Sofie Hagejärd
Sofie’s research concerns transitions towards future sustainable homes, with a main focus on circular economy and smart energy networks. Specifically, she is interested in exploring alternative design solutions and business models that can enable less resource intensive everyday lives of households, while also promoting their wellbeing. In the research project The Circular Kitchen, financed by EIT Climate-KIC, she investigates how to apply circular economy strategies in order to achieve a higher resource efficiency over the whole lifespan of the kitchen. In the research project FISMEP, funded by ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems, she focuses on the households’ roles and needs in smart energy systems and what requirements this place on technology and services connected to the home. Sofie holds a MSc in Industrial Design Engineering from Chalmers.
Showing 13 publications
Optimal time recommendation model for home appliances: HSB living lab + dishwasher study
Determining spatial characteristics for circular building design: The case of kitchen alterations
My apartment is cold! Household perceptions of indoor climate and demand-side management in Sweden
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Showing 6 research projects
The circular kitchen 2.0 from prototyp to implementation
The VGR circular kitchen demonstrator (CIK)
FIWARE for Smart Energy Platform (FISMEP)
Visualizing energy use in non-residential building