-231A
Magazine article

Optical mapping of single DNA molecules in nanochannels: A novel method for identification and characterization of antibiotic resistance

Lena Nyberg, Gustav Emilsson, A. Nilsson et al
18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014, p. 1045-1047
Paper in proceeding

Bacteriophage strain typing by rapid single molecule analysis

A. Grunwald, M. Dahan, A. Giesbertz et al
Nucleic Acids Research. Vol. 43 (18), p. e117-
Journal article

Fast size-determination of intact bacterial plasmids using nanofluidic channels

Karolin Frykholm, Lena Nyberg, E. Lagerstedt et al
Lab on a Chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology. Vol. 15 (13), p. 2739-2743
Journal article

CARS microscopy of Alzheimer's diseased brain tissue

Annika Enejder, Juris Kiskis, Helen Fink et al
Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. Vol. 8948
Paper in proceeding

Nanoconfined circular DNA

Mohammadreza Alizadehheidari, E. Werner, C. Noble et al
18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2014, p. 1353-1355
Paper in proceeding

Nanoconfined Circular DNA

Mohammadreza Alizadehheidari, E. Werner, C. Noble et al
Other conference contribution

Competitive binding-based optical DNA mapping for fast identification of bacteria - multi-ligand transfer matrix theory and experimental applications on Escherichia coli

A. Nilsson, Gustav Emilsson, Lena Nyberg et al
Nucleic Acids Research. Vol. 42 (15), p. e118-
Journal article

Assessing How Cationic Intercalators Affect DNA using Nanofluidic Channels

Lena Nyberg, F. Persson, Björn Åkerman et al
Biophysical Journal. Vol. 104 (2), p. 165A-
Conference poster

What do photons do to fluorescently stained DNA in confinement?

J. P. Beech, Lena Nyberg, Joachim Fritzsche et al
17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2013; Freiburg; Germany; 27 October 2013 through 31 October 2013. Vol. 1, p. 5-7
Paper in proceeding

Heterogeneous staining: a tool for studies of how fluorescent dyes affect the physical properties of DNA

Lena Nyberg, Fredrik Persson, Björn Åkerman et al
Nucleic Acids Research. Vol. 41 (19), p. articlenr e184-
Journal article

Identifying bacteria using DNA binding maps

Gustav Emilsson, A. Nilsson, Lena Nyberg et al
17th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2013; Freiburg; Germany; 27 October 2013 through 31 October 2013. Vol. 1, p. 473-475
Paper in proceeding

Assessing how cationic intercalators affect DNA using nanofluidic channels

Lena Nyberg, F. Persson, Björn Åkerman et al
European Biophysics Journal. Vol. 42 (S1), p. S202-S202
Magazine article

A single-step competitive binding assay for mapping of single DNA molecules

Lena Nyberg, Fredrik Persson, J. Berg et al
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. Vol. 417 (1), p. 404-408
Journal article

CARS and Raman microscopy of Alzheimer's Brain Tissue

Annika Enejder, Fredrik Svedberg, Lena Nyberg et al
AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1267, p. 480-481
Other conference contribution

Zebrafish: gaining popularity in lipid research

M. Holtta-Vuori, V. T. V. Salo, Lena Nyberg et al
Biochemical Journal. Vol. 429 (2), p. 235-242
Journal article

Stem Cell Growth and Migration on Nanofibrous Polymer Scaffolds and Micro-Fluidic Channels on Silicon-Chip

Johan Liu, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Jing Yujia et al
Proceedings of the 2009 Electronic Components and Technology Conference, p. 1080-1085
Paper in proceeding

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