Gaetano Sardina
Gaetano Sardina is a Professor at the division of fluid mechanics working at the interface between mechanical engineering and environmental sciences. Examples of research projects include the problem of urban heat island effects and the microplastic transport in marine environments. In 2023, he received an ERC Consolidator grant to investigate the effects of turbulence in mixed-phase clouds, complex atmospheric three-phase systems containing suspended ice particles, supercooled water droplets, and water vapor, responsible for most of the precipitations reaching the Earth’s surface.

Showing 41 publications
A comprehensive lift force model for deformable bubbles rising in moderate shear flows
Oceanic realistic application of a microplastic biofouling model to the river discharge case
Collisions among elongated settling particles: The twofold role of turbulence
How surface modifications enhance vertical falling film evaporation
Lagrangian Supersaturation Fluctuations at the Cloud Edge
Experimental evaluation of black liquor carbonation for carbon dioxide capture
The passive scalar spectrum of bubble-induced turbulence
Assessing passive scalar dynamics in bubble-induced turbulence using direct numerical simulations
The shear-induced lift force on freely moving and deformable bubbles
The passive scalar spectrum in turbulent bubble suspensions
Addressing wind comfort in an urban area using an immersed boundary framework
A multiscale methodology for small-scale bubble dynamics in turbulence
Validation of an immersed boundary framework for urban flows
Modelling the direct virus exposure risk associated with respiratory events
The lift force on deformable and freely moving bubbles in linear shear flows
Solids back-mixing in the transport zone of circulating fluidized bed boilers
Assessment of hindered diffusion in arbitrary geometries using a multiphase DNS framework
Key parameters for droplet evaporation and mixing at the cloud edge
Estimating time and length scales of indirect transmission of respiratory diseases
The Knudsen Paradox in Micro-Channel Poiseuille Flows with a Symmetric Particle
Water transport and absorption in pharmaceutical tablets – a numerical study
On the time scales and structure of Lagrangian intermittency in homogeneous isotropic turbulence
The occurrence of meso-scale structures in bubbly flows
Assessment of pore diffusion in a micro-channel using an immersed boundary method
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Showing 9 research projects
Industrially adapted carbon dioxide capture based on flexible carbonate chemistry
Unraveling the impact of turbulence in Mixed-phase Clouds (MixClouds)
PICTURE: PartICle Transport simulation in URban Environments
Evaporation dynamics of COVID-bearing droplets under different atmospheric conditions
UEQ - simulations, visualizations and evaluations of future sustainable urban environments
Addressing thermal and air quality comfort in future urban design using novel digital tools.
Understanding and modelling bubble-induced turbulence