Anders Rasmuson

Showing 150 publications
Parameter sensitivity of a wood chips flow model
Angle of repose of snow: An experimental study on cohesive properties
The role of fine excipient particles in adhesive mixtures for inhalation
Collisional damping of spherical ice particles
A multi-scale model for diffusion of large molecules in steam-exploded wood
Modeling of dry snow adhesion during normal impact with surfaces
Agglomerate breakage and adhesion upon impact with complex-shaped particles
Lattice Boltzmann simulations of diffusion in steam-exploded wood
The morphology of the deposited particles after a wet agglomerate normal surface impact
Using fluorescent probes and FRAP to investigate macromolecule diffusion in steam-exploded wood
A regime map for the normal surface impact of wet and dry agglomerates
An infield study of road snow properties related to snow-car adhesion and snow smoke
Characterization of force networks in a dense high-shear system
Incrustation of wet dirt on glass surfaces through convective drying
Multiscale rheophysics of nearly jammed granular flows in a high shear system
Mechanistic study of microstructural deformation and stress in steam-exploded softwood
A compartmental CFD-PBM model of high shear wet granulation
Numerical modeling of adhesive particle mixing
Lattice Boltzmann simulations of diffusion through native and steam-exploded softwood bordered pits
On continuum modelling of dense inelastic granular flows of relevance for high shear granulation
The exchange of fines between carriers in adhesive particle mixing: A study using DEM simulation
Analysis of Particle Cloud Height Dynamics in a Stirred Tank
Coalescence and agglomeration of individual particles of skim milk during convective drying
Mechanistic time scales in adhesive mixing investigated by dry particle sizing
Continuum modeling of multi-regime particle flows in high-shear mixing
Estimation of the effective diffusion coefficient of water in skim milk during single-drop drying
Exploring drying kinetics and morphology of commercial dairy powders
PEPT Study of Particle Cycle and Residence Time Distributions in a Wurster Fluid Bed
Counter-current spray drying with stream separation: Computational modeling of a noveldryer design
Structural changes in spruce wood during different steps of steam explosion pretreatment
Large Eddy Simulation of the influence of solids on macro instability frequency in a stirred tank
Numerical modelling of breakage and adhesion of loose fine-particle agglomerates
On the continuum modeling of dense granular flow in high shear granulation
On continuum modeling using kinetic-frictional models in high shear granulation
Measurement of Continuous Phase Velocities in a Confined Solid-Liquid Jet Using LDV
Modeling the effect of fiber orientation on local yield stress in flow of pulp suspensions
Chromatographic separation of wood model constituents-Mathematical modeling and parameter estimation
Modeling wood fiber deformation caused by vapor expansion during steam explosion of wood
A simple model for simulation of particle deaggregation of few-particle aggregates
CFD simulation of transient particle mixing in a high shear mixer
Modeling dilute and dense granular flows in a high shear granulator
Mathematical Modeling in Chemical Engineering
Global monitoring of fluidized-bed processes by means of microwave cavity resonances
The rheology of dense granular flows in a disc impeller high shear granulator
Parameter study of a kinetic-frictional continuum model of a disk impeller high-shear granulator
On-off dissociation dynamics of colloidal doublets
Influence of solids on macro-instabilities in a stirred tank
Flow of concentrated fiber suspensions over a backward facing step studied using LDA
An experimental study of the turbulent mixing layer in concentrated fiber suspensions.
Characterization and mathematical modelling of single fluidised particle coating
Near wall effects in the plug flow of pulp suspensions
Mathematical Modeling of Heat, Mass, and Momentum Transport in MDF Fiber Drying
Fluid dynamics simulation of the high shear mixing process
CFD modelling of the Wurster bed coater.
Drying kinetics and equilibrium moisture content of MDF fibres
Ice sublimation in vial lyophilization.
Ultrasound velocity profile (UVP) measurements of pulp suspension flow near the wall.
Process Analytical Technology - a bridging concept
Near wall studies of pulp suspension flow using PIV
LDA measurements of near wall powder velocities in a high shear mixer
A dispersion force approach to modelling the effect of lift forces on fibre dispersion
Heat and mass transfer in U-bend of a pneumatic conveying dryer
Hydrodynamic properties of a confined solid-liquid jet evaluated using PIV and CFD
Applying spectral peak area analysis in near-infrared spectroscopy moisture assays
Measurement of the velocity field and frictional properties of wet masses in a high shear mixer
Scale-up behaviour of square flocculation tanks using PIV and image analysis
A computational investigation of non-istothermal gas-solid flow in a U-bend
Near wall studies of pulp suspension flow using LDA
Flow regimes of air suspensions of MDF fibres in vertical flow
A Volume-Based Multi-Dimensional Population Balance Approach for Modelling High Shear Granulation
A comparative study of UVP and LDA techniques for pulp suspensions in pipe flow
PIV measurements in a liquid-liquid system at volume percentages up to ten percent dispersed phase
Measurement of the particle movement in the fountain region of a Wurster type bed
Flow instabilities, energy levels and structure in stirred tanks
Some aspects on gas-solid flow in a U-bend: Numerical investigation
High shear wet granulation modelling - a mechanistic approach using population balances
Empirical to mechanistic modelling in high shear granulation
A method to determine pulp mixing quality
LDA-measurements of liquid velocities in a refractive index matched packed bubble column
A new device for coating single particles under controlled conditions
Numerical assessment of gas-solid flow in a U-bend.
PIV measurements of velocities and concentrations of wood fibres in pneumatic transport.
The yield stress of gas/liquid/fibre suspensions.
The two-phase flow in an axially stirred vessel investigated using phase-Doppler anemometry.
LDA measurements on a turbulent gas/liquid/fibre suspension.
Finite element analysis of three dimensional fibre networks.
In situ near-infrared spectroscopy monitoring of the lyophilization process.
Heat transfer in vial lyophilization.
Transition modelling of pulp suspensions applied to a pressure screen.
A new correlation for the onset of fluidisation of pulp suspensions.
Finite element analysis of contact forces in three dimensional non-bonded fibre networks.
Numerical simulation of the two-phase flow in an axially stirred vessel.
Liquid dispersion and gas hold-up in packed bubble columns at atmospheric pressure.
Flow measurements on a turbulent fibre suspension by Laser Doppler Anemometry.
The influence of some fibre and solution properties on pulp fibre friction.
Characterisation of fibre suspensions using X-ray computed tomography and image analysis.
The network strength of non-flocculated fibre suspensions with continuous length distributions.
The agitation of pulp suspensions with a jet nozzle agitator.
The release of monoterpenes during convective drying of wood chips.
The yield stress of pulp suspensions – The influence of fibre properties and processing conditions.
A comparison of the hydrodynamics of open and closed stirred vessels.
Steam drying of wood chips in pneumatic conveying dryers.
The influence of the drying medium on high temperature convective drying of single wood chips.
Dry and wet friction of single pulp and synthetic fibres,
Mathematical model of a pneumatic conveying dryer.
High temperature convective drying of wood chips with air and superheated steam.
Some aspects of the modelling of wood chips drying in superheated steam.
Formation of organic compounds in superheated steam drying of bark chips.
Mathematical model of superheated steam drying of wood chips and other hygroscopic porous media.
Displacement washing of lime mud: tailing effects
Flash drying of wood chips in superheated steam.
Moisture equilibrium of wood and bark chips in superheated steam.
Design of solar-dehumidification wood drying kiln characterized by high-capacity and temperature.
Numerical simulation of turbulent flow of agitated liquid with pitched blade impeller.
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Showing 7 research projects
Sensor Cleaning - Virtuell verktyg för att säkerställa tillgängligheten av AD sensorsystem
Modellering av radarförblindning i extrema snöförhållanden
Dry coating in dense particulate high-shear systems
Sustainable small scale production of energy from biomass waste products
Wet granulation in dense particulate high-shear systems